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81. Asatru, Odinism, Germanic Heathenism, Paganism: Criticism celtic' paganism; witchcraft. Asatru und Wicca; Wicca, Silvio Gesell Wirtschaft,und Rechte; Satanism and the History of Wicca; by Satanist Diana Vera; http://www.stelling.nl/simpos/asatru.htm | |
82. What Is Wicca, Witchcraft And Paganism what Wicca is. Blessed Be! Herne Copyright © The celtic Connection,wicca.com. All rights reserved Next Wicca Index Main Index. http://www.wicca.com/celtic/wicca/wicca.htm | |
83. UK Pagan Links - Come And Explore Paganism In The UK! Search here , More search options. You're viewing the celtic category. Sub categoriesNon UK (6) Sites following celtic traditions but outside the UK. Links http://www.ukpaganlinks.co.uk/links/Celtic/ | |
84. Celtic Neo-Paganism celtic Neopaganism celtic Neo-paganism is celtic Religion reinventedfor modern times. celtic Wicca is considered a neo-paganism http://celtdigital.org/CeltNeo.html | |
85. My Favorite Celtic Links The following sites are chock full of information regarding all aspects of celticpaganism. Imbas An incredible site on celtic Reconstructionist paganism. http://www.joellessacredgrove.com/celticlinks.html | |
86. Lady Tia's Pages Of Paganism And The Celtic Faith Not all areas are complete at this time but under construction. paganism.Wicca/Witta. celtic Lunar Zodiac. Sabbats. Chakras. Tantra. Moon Phases. Tarot. http://www.ladytia.com/celt/ | |
87. Paganism homepage on to the index, there is a page named Triskele celtic Tradition which whohas spent some time reading up, or learning in other ways, about paganism. http://homepages.which.net/~michael.millett/index-page55.html | |
88. Celtic Reconstructionist Paganism (The Cauldron: A Pagan Forum) Information on celtic Reconstructionist paganism. The Cauldron is celticReconstructionist paganism. celtic Reconstructionism is http://www.ecauldron.com/reconcelt.php | |
89. Cyberfae [ LIBRARY ] Fairy-Faith In Celtic Countries -- Testimony Of Paganism (S 421. (dolmens, tumuli, and alignements), in celtic countries and elsewhere, havetheir (5) How Christianity was shaped by paganism is nowhere clearer than in http://www.cyberfae.com/library/eb_ffcc380.html | |
90. 1Witch.Com Pagan Directory : Paganism : Celtic 1Witch.Com Pagan Directory paganism celtic. paganism celtic. Help Us Build the Best Pagan Directory Online! http://www.1witch.com/directory/Paganism/Celtic/ | |
91. Why I Don't Like CRP-celtic Recon Paganism! Why I don't like celtic Reconstructionalist paganism. It seems I havebeen under the gun lately because it seems I am Bashing CRPism. http://stormraven-cairnnet.tripod.com/Tuatha.html | |
92. Angels And Goddesses: Celtic Christianity & Paganism In Ancient Britain Insight Metaphysical Bookstore Angels And Goddesses celtic Christianity paganism In Ancient Britain. White Background Qty SEARCH http://www.insight-books.com/new/1898307032.html | |
93. Wicca And Paganism - Tarot - Celtic Cross Spread celtic Cross Spread. This is maybe one of the most famous spreads, and to me,one of the most useful to get a general view on a person or a sitaution. http://www.puertasdebabel.com/wicca/tarot2/spcross.htm | |
94. Witchcraft Of Wales, Cymry Wicca And Celtic Neopaganism The home of Welsh Witchcraft and Cymry Wiccae. Contains an introduction to Gwyddon Cymry or Welsh Category Society Religion and Spirituality Traditions Welsh...... It will help them understand paganism and the Occult. It will also help them stayout of trouble. celtic Crystal Magick (vol 1), celtic Crystal Magick (vol 2). http://www.tylwythteg.com/ | |
95. The Temple: Library: Index By Subject By Lynna Landstreet. alt.horror.werewolves newsgroup, Fri, Sep 10, 1999. celticPaganism. Program of Study for celtic Pagans. By Alexei Kondratiev. http://www.wildideas.net/temple/library/ | |
96. Seasonings - A Witch's Journal - Pagan, Witchcraft, Celtic Paganism On The Web A Witch's Journal. http://members.aol.com/redselchie/seasonings.html | |
97. De Danaan The following is abody of traditional laws, customs, and wisdoms held by our celtic ancestors....... A Compilation of Triads by John Wright (1995) http://www.dedanaan.com/xp/modules/mylinks/viewcat.php?op=&cid=20 |
98. Druid Celtic Druidry Basic information on modern and historical Druidry and celtic reconstruction, plus information for Category Society Religion and Spirituality Pagan celtic Druidism...... Alternative Religions. Historical Druids Sources for ancient celticPaganism, Druidry, and related areas. Druid Organizations Groves http://altreligion.about.com/cs/druidry/ | |
99. Relationship Among Christianity, Ancient Celtic Beliefs And Wicca Some critics maintain that Gardnerian Witchcraft had no link to ancient CelticPaganism, but was totally a creation of Gardiner. More details. Wicca today http://www.religioustolerance.org/wic_chr.htm | |
100. Strange Directory - Celtic The Alternative Directory http://www.worldofalternatives.com/harmonics/links/celtic.html | |
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