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121. Christian Science - Religious Contexts Historical religious contexts of Mark Twain's essays and book on christian science,including the Mind Cure movement he appreciated, a history of Christian http://www.boondocksnet.com/twainwww/cs_contexts.html |
122. Spiritual Healing Program Directory of SW broadcast schedules for christian science radio programs devoted entirely to spiritual Healing, in multiple languages. http://swbdrec.freeservers.com/sntwklyrev/stationary/scheddir.html |
123. Christian Science Monitor - Give Subscription Gifts christian science Monitor gift subscriptions at discount and easy, convenientonline ordering. christian science Monitor Discount Subscriptions. http://www.giftsandmagazines.com/christiansciencemonitor.htm |
124. Adherents.com Christian Science Statistics on US States with most christian science branches; US States with highest concentration Category Society Religion and Spirituality christian science......The Largest christian science Communities. Last updated 8 March 2000. Top 10US states with highest concentrations of christian science churches, 1990. http://www.adherents.com/largecom/com_chrsci.html |
125. Jhupbooks.com History Christian Science On Trial christian science ON TRIAL Religious Healing in America Rennie B. Schoepflin. Acknowlegdements.Introduction. PART 1 The World of christian science Healers. http://www.press.jhu.edu/press/books/titles/f02/f02scch.htm |
126. Publications A. Accountable plan; Administrators. C. Cantors; christian science,Practitioners; christian science, readers; christian science, Readers; http://www.irs.gov/formspubs/page/0,,id=11762,00.html |
127. US Shelters Swell - With Families Recession and Sept. 11 are causing more homelessness, which may echo '80s crisis. From the christian science Monitor. http://www.csmonitor.com/2001/1129/p1s1-ussc.html |
128. Christian Science In British Columbia, Canada Provides information concerning churches, christian science college organizations, and events related Category Society Religion and Spirituality Local Churches......Current information on the christian science activities in British Columbia includingtimes and locations of church services, christian science Reading Rooms http://www.christianscience.bc.ca/ |
129. The Christian Science Monitor The christian science Monitor. August 10, 1981. Case Against and strategy.COPYRIGHT 1981 THE christian science PUBLISHING SOCIETY. http://www.clw.org/pub/clw/scoville/csm-081081.html |
130. EContent Xtra, May 22, 2002 (www.thomson.com). Top. CCC's Rightslink Permissions Added to VNUeMedia and christian science Monitor Sites. Copyright Clearance http://www.econtentmag.com/ecxtra/2002/5_22.html |
131. Actor Turns New Page As The Family Man Interview from the christian science Monitor by Bonnie Churchill. http://csmonitor.com/2001/1019/p18s1-alip.html |
132. Ino?.Ru Christian Science Monitor The summary for this Russian page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. http://www.inosmi.ru/issues/69.html |
133. COMTEX Announces Partnerships With The Christian Science Monitor COMTEX Announces Partnerships with The christian science Monitor, InmanNews, MidnightTrader. COMTEX News Network, Inc. has announced http://www.infotoday.com/it/apr01/news5.htm |
134. 'Living Wage' Laws Gain Momentum Across US A new study shows higher incomes from 'living wage' outweigh the cost in job losses. From the christian science Monitor. http://www.csmonitor.com/2002/0315/p01s02-usec.html |
135. U.S. Missile Defense Drifting Off Target An article by Jonathan S. Landay of The christian science Monitor citing criticism, setbacks and costoverruns of the U.S. Army's THAAD and Patriot3, and the U.S. Navy's Theater Wide missile defense systems. http://www.csmonitor.com/durable/1998/03/26/us/us.1.html |
136. Christians In Science UK based organization for christian scientists and students. Includes articles, conference details, newsletter, and membership details. http://www.cis.org.uk/ |
137. Conflicts Between Science And Religion Overview of several areas of controversy, primarily involving christian beliefs and Judeochristian traditions, from ReligiousTolerance.org. http://www.religioustolerance.org/sci_rel.htm |
138. Evidence For God From Science Provides evidence for christian doctrine and the truth of the Bible through information on the design of the universe, evolution, and answers to common atheist challenges. http://www.godandscience.org/ |
139. The Christian Ideology Forum The defense of the christian religion through science, logic, experience, history, and philosophy. Several pages of evidence from a variety of perspectives. http://www.angelfire.com/mn2/cif/index.html |
140. Christian Reform Ministry Site stressing the importance of religious tolerance, dealing with current social issues, creationism and integration of science with Biblical practice. http://www.angelfire.com/ks/creation/index.html |
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