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21. Wavelets: Software And Applications wavelets Software and Applications. This Ph.D. thesis was presentedto obtain the degree of Doctor in de Toegepaste Wetenschappen http://www.cs.kuleuven.ac.be/~geert/PhD/ | |
22. [72] What Is Wavelet Theory? Compression applications including some code samples. http://www.faqs.org/faqs/compression-faq/part2/section-3.html | |
23. Applied Wavelet Analysis Courses Short courses by Gerald Kaiser based his book 'A Friendly Guide to wavelets,' withapplications to signal and image compression, lossless coding, and radar. http://www.wavelets.com/ | |
24. ATI Mathematical & Physical Wavelets Course Courses in wavelet analysis.Category Science Math Numerical Analysis wavelets Commercial Sites...... ATI's Mathematical Physical wavelets Course. For details and reviews,please visit the author's website at http//www.wavelets.com. http://www.aticourses.com/mathematical_physical_wavelets.htm | |
25. Ingrid Daubechies' Homepage Professor of Applied Mathematics, Princeton University Department of Mathematics. Wavelet theory, time frequency analysis, data compression, compactly supported wavelets. http://www.princeton.edu/~icd/ | |
26. Untitled The summary for this Korean page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. http://www.wavelets.org/ |
27. Maneesh Agarwal's Homepage Contains links for wireless mobile communication, wavelets, signal processing, Linux, C++, Latex, and TCP/IP. http://members.tripod.com/~MANEESHAGARWAL |
28. Artificial Intelligence Group Forschungsschwerpunkte Mustererkennung, Adaptive Algorithmen, Neuronale Netze, Genetische Algorithmen, Evolutionsstrategien, wavelets, Bildpyramiden, Interpretation von Bildern, Schrifterkennung, Sprachverarbeitung, Spracherkennung, Informationsverarbeitung in biologischen Systemen, Signalketten in lebenden Systemen (Graduiertenkolleg), Robotik, speziell Roboterfussball (RoboCup) und Multiagentensysteme (Fahrerlose Transportsysteme). http://www.inf.fu-berlin.de/inst/ag-ki/ger/ |
29. Wavelets And Filter Banks wavelets AND FILTER BANKS. by Gilbert Strang and Truong Nguyen (1996). Homepagefor the Book. Course 18.327 (wavelets and Filter Banks) Home Page. http://www-math.mit.edu/~gs/books/wfb.html | |
30. Perfectly Scientific, Inc. Provides software, documents and booklinks on compression, FFT, transforms, wavelets and color graphics. http://www.perfsci.com/ | |
31. The Ondelette.com Community: Wavelets, Signals, Images, Video R D consultants offering consulting services in signal and image processing (including wavelets) and advanced Web technology. Services, news, and staff. http://www.ondelette.com/index_en.html | |
32. Insightful: Products - S+Wavelets S+wavelets. With S+wavelets, you can apply wavelet analysis to an extremelybroad range of problems involving signal, time series, or image data. http://www.insightful.com/products/product.asp?PID=18 |
33. Complex Spacetime Towards a new synthesis Quantum Physics, Relativity http://www.wavelets.com/90NH_front.pdf |
34. Index Of /wavelets Parent Directory22Nov-2002 1234 - Daubechies.300dpi.ps.Z 31-Oct-1995 08......Index of /wavelets. Name Last modified Size http://timna.mines.edu/wavelets/ | |
35. Information Theory Research Group Universal algorithms, multiresolution methods, wavelets and fractals, ratedistortion theory, and quantizer theory. http://www.ee.umn.edu/users/kieffer/ | |
36. RICOH CREW Technology RCRC home Compression with Reversible Embedded wavelets. CREW isa new form of still image compression that is lossy and lossless http://www.crc.ricoh.com/CREW/ | |
37. Inactive Guide to wavelet analysis by Robi Polikar. http://www.public.iastate.edu/~rpolikar/WAVELETS/waveletindex.html | |
38. Book Wavelets And Subband Coding wavelets and Subband Coding. wavelets obtained from iterated filters of length4 wavelets provide an interesting alternative to Fourier transform methods. http://cm.bell-labs.com/who/jelena/Book/home1.html |
39. The Ondelette.com Community: Wavelets, Signals, Images, Video A friendly posting board on wavelets. http://www.ondelette.com/indexen.html | |
40. 1996 SIGGRAPH Wavelets In Computer Graphics Course wavelets in Computer Graphics. More recently, his work has been concernedwith the application of wavelets to computer graphics. http://www.multires.caltech.edu/teaching/courses/waveletcourse/ | |
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