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21. Biblical Evidence For Catholicism Purchase A Biblical Defense of catholicism Wholesale. FOLLOWUP BOOKPurchase More Biblical Evidence for catholicism Wholesale. http://www.biblicalcatholic.com/ | |
22. Welcome To Catholic.net Directories, along with online versions of several Catholic magazines.Category Society Religion and Spirituality catholicism Reference......GLOBAL CATHOLIC NEWS Military Intervention in Iraq Would Be a Crime, Says VaticanOfficial VATICAN CITY, MARCH 17, 2003 (Zenit.org). The president of the http://www.catholic.net/ | |
23. FAQ's Concerning Roman Catholicism Access all online information about Roman catholicism available throughChick Publications' web site. Information on Roman catholicism. http://www.chick.com/information/religions/catholicism/ | |
24. Eastern Orthodox Resources Writings of the ancient church fathers, historical quotes, discussion of Orthodox spirituality and family issues, catholicism and Protestantism, and Church canon law. http://orthodox.truepath.com/ | |
25. Roman Catholicism Exposed! - Catholic Catechism And The Pope Vs. The King James Contrasts Roman Catholic doctrines with the Bible. http://overseer5.freeyellow.com/ | |
26. Saint Benedict Center - Home Saint Benedict Center is dedicated to a twofold mission the defense and propagationof the dogma of Faith, extra ecclesiam nulla salus (outside the Church http://www.catholicism.org/default.htm | |
27. A Comparative Look At Catholicism And The Wiccan Religions A comparison of both faiths' yearly cycles. http://www.northco.net/chenke/comp_1.html | |
28. Catholicism And The Old South catholicism and the Old South By Gary Potter. My level. The closera religion is to catholicism, the more of this capacity it has. http://www.catholicism.org/pages/oldsouth.htm | |
29. Simple Catholicism By Fr. Phil Bloom Simple catholicism. This website treats the three most basic questions http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/2964/ | |
30. Patin, Rob Features a short biography and photos. Lists favorite hobbies and favorite links, such as wrestling. Includes a page on catholicism. http://www.rpsports.net/ |
31. Catholicism And The Family My URL http//come.to/cathgrrl V3URL I got it for free at http//come.to.We've moved! Join us at. http//come.to/cathgrrl. and please http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/1284/ | |
33. Catholicism For Dummies Eenvoudig beschreven basiskennis over de RoomsKatholieke Kerk. http://www.christianvanzitteren.nl/catholicism/index.html | |
34. Jesus -is-Lord.com: Jesus Christ Is The ONLY Way To God Opposition to catholicism, New Age, paganism, atheism, Buddhism, the unsaved, and versions of the Bible other than the King James. http://www.jesus-is-lord.com | |
35. Catholicism - Christianity Today Magazine Home Christianity Today Magazine Churches Ministries catholicism DespiteProtestant Growth, Hispanic catholicism Holds Steady in US Younger generations http://www.christianitytoday.com/ctmag/features/churchmin/catholic.html | |
36. Catholic League For Religious And Civil Rights The CLRC fights anticatholicism and is the nation's largest Catholic civil rights organization. Their website contains articles on conflicts between government and the Catholic Church and/or individual Catholics. http://www.catholicleague.org/ | |
37. Despite Protestant Growth, Hispanic Catholicism Holds Steady In U.S. - Christian Home Christianity Today Magazine Churches Ministries catholicism ChristianityToday, Week of February 3 Despite Protestant Growth, Hispanic catholicism http://www.christianitytoday.com/ct/2003/105/53.0.html | |
38. Apologia: The Fullness Of Christian Truth catholicism 101, responses to some common objections, lots of links. http://www.kensmen.com/catholic/ | |
39. Catholicism And Homosexuality Bibliography Homosexuality and catholicism A Partially Annotated Bibliography. HTMLVersion 2.1, September 1997. © Paul Halsall. This bibliography http://www.fordham.edu/halsall/pwh/lgbcathbib.html | |
40. On Bible Truth Information on topics such as catholicism, Brownsville, Freemasonry, Shepherd's Chapel and Christian doctrine from a fundamentalist Pentecostal perspective. http://www.angelfire.com/on/bibletruth/index.html | |
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