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1. Yoruba And Akan Art In Wood And Metal: The Doorway View an online catalog of an exhibit held at the Lakeview Museum of Arts and Sciences in Peoria, Illinois. Includes essays and photographs. http://www.fa.indiana.edu/~conner/africart/home.html | |
2. AKAN Hjem Side Nytt fra akan. akan fyller 40 år! Les mer om kursene og om påmelding her.akanprisen 2003 Vil din bedrift få akan-prisen i jubileumsåret? http://www.akan.no/ | |
3. Akan Goldweights Describes the history and mining techniques of these West African peoples. Describes the Asante Kingdom before British colonization. http://www.fa.indiana.edu/~conner/akan/shape.html | |
4. Akan People linguistics, Linguistik, Sprachwissenschaft, language, akan, Twi, Language Learning, African Studies, Afrikanistik, Zurich, Zürich, Zuerich, Schweiz, Switzerland, Suisse Ali akan. "African languages through internet" http://www.uiowa.edu/~africart/toc/people/Akan.html | |
5. Akan akan language related products and information at WorldLanguage.com akan, often called Twi, is one of the Kwa group of NigerCongo Languages. http://www.worldlanguage.com/Languages/Akan.htm | |
6. Akan Cosmology This site describes akan cosmology and illustrates it through traditional akan religious symbols, Category Society Religion and Spirituality African Traditional......akan COSMOLOGY. akan CULTURAL SYMBOLS PROJECT. SAMPLES OF SYMBOLS THAT ENCODEASPECTS OF akan COSMOLOGY. GYE NYAME EXCEPT GOD. GYE NYAME - EXCEPT GOD. http://www.marshall.edu/akanart/akancosmology.html | |
7. Ghanaian Akan Names Ghanaian akan Names. akan is a language mostly spoken in southern Ghana. http://www.fortunecity.com/victorian/carroll/17/akan_names.htm | |
8. Akan Language Bibliography Page - Handbook Of African Language Resources (ASC)(M Overview to the basic books on the akan language and linguistics.Category Science Social Sciences NigerKordofanian akan...... This page has information and facts on the akan language, such as where it is spoken,by whom, and much more. Bookmark this site. An Introduction to akan. http://www.isp.msu.edu/AfrLang/Handbook/Akan-bib.htm | |
9. Valkommen En privat, obunden folkhögskola i centrum av Borgå.Category World Svenska Utbildning Folkhögskolor Finland......Portal till Svenska folkakademins hemsidor http://www.akan.fi/ |
10. Untitled Document Two downloadable sample lessons from the ALI akan CD-ROM.Category Science Social Sciences Niger-Kordofanian akan......Ali akan 2000 Sample Units. Remarks The full course will be distributedon CDROM to avoid the long download time. The sound files http://www.unizh.ch/spw/afrling/aliakan/toc.html | |
11. ¢¦¬Ìz[y[Ww椱»! The summary for this Japanese page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. http://www.town.akan.hokkaido.jp/ |
12. Ethnologue Report For Akan Niger-Congo, Atlantic-Congo, Volta-Congo, Kwa, Nyo, Potou-Tano, Tano, Central, akan. From the Ethnologue Category Science Social Sciences Niger-Kordofanian akan......Language Family Trees. NigerCongo, Atlantic-Congo, Volta-Congo, Kwa,Nyo, Potou-Tano, Tano, Central, akan. Niger-Congo (1489) Atlantic http://www.ethnologue.com/show_family.asp?subid=50 |
13. Language, Culture And Development The reedition of Christaller's famous dictionary, called Dictionary of the Asante and Fante Language Called Tshi . A project currently in progress at the Department of Linguistics at the University of Ghana at Legon. http://www.unizh.ch/spw/afrling/akandic/adetails.htm | |
14. Om AKAN Om akan. Alle bedrifter som ønsker hjelp kan ta kontakt med akansekretariatet.akan forholder seg til rusmiddelbruk forbundet med arbeid. http://www.akan.no/org/om_akan.html | |
15. Akan Language In Ghana Map with the geographic distribution of Ghanaian languages. http://www.unizh.ch/spw/afrling/akandic/LMAPGH.HTM | |
16. Akan Cultural Symbols Project Title Page Flag of Ghana. Welcome to the akan symbols project home page. It representsa traditional akan house built around a central courtyard. http://www.marshall.edu/akanart/ | |
17. AFSANI: Asomdwee Fie, Shrine Of The Abosom And Nsamanfo, Inc. The Shrine of the Abosom and Nsamanfo is a nonprofit religious organization promoting akan spirituality, traditional religion, and culture. This project is designed to impart information regarding the practice of the akan Akom Tradition in America, as well as to explore other aspects of an ancient culture indigenous to Ghana, Senegal, Ivory Coast, and other parts of West Africa and the Congo. http://members.aol.com/afsani | |
18. Abdula, Akan Case WesternWeatherhead School of Management MBA student doing research on Eastern European economy. Includes a resume, research interests, readings, and contact information. http://www.home.cwru.edu/~axa159 | |
19. WIEM: Akan akan, ludy afrykaskie mieszkajce pomidzy rodkowym biegiem Bandamy na zachodzie a Wolt na wschodzie, w poudniowej i rodkowej Ghanie, na http://www.encyklopedia.pl/wiem/005ce1.html | |
20. The African Experience Of God Through The Eyes Of An Akan Woman, By Mercy Amba O By Mercy Amba, an article in Cross Currents, the journal of the Association for Religion and Intellectual Life. http://www.aril.org/african.htm | |
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