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61. Other_papers pp. 1725. A Sperner property preserved by product, Journal of Linearand multilinear algebra 9 (1980) pp. 151-157. A canonical http://webster.cs.uga.edu/~erc/other_papers.html | |
62. Norm Pullman - All Publications Austral. Math. Soc., 10 (1974), 421427. Geramita, AV, and Pullman, NJ, Radon's functionand Hadamard arrays Linear and multilinear algebra, 2 (1974), 147-150. http://www.mast.queensu.ca/~pullman/NormPubs.htm | |
63. Previous Publications On the dimension of the algebra generated by a Boolean matrix, with SJ Kirklandand NJ Pullman, Linear and multilinear algebra 38 (1994) 131144. http://www.mast.queensu.ca/~gregoryd/AllPubns.html | |
64. Eitan TADMOR: List Of Publications (General Listing) Moshe Goldberg, E. Tadmor G. Zwas (1975) The numerical radius and spectralmatrices Linear and multilinear algebra 2 (1975), 317326. http://www.math.ucla.edu/~tadmor/pub/list.html | |
65. Publications, Christian Mehl Linear and multilinear algebra, 49 4589, 2001. Research Problem Indefinite innerproduct normal matrices, Linear and multilinear algebra, 49 261-268, 2001. http://www.math.tu-berlin.de/~mehl/literatur.html | |
66. Re: The Dual Basis In Tensor Math -- Please Help Me Understand I can think of a universal mapping property which could be roughly described asreducing multilinear algebra to linear algebra, but I would be surprised if http://www.lns.cornell.edu/spr/2002-03/msg0040680.html | |
67. Fuzhen Zhang's Web Home Page J. of Math. Physics; Linear Algebra and Its Applications (LAA); Linearand multilinear algebra (LAMA); American Mathematical Monthly; http://www.nova.edu/~zhang/Edu.html | |
68. Mathlinks.info - Abstract Algebra -3 Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra; KTheory; Linear and multilinear algebra;Representation Theory - e-Journal; Theory and Applications of Categories. http://www.mathlinks.info/em003_abstract_algebra3.htm | |
69. FST Academic Staff - Cheng Che Man Selected Publications (with YH AuYeung) Two formulas for the Radon-Hurwitznumber , Linear and multilinear algebra 34 (1993), 59-65; http://www.fst.umac.mo/staff/fstcmc.html | |
70. Mathematics 106725 multilinear algebra. Lecture, Tutorial, Laboratory, Project/Seminar. Indenticalcourses 108725 - multilinear algebra, 106742 - TOPICS IN PROBABILITY THEORY. http://www.undergraduate.technion.ac.il/catalog/01002135.html | |
71. Peter Dunsby's Personal WWW Page Analysis Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra Journal of Symbolic Computation LinearAlgebra and its Applications Linear and multilinear algebra Linear and http://vishnu.mth.uct.ac.za/~peter/math-journals.html | |
72. Linear Algebra Faculty nylenpm@auburn.edu, Thomas H. Pate, Professor, Parker 203, (334)844-3735 SpecialtiesPartial Differential Equations, multilinear algebra, Inequalities E-mail http://www.math.auburn.edu/research/linalg.html | |
73. Publicações / Publications 71, p. 2328, 1985. On the cartesian decomposition of a matrix (with AntónioLeal Duarte) Linear and multilinear algebra, vol. 18, p. 77-85, 1985. http://www.mat.uc.pt/~jfqueiro/publ.html | |
74. List KWIC PACS And MSC+ZDM E-N Lexical Connection quantum wells, mesoscopic, and nanoscale systems electron states and collectiveexcitations in 73.21.b multilinear algebra 02.10.Xm multilinear algebra http://www.math.unipd.it/~biblio/kwic/msc-pacs/pml_11_058.htm | |
75. [math/9912231] Q-multilinear Algebra 2119 GMT (10kb) Qmultilinear algebra. Authors A. Isaev, O.Ogievetsky,P.Pyatov Comments LaTeX, 12 pages. Lecture given at the http://arxiv.org/abs/math.QA/9912231 | |
76. Kursusse Lie groups and algebras (1 semester). multilinear algebra (1 semester). Neuralnetworks and genetic algorithms (1 semester). Top of page. multilinear algebra. http://general.rau.ac.za/apm/eng/courses/honours.htm | |
77. PUBLICATIONS Products of reflections in one conjugacy class in the orthogonal groupover GF(3). Linear and multilinear algebra 39 3 (1995) 209230. http://www.math.toronto.edu/ellers/publications.html | |
78. RESEARCH PUBLICATIONS FOR CECELIA A. LAURIE Soc. 12 (1980), 130132. 4. (with MD Choi and H. Radjavi) On commutators andinvariant subspaces, Linear and multilinear algebra 9 (1981), 329-340. http://www.math.ua.edu/~claurie/publications.htm | |
79. Linear Algebra Information Sites Linear and multilinear algebra, Matrix Theory An informative description of thesubject of linear algebra and all of its subfields from the Mathematical Atlas http://numbersorg.com/Algebra/LinearAlgebra/ | |
80. MathApplFac CARLSON, David, Professor Matrix Theory, multilinear algebra, Mathematics TeachingBA213, (619) 594-6670, carlson@math.sdsu.edu CARRETERO, Ricardo, Assistant http://www.sci.sdsu.edu/math/Math_Appl/math_appl_fac.htm | |
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