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101. Project 2061 The American Association for the Advancement of Science's site on reforms of science, mathematics, and technology education. http://www.project2061.org/ |
102. TEKS For Mathematics Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills guidelines promulgated by the Texas education Agency. http://www.tea.state.tx.us/teks/111toc.htm |
103. Teaching Statistics In Higher Education A meeting organised by the Royal Statistical Society Centre for Statistical education in conjunction with the Learning and Teaching Support Network (LTSN) for mathematics Statistics and OR. London, UK; 14 November 2001. http://www.ltsn.gla.ac.uk/workshop/Workshop_at_Errol_St_Nov_01.htm |
104. NKU Math Education of all ages. Main Math education Page NKU Home Page Collegeof education Department of mathematics Computer Science . http://www.nku.edu/~mathed/ |
105. Undergraduate Mathematics Teaching Conference (UMTC) A working conference, held annually in the UK, that provides an opportunity for lecturers and others interested in mathematics in Higher education to share ideas concerning undergraduate teaching, learning and assessment. Details of past and future meetings, with proceedings and reports. http://www.umtc.ac.uk/ |
106. Presidency College, Calcutta Department of mathematics. http://education.vsnl.com/presidency/department.htm#MATHEMATICS |
107. Freeware And Shareware education software covering teaching, science, physics, mathematics, geography, chemistry, and other fields with review. http://www.geocities.com/psychiatra/ |
108. The Regional Alliance For Mathematics And Science Education The Regional Alliance for mathematics and Science education is the Northeast andIslands Eisenhower Regional Consortium dedicated to support K12 mathematics http://ra.terc.edu/ |
109. CRMSE Center For Research In Mathematics And Science Education Brings together researchers interested in studying how individuals acquire knowledge in mathematics and science. http://www.sci.sdsu.edu/CRMSE/ |
110. Center For Science, Mathematics, And Engineering Education Analyzes and reports on critical national issues in science, mathematics, and engineering education from the U.S. National Research Council. http://www4.nas.edu/csmee/center.nsf |
111. ActDEN (Digital Education Network) Software Tutorials And Online Lessons and activities in math, language arts, social studies, astronomy and graphic design.Category Reference education K through 12...... actden (Digital education Network) has been your resource for onlinelearning since 1995. Please 'click' around and enjoy our free http://www.actden.com/ |
112. SAMEC Science Math Education Center UA students interested in participating in outreach programs click here. http://samec.lpl.arizona.edu/ |
113. Science And Math Education Graduate School http://www.edb.utexas.edu/mse/ |
114. CERME1, 1st Conference Of ERME (European Research In Mathematics CERME 1 The First Conference of the European Society for Research in MathematicsEducation 27th 31st August 1998 Osnabrueck - Haus Ohrbeck, Germany. http://www.erme.uni-osnabrueck.de/erme98.html |
115. Frank Potter's Science Gems Life Science 2 Viruses, Bacteria, Plants, Animals, Human Anatomy. MathematicsReasoning, Numbers, Algebra, Geometry, Functions, Probability, Number Theory. http://www-sci.lib.uci.edu/SEP/SEP.html |
116. The MER Forum http://www.math.uic.edu/MER/ |
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