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61. History Approximately 1500 years ago, an Indian monk called Boddidharma traveledto China and brought with him the teachings of chan buddhism. http://www.cobrakaikungfu.com/History.htm | |
62. What Is Zen? Many Japanese went to study in China, and eventually, chan buddhismwas brought to Japan by a monk named Eisai in the 13th century. http://www.logoi.com/notes/whatis_zen.html | |
63. Internal Arts: ShaolinFAQ chan buddhism was less strict and adopted more of the existing Chinesebeliefs, making it more palletable to the Chinese people. http://qi-journal.com/Taiji.asp?-token.SearchID=ShaolinFAQ |
64. Department Of History Home Page Seminary, Retreat Short Attention Span Zen Sixth Patriarch Zen Center SonomaMountain Zen Center The Seventh World of chan buddhism Serene Reflection http://www.etsu.edu/cas/history/buddhism.htm | |
65. Unsaved:///newpage2.htm The Schools of Buddhism in China. Chinese chan buddhism 1. chan buddhismis a new idea contributed by Chinese. 1.1. Why did Chan become popular? http://puffin.creighton.edu/yuan/Buddhism/Online-notes/Chan2. htm.htm | |
66. History What is chan buddhism? Buddhism was born in Nepal about 2500 years ago.It Chan is the spiritual parent of Japanese Zen Buddhism. The http://www.usashaolintemple.com/history_philosophy.html | |
67. The Shaolin Temple The Past And Present - Over 1500 Years Of It was said that during this period Bodhidharma reached enlightenment andfrom it developed a new sect of Buddhism known as chan buddhism. http://www.liuinstitute.com/masterliu/shaolin_temple_article.html | |
68. Damogb What, later on became his school in China, chan buddhism (later on called Zen Buddhismin Japan), was a Chinese misrepresentation of the concept dhyana . http://knudtaichi.tripod.com/damogb.htm | |
69. Description Dharma Talks are specifically oriented toward chan buddhism, the Chinese Schoolof Zen that stresses NonAttachment and Tranquil Mind as a direct Path to http://www.emptycloud.org/description.html | |
70. Chan Meditation Centre In Melboune today. He has received transmission in both major sects of chan buddhism,the Linchi (Rinzai) and Tsaotung (Toto) schools. To meet http://www.bdcu.org.au/BDDR/bddr12no1/shengyen.html | |
71. Nanhua Temple's Application For World Cultural Heritage Listing Supported The creation of chan buddhism is the greatest event in China? 2000yearhistory of Buddhism. Huineng is the leader of chan buddhism. http://test.china.org.cn/english/2003/Jan/52722.htm | |
72. Shaolin Jee Shin Wing Chun Kung Fu - Shaolin Temple Taoist scriptures. The Monks were also skilled in translating IndianBuddhist's scriptures and chan buddhism into Chinese. Soon the http://www.shaolinjeeshinwingchun.com.au/shaolin.htm | |
73. Luoyang,Regent Tour China Sights Attractions Other Historical Spots. Shaolin Temple, a SacredPlace of Wushu and chan buddhism. Shaolin Temple in Dengfeng http://www.regenttour.com/chinaplanner/lya/lya-sights-shaolin.htm | |
74. Ancient Way: Taoism Zen Buddhism, in Japan, developed from chan buddhism in China. ChanBuddhism was influenced to some degree by Taoism, and Taoism http://www.ancientway.com/Pages/Taoism.html | |
75. USSD Official Web Site Chan. chan buddhism, which is called Zen in Japan, teaches the conceptof gradual practice and sudden enlightenment. Previous schools http://www.ussd.com/lineagebegin.asp | |
76. Chinese_model NeoConfucianism synthesized early Sung interest in chan buddhism(Zen Buddhism in Japan) with simplified but stricter Confucianism. http://www.mcps.k12.md.us/schools/wjhs/depts/AP/apworld/foundations/chinese_mode | |
77. Kungfu Magazine: E-Zine Feature Article This is the second part of the article begun in the May/June 2001 issue ofKungfuQigong. Part I explores the origins of Tao and chan buddhism. http://ezine.kungfumagazine.com/ezine/article.php?article=198 |
78. Our History While in Shaolin temple the religion of chan buddhism and the practice of qigongwere integrated with the combat techniques to create a complete training http://www.shaolindynasty.itgo.com/id4.htm | |
79. CHOICE Magazine | About Choice Magazine 356173 BQ9262 97-9658 CIP. Faure, Bernard. The will to orthodoxya critical genealogy of Northern chan buddhism. Stanford, 1997. http://www.ala.org/acrl/choice/35-6173.html | |
80. Chan And Zen Buddhism A compilation of important links to materials for the study of chan and Zen buddhism, primarily for the use of college students. http://online.sfsu.edu/~rone/Buddhism/zen.html | |
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