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161. Topica Email List Directory We explore such topics such as magick and the Deities that are worshipped in Celticpaganism. Neopaganism This list is for the discussion of Pagan Ethics. http://www.topica.com/dir/?cid=323 |
162. Enchanted Oak Pagan Resources Information and resources on magick, witchcraft, wicca, wiccan ethics, paganism, sabbat recipes, spells, and rituals, with articles and recent news updates. http://www.ytown.com/oak/bos.shtml |
163. Compare Prices And Read Reviews On Body, Mind Spirit Epinions has the best comparison shopping information on Compare Prices and ReadReviews on Body, Mind Spirit Spirituality / paganism Books at Epinions.com. http://www.epinions.com/Books-Body_Mind_and_Spirit-subcategory-Spirituality_and_ |
164. Powell's Books - Metaphysics-Magic Witchcraft And Paganism Metaphysics Magic Witchcraft and paganism There are 2071 books in this aisle. FeaturedTitles in MetaphysicsMagic Witchcraft and paganism Page 1 of 61 next. http://www.powells.com/subsection/MetaphysicsMagicWitchcraftandPaganism.html |
165. Pagan Spirituality And Religious Tolerance Within this area of the Mysts, you will find information on variouscomponents within the practices of paganism. As I am (and always http://www.vampyra.com/pagan/pagan1.htm |
166. Introduction To Paganism INTRODUCTION TO paganism AND NEOpaganism. Witchcraft and Wicca andDoreen Valiente. DEFINITION WHAT IS paganism AND NEO-paganism? http://www.tylwythteg.com/PaganPage/intro.html |
167. Okana's Polish And Slavic Paganism Includes essays on Zaduszki (Polish Day of the Dead); Folk Customs; Polish Wedding Customs; Polish paganism; faery tales; an online oracular divination; Polish proverbs; a Bookstore; and links. http://www.okana.net/page.html |
168. Guardian Unlimited Special Reports Paganism paganism Wednesday October 30, 2002 Background and beliefs paganism encompassesseveral spiritual movements, many of which predate the major religions. http://www.guardian.co.uk/religion/Story/0,2763,714696,00.html |
169. Esoteric Theological Seminary Offers courses and degrees in paganism, asatru, magik, and a variety of other esoteric subjects. http://northernway.org/ |
170. A Pagan Place The stone walls which surround us May your spirit fly round themLike the wind from the sea - Shriekback, Cradle Song It took http://www.kilireth.freeserve.co.uk/paganism.html |
171. Dispelling The Nazi Curse On Germanic Paganism An essay by John C. Mayer, M.A., debunking the perceived connection between Germanic paganism and Nazism. http://www.connectionsjournal.com/files/archives/highlights/nazicurse.html |
172. Microsoft BCentral - SurfPoint SurfPoint Home Culture Religion Religions and Beliefs paganism. Clickfor Info, Agona Darkeagles Pagan Site A educational page about paganism. http://www.surfpoint.com/Culture_Religion/Religions_and_Beliefs/Paganism/ |
173. Pagans In Interfaith Dialogue Reports from Frew at the Parliament of World Religions, at which he represented witchcraft and paganism. http://www.cog.org/pwr/don.htm |
174. Paganism And Myths Of Creation fireheart number 6. paganism and Myths of Creation. A Ritual of Transformation.by Walter Wright Arthen. In the beginning These http://www.earthspirit.org/fireheart/fhpmyth.html |
175. Devotional Site To The Norse God Tyr History of Norwegian paganism as well as background for the god Tyr. http://www.xenoscience.com/pixie/tyr |
176. New York State Witches Information about Wicca and paganism, local contacts throughout the state, and pagan links on the Web. http://www.witch.drak.net/nyswitches/ |
177. Raven Online Traditionalist Norse Pagan Homepage. Information on Norse paganism including Asatru Today magazine and Ravenbok, a complete book on the faith, and the Raven Kindred Association, an organization of kindreds. http://www.webcom.com/lstead/ |
178. Path Of A Single Flame Explores the realms of Odin and Norse paganism from scientific, philosophical and logical viewpoint. http://einfia.tripod.com/EinFiaSti/ |
179. Pagan Federation A UK organization promoting awareness and acceptance of paganism in Europe and the world. http://www.paganfed.demon.co.uk/ |
180. Anastasius The Librarian The Genuine Acts Of Peter, Bishop Of Alexandria, And Ma Translated from the Latin. Story of the last great martyr of Egypt under paganism. http://www.ccel.org/fathers2/ANF-06/anf06-99.htm |
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