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Home - Religion - Baptist Union Of Australia |
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1. Baptist Union Of Australia Official web site. Information about the union, online publications, and diary of events.Category Society Religion and Spirituality......baptist union of australia Australian Capital Territory New South Wales NorthernTerritory Queensland South Australia Tasmania Victoria Western Australia. http://www.baptist.org.au/ | |
2. Christian Baptist Union Of Australia - Denominations/Baptist/Baptist Groups/Bapt On the Christian web All Links Results Editor's Click Here. baptist union of australia. Official web site. http://www.praize.com/engine/Denominations/Baptist/Baptist_Groups/Baptist_Union_ | |
3. Baptist Union Of Australia - Praize Official web site. Information about the union, online publications, and diary of events. http://www.praize.com/engine/info/44905.html | |
4. Outback 2002 Events October 13, 2002. baptist union of australia's Northreach Starting Sunday,February 17, 2002 to Tuesday, December 31, 2002. Beyond and http://events.atwone.com/145.html | |
5. Baptist Union Of Australia Home Page Below is a list of the ministry arms within the baptist union of australia.A further description of each ministry can be found on subsequent pages. http://baptist.org.au/bua.html | |
6. THE BAPTIST UNION OF AUSTRALIA INC THE baptist union of australia INC. The baptist union of australia Incorporated.227 Burwood Road, Hawthorn Vic. Special Note on the baptist union of australia. http://home.pacific.net.au/~dparker/ng-bua.htm | |
7. Baptist Union Of Australia Information Sites Reviewed baptist union of australia sites, by people who know Baptist Unionof Australia and work with baptist union of australia. RELIGIONSorg.com. http://www.religionsorg.com/Christianity/Denominations/Baptist/BaptistGroups/Bap | |
8. Baptists In Australia Baptists in Australia. An outline history of the baptist union of australia. publishedby the baptist union of australia, 1987. © David Parker Sept 1999. http://www.bwa-baptist-heritage.org/bua-sum.htm | |
9. Baptists In Australia According to denominational figures, there were 63,553 members in 826 churches affiliatedwith the baptist union of australia through its member unions in each http://www.bwa-baptist-heritage.org/bap-oz.htm | |
10. THE BAPTIST UNION OF AUSTRALIA INC Access Records are held by both the baptist union of australia and within the Archives of the Baptist Union of Victoria. http://www.bwa-baptist-heritage.org/ng-bua.htm | |
11. Links baptist union of australia. Location. 227 Burwood Road, Hawthorn. Postal Address. BaptistUnion of Australia. Return to Index Baptist Union of New South Wales. http://www.vision.net.au/~butas/Links.html | |
12. Calendar 2001 16th. 9.00am. Council. Thursday. 21st. to. baptist union of australia Board.Tuesday. 26th. Melbourne. December 2002. Tuesday. 24th. Union Office closes forholidays. http://www.vision.net.au/~butas/Calendar.html | |
13. WebGuest - Open Directory : Society : Religion And Spirituality : Christianity : Sites baptist union of australia *Cool Site* Official web site. Informationabout the union, online publications, and diary of events. http://directory.webguest.com/index.cgi/Society/Religion_and_Spirituality/Christ | |
14. Baptist Churches Of Western Australia - Other Related Links Western Australia. baptist union of australia; Baptist Union of Queensland;Baptist Union of New South Wales (includes ACT); Baptist http://members.iinet.net.au/~bapchwa/olink.html | |
15. Directory :: Look.com baptist union of australia (14) See Also. Regional/Oceania Best Bets.baptist union of australia Official web site. Information about http://www.look.com/searchroute/directorysearch.asp?p=580654 |
16. Directory :: Look.com Bahai (318) Baptist (3,205) Baptist General Conference (81) baptist union of australia(14) Baptist Union of Great Britain (48) Baptist Union of Scotland (6 http://www.look.com/searchroute/directorysearch.asp?p=132013 |
17. CMA Australian Ministry Directory Church baptist union of australia. M, The Baptist Union of Victoria, Mr. RobertArnold. Church baptist union of australia. M, The Baptist Union of Victoria, Rev. http://www.cma.au.com/AusMinDB/details.asp?Category=Church&Subcategory=Baptist U |
18. Other Related Links RELATED LINKS. baptist union of australia. baptist union of australian CapitalTerritory. Baptist Union of South Australia. Baptist Union of Victoria. http://www.buq.org.au/links.htm | |
19. Baptist Union Of Australia Superannuation Contact Us Home The Department Site Index Authorised MarriageCelebrants in New South Wales. baptist union of australia http://www.law.gov.au/www/familylawHome.nsf/Web Pages/08D60D4889EB7658CA256B9800 |
20. Recognized Denominations I Faith; Baptist Bible Fellowship of Australia; baptist union of australia,The; Belarusian Autocephalous Orthodox Church in Australia and Abroad; http://www.law.gov.au/WWW/FAMILYLAWHOME.nsf/AllDocs/RWP327818A92EEB1F40CA256BA40 |
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