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Home - Religion - Baptist Union Of Australia |
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61. The Baptist Churches Of Western Australia Home Page Introduction to the union, staff profiles, youth ministries, and directory of churches. http://members.iinet.net.au/~bapchwa/ |
62. Directory Of Archives In Australia - Baptist Union Of Queensland Directory of Archives in australia baptist union of Queensland, The directory aims to identify the location of archival collections throughout australia. It includes repository name, contact information and details of hours and facilities, access http://www.asap.unimelb.edu.au/asa/directory/data/222.htm | |
63. Directory Of Archives In Australia - Baptist Union Of Queensland Directory of Archives in australia baptist union of Queensland, The directoryaims to identify the location of archival collections throughout australia. http://www.archivists.org.au/directory/data/222.htm | |
64. WebGuest - Open Directory : Society : Religion And Spirituality : B International@ (11); baptist General Conference@ (81); baptist unionof australia@ (14); baptist union of Great Britain@ (54); baptist http://directory.webguest.com/index.cgi/Society/Religion_and_Spirituality/B/ | |
65. The Baptist Union Of Western Australia - Staff Photos Staff Information. PRESIDENT Dr Brian Stone. DIRECTOR OF MINISTRIESPastor Steve Smith, BEc(UWA) BD(MCD) TC. EXECUTIVE SECRETARY TO http://members.iinet.net.au/~bapchwa/staff.html | |
66. Baptist Union Of Victoria - Resources From TEAR Australia baptist union of Victoria Resources Resources from TEAR australia, Author, http://www.buv.com.au/forums/showthread.php?goto=lastpost&forumid=3 |
67. Baptist Union Of Victoria - Resources From TEAR Australia baptist union of Victoria (http//www.buv.com.au/forums/index.php) Resources forums/forumdisplay.php?forumid=3) Resources from TEAR australia (http//www http://www.buv.com.au/forums/printthread.php?threadid=25 |
68. Searchalot Directory For B Bahai (318); baptist (3221); baptist General Conference (82); baptistunion of australia (14); baptist union of Great Britain (48); baptist http://www.searchalot.com/Top/Society/ReligionandSpirituality/B/ | |
69. Flinders St. Baptist Church australian, trained in the baptist Theological College of Victoria and South australia,Neil was ordained by the baptist union ofSouth australia in January http://www.fsbc.asn.au/ministers.htm | |
70. South Australian Baptist Union The baptist union of South australia, the College Board, Principal and teaching staffare fully committed to the supreme authority of Scripture in all matters http://www.sabaptist.asn.au/cgi-bin/burleigh.cgi?3 |
71. South Australian Baptist Union The Library incorporates the Resource Centre, which provides church literatureand other resources to baptist churches in South australia. http://www.sabaptist.asn.au/cgi-bin/burleigh.cgi?13 |
72. Participating Denominations Anglican Diocese of Willochra. Anglican Diocese of Bunbury. Anglican Dioceseof North West australia. baptist union of NSW. baptist union of VIC. http://www.ncls.org.au/pages.asp?page=104&sao=6 |
73. Baptist Churches Conference of Canada; baptist Missionary Association of America; baptistunion of australia; baptist union of Great Britian; baptist union http://www.ecumenism.net/denom/baptist.htm | |
74. BAPTIST CHURCHES IN AUSTRALIA Moore Park Indooroopilly Nambour baptist union of Queensland TASMANIA Penguin baptistChurches of Tasmania SOUTH australia Bellevue Heights Clovercrest Modbur http://ministryblue.com/church-baptist.html | |
75. Endtime Ministries~Despatch Magazine Vol. 8:3 83 p.30 THE baptist union IN australia. Reading the material from the baptistChurch is beginning to be like reading a UN or NWO propaganda sheet. http://www.despatch.cth.com.au/Despatch/vol83_bapt_union.html | |
76. Disclaimer The baptist union of Victoria and Kilvington Girls' Grammar makes no with the laws(including intellectual property laws) of any country outside australia. http://www.baptist-vic.org.au/victoria/disclaim.htm | |
77. Baptist Historical Society Of Queensland Queensland Baptist Forum Index Parker, David baptist union archives a guide ARCHIVES 18 - April 1991. Parker,David baptists in australia by PJ Hughes Book Review 34 - July 1996. http://www.thehub.com.au/~dparker/forumndx.html | |
78. Home Full time Director of Evangelism for the Queensland baptist union, australia,19801989. President of the Queensland baptist union, australia, 1995-1996. http://www.drewkelsoministries.co.uk/home.htm | |
79. Fair Wear - Endorsees Church Social Justice Group of Victoria; baptist union of NSW; Independent Educationunion, NSW; Institute of Sisters of Mercy of australia; Labor Council http://www.awatw.org.au/fairwear/fairwear/endorsees.html | |
80. Your Wedding - Churches In The Parramatta Region Phone (02) 98585881. baptist union Of New South Wales. Phone (02) 9862-8322.Parramatta baptist Church. UNITING CHURCHES. Uniting Church In australia. http://www.yourwedding.com.au/churches/parramatta/ | |
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