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41. Mennonites Of Manitoba mennonites of Manitoba, Series Information. Sixtythousand mennonites nowlive along a band of fertile land hugging the Canadian-American border. http://www.prairiepublic.org/education/pstv/titles/manitoba.htm | |
42. MENNONITE ORIGINS MENNONITE ORIGINS AND THE mennonites OF EUROPE. By Harold S. Bender. A. The Soilof the Mennonite Faith. CHAPTER 1. CHAPTER 3. The Beginning of the Swiss mennonites. http://www.bibleviews.com/menno-heritage.html | |
43. MLA Homepage The mennonites. A Brief Guide to Information. Contents one's possessionson its behalf. mennonites Today. The unique historical roots http://www.bethelks.edu/services/mla/guide/ | |
44. BC :: About Mennonites The mennonites. Bethel College is affiliated with the Mennonite ChurchUSA. The mennonites trace their origins mennonites on the Web. http://www.bethelks.edu/mennonites.php | |
45. MCON - About Mennonites The Mennonite Church of Normal, Illinois provides this basic information about mennonitesand their beliefs. Home mennonites. 1 million members in 61 countries. http://www.normalmennonite.com/about/mennonites.shtml | |
46. About The Mennonites mennonites are accountable to one another to live by the Christian principles inthe New Testament; following Jesus in discipleship, worship, taking the Bible http://boulder.co.us.mennonite.net/about_the_mennonites.html | |
47. The Mennonites' Dirty Little Secret - Christianity Today Magazine The mennonites' Dirty Little Secret. The followers he left behindknown asMennists or mennonites as early as 1542-were not altogether unified. http://www.christianitytoday.com/ct/6tb/6tb044.html | |
48. Mennonites mennonites 16th Century - The descendants of the ancient Waldenses so called fromMenno Simon, a reformer who was born in Holland in 1496 and died in 1561. http://www.religion-portal.com/ReligionFinder/religions/Mennonites.htm | |
49. What Mennonites Believe... What mennonites Believe Many people who visit the Mennonite InformationCenter, ask, Just what do mennonites really believe? . http://mennoniteinfoctr.tripod.com/index/id24.html | |
50. What Is The Difference Between Amish & Mennonites? What Is The Difference Between Amish mennonites? They have the a centurylater. Today mennonites can be found all over the world. http://mennoniteinfoctr.tripod.com/index/id9.html | |
51. Family Names Of The Prussian Mennonites Family Names of the Prussian mennonites Compiled by Adalbert Goertz.In 1940 Gustav E.Reimer (19161979) of Heubuden (1), West Prussia http://www.mmhs.org/int/reimer.htm | |
52. Deutsch-Michalin Mennonites Translate this page Deutsch-Michalin mennonites Adalbert Goertz. The earliest Mennonite settlement inRussia started in Deutsch-Michalin in 1787, a few years prior to Chortitza. http://www.mmhs.org/russia/michalin.htm | |
53. Mennonites Translate this page Les mennonites. Les mennonites sont XVI e siècle). 1 La doctrine. Lesmennonites vivent en collectivités ou communautés autonomes. http://www.tlfq.ulaval.ca/axl/amsudant/mennonites.htm | |
54. Who Are The Mennonites? Who are the mennonites? A Today, this group, originally called the BeachyAmish, is now becoming known as the Beachy mennonites. A http://www.mailbag.com/users/ssrat/who.htm | |
55. Mennonites encyclopediaEncyclopedia mennonites, men'nunIts Pronunciation Key. mennonites, descendants of the Dutch and Swiss evangelical Anabaptists of the 16th cent. http://www.infoplease.com/ce6/society/A0832697.html | |
56. Mennonites A separate page has been devoted to the mennonites who lived in the Crimea for themain reason that there are at present, no church records available for these http://www.icehouse.net/debbie/html/mennonites.html | |
57. The Mennonites The mennonites. The mennonites are named after Menno Simons, a Dutchpriest who was converted to Anabaptism in 1536. The Anabaptists http://www.cmu.ca/calendar/intro/menno.html |
58. Who Are The Mennonites? Who Are The mennonites? On any Sunday you will find mennonites gatheredfor worship in about 61 countries around the world. With http://www.deepruneast.org/believe.html | |
59. Brethren Mennonite Council: What Are Brethren And Mennonites? Who are Brethren and mennonites? Brethren and mennonites do Where DidBrethren And mennonites Come From? Both Brethren and mennonites http://www.webcom.com/bmc/breth-menno.html | |
60. Anabaptist Bookstore: What Mennonites Believe Anabaptist Bookstore presents What mennonites Believe who mennonites areand what they stand for. . . What mennonites Believe, JC Wenger. $5.00. http://www.anabaptistbooks.com/catalog/titles/137.shtml | |
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