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121. Gregory Gutin Royal Holloway, University of London. Graph theory and algorithms, combinatorial optimisation, linear and integer programming. http://www.cs.rhbnc.ac.uk/home/gutin/ |
122. Clp(Q,R) Implementation of general Constraint Logic programming scheme introduced by Jaffar, Michaylov 1987. As full as other CLP(R)s solves linear equations over rational or real valued variables, and covers lazy treatment of nonlinear equations. http://www.ai.univie.ac.at/clpqr/ |
123. Coding Link Lists In C This site gives an animated stepby-step walkthrough of Link List code in the C programming language. Such as Initialize, Add/Sort Node, Delete Node, linear Search, Length, Seek Destroy Node, Code Examples. http://www.geocities.com/link_list/ |
124. Dash Optimization For Linear, Integer And Quadratic Programming And Optimization Dash Optimization for linear, Integer and Quadratic programming and Optimization Modeling. http://www.dashoptimization.com/ |
125. Cube 3D visual dataflow programming language programs consist of an arrangement of 3dimensional shapes instead of a linear stream of text. Interesting example images. http://www.research.compaq.com/SRC/personal/najork/cube.html |
126. What'sBest Solver Add-in For Excel An addin that allows you to build large scale optimization models in a free form layout. Program solves linear, nonlinear and integer programming problems. http://www.lindo.com/cgi/frameset.cgi?leftwb.html;wbf.html |
127. Bibliography On The Solution Of Sparse Linear Systems And Related Areas Of Compu More than 2000 selected references, covering the solution of sparse linear systems and related areas of computation, including computational linear algebra, high performance computing, mathematical programming and graph theory. http://citeseer.nj.nec.com/arantes97bibliography.html |
128. RPN Calculator This Windows programs emulates a fully programmable HP29C RPN calculator that has been augmented with linear curve fit and graphing capability. It was written to serve as a fun introduction to computer programming. http://www.computersciencelab.com/RPNCalc.htm |
129. DoIt Archive Of Fortran 77 Code linear, nonlinear, integer, mixed integer and quadratic programming. Nonlinear regression. Spline smoothing in one or many dimensions. Shortest paths and combinatorial algorithms. http://www.wisc.edu/doit/mathsoft/m14.html |
130. HartMath Java computer algebra applet. Some features are EPOC32 Java version, big rational number arithmetic, symbolic differentiation, linear algebra functions, 2D plot functions, numeric computations, pattern matching, transformation rules, functional programming, pure functions. Open Source, GPL http://www.hartmath.com |
131. Cornerstone Graphic Systems Inc. Specialists in designing and developing MicroStation/Oracle GIS applications for linear and point networks (utilities,roads,pipelines), for the purpose of integrating CAD data with pure GIS products (eg. ESRI). Tools are developed with MDL, JMDL, VBA and C++ programming. http://www.cgsi.ab.ca |
132. University Of Adelaide Department of Computer Science. Research areas include computer networks and communications, computer vision, distributed systems, logic and knowledge representation, numerical analysis and numerical linear algebra, parallel and functional programming, persistent object systems, and programming languages. http://www.cs.adelaide.edu.au/ |
133. Models - Operations Research Models And Methods http://www.me.utexas.edu/~jensen/ORMM/models/unit/linear/ |
134. Bad Link. Bad, Bad Link! an error occurred while processing this directive The page you requested does notexist, it may have been moved or deleted. Please check your URL for errors. http://www.skypoint.com/whoweare/customer.shtml |
135. Old Web Site For Harvey Greenberg This site has moved to http//www.cudenver.edu/~hgreenbe/courseware/LPshort/intro.html. http://www-math.cudenver.edu/~hgreenbe/courseware/LPshort/intro.html |
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