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Dunkards: more books (43) |
61. Hygiene's 'healthy' Past Gives Way To Rural Ways Hygiene is about 2 miles northwest of Longmont. The Brethren were known as dunkardsbecause they immersed newly baptized members three times in water. http://www.broomfieldnews.com/extra/almanac/hygiene.html | |
62. Chapman in 1775. Mary Summers was the daughter of Joseph Summers, a patriarchof the nearby Tunker (or dunkards) settlement. Because of http://www.fdu.com/family/chapmansummerscem.htm | |
63. The Cripe Line In 1765, Jacob and his family joined the settlement of dunkards at Franktown,Pennsylvania (seven miles southwest of Altoona, Pa) Jacob had 150 acres in http://jimlong.net/genealogy/cripe.html | |
64. German Keithleys and other points on the Continent. Many of these Marian Exiles becameBaptist Bretheren (dunkards). Queen Elizabeth came to the http://www.keathleywebs.com/keathley/german.html | |
65. N.P. Ry. Tell Tale Extra: Madison Square Garden: NP Country Considerable colonization work was also done with churches and religioussects, such as the dunkards. One of the most outstanding http://www.employees.org/~davison/nprha/tteimmigration.html | |
66. Untitled That was the main disagreement between us dunkards and you Jakie Moyer's Leit. Inthose days, apparently, there was a great revival among the dunkards. http://www.bfchistory.org/files/kulp2 | |
67. Untitled Jacob H. Moyer, son of Jacob L. Moyer who was born in 1808 and diedin 1887, and of Sarah Heckler, who were dunkards at Indian Creek. http://www.bfchistory.org/files/kulp1 | |
68. Bob's Ancestor, Henry Kintzi (Kinzey) Of Frederick Co., Maryland In the early 1700s, the dunkards, or German Baptists, were being widely persecutedin western Germany and Switzerland for their supposedly threatening anti http://www.rochester.infi.net/~rwhend/BobsancestorH.Kintzi.html | |
69. Obituary Of John C. Metsker, Douglas County, KSGenWeb Digital Library was Mr. Metsker, and he came to Kansas bringing with him all the faith in his creed,determined to live the life set down by the prophets of the dunkards. http://skyways.lib.ks.us/genweb/archives/douglas/obits/jmetsker.htm | |
70. Tuscarawas County, Ohio History 1, stands an old frame Union Church, which was built about 1844, through the combinedefforts of the Lutherans, United Brethren, dunkards and Winebrennerians http://www.heritagepursuit.com/Tuscarawas/TuscarawasHDover.htm | |
71. Dunkards Similar pages EarlyKimmel-gen These plain people (dunkards) were so persecuted in Germany that they were forcedto hold their meetings in hiding, and after moving from one place to another http://pt.slider.com/enc/16000/Dunkards.htm | |
72. Studebaker, The Wagon Business The Studebakers, for the most part, were devout dunkards 10 and did not participatedirectly in the war but they had no objection to accepting government http://studebaker100.com/stu/Pg1/ | |
73. D In Society > Religion And Spirituality Top categories Daoism@ (498); Disciples of Christ@ (1,314); Discordian@(41). Druid@ (129); dunkards@ (48); Dzog Chen@ (10). S. earch. Find D on http://ilectric.com/browse/web/Society/Religion_and_Spirituality/D/ | |
74. Pennsylvania History Day Topics relating to similar religious groups located in Lancaster and Chester Counties, includingthe Moravians (United Brethren), Schwenkfelders, dunkards (Church of http://www.phmc.state.pa.us/bah/dam/hdaytopics.htm | |
75. Dunkards Similar pages I23656 Thelma BERBERIAN by Mrs. Merlyn Bowman.) !The Reformed Baptists, or better known as the dunkards,have been identified with the history of this township for nearly fifty years. http://cz.slider.com/enc/16000/Dunkards.htm | |
76. Dunkards Similar pages nl.slider.com/enc/16000/dunkards.htm Similar pages John WInebrenner Founder, Reformer, and Businessman. It was probably the United Brethren in Christ, or perhaps the dunkards or Mennonites,who first introduced Winebrenner to the practice of feetwashing at a camp http://se.slider.com/enc/16000/Dunkards.htm | |
77. History Of The Churches Of God [Division I. Chapter I. 1797-1820.] The principal denominations thus early established in Pennsylvania and the bordercounties of Maryland were the dunkards, the Mennonites, the Moravians, the http://www.mun.ca/rels/restmov/texts/believers/forneyhcg/FHCG101.HTM | |
78. Dunkards Similar pages dk.slider.com/enc/16000/dunkards.htm Similar pages de.slider.com/enc/16000/dunkards.htm Similar pages religion this group. The term is still used today by two minor conservativeorders, Old Order dunkards and the Dunkard Brethren. The mode http://fr.slider.com/enc/16000/Dunkards.htm | |
79. Wittgenstein Genealogy Home Page They were the core of the dunkards, an important sect within the movement ofGerman Brethren. Wittgenstein was also home to a small population of Jews. http://www.riedesel.org/wittpage.html | |
80. Brethren Groups Fellowship of Grace Brethren Churches Old German Baptist Brethren, Old 'Order'German Baptist Brethren Tunkers, Tunkards, Dunkers, dunkards Ephrata Cloister http://www.peninsulagrace.org/gracebrethren/cob/groups.htm | |
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