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21. Pysimplex: Mixed Integer Linear Programming Modules (beta 0.1) Mixed integer/linear programming modules. http://www.pythonpros.com/arw/pysimplex/ | |
22. The Diet Problem The Diet Problem An Application of linear programming. The recent changeof web server at Argonne and the loss of some of the source http://www-fp.mcs.anl.gov/otc/Guide/CaseStudies/diet/ | |
23. Computational Geometry, Algorithms And Applications Recent book with a focus on applications, by Mark de Berg, Marc van Kreveld, Mark Overmars, and Otfried Schwarzkopf. Includes chapters on linesegment intersection, polygon triangulation, linear programming, range searching, point location, Voronoi diagrams, arrangements and duality, Delaunay triangulations, geometric data structures, convex hulls, binary space partitions, robot motion planning, visibility graphs. http://www.cs.ruu.nl/geobook/ | |
24. OR/MS Today - LINEAR PROGRAMMING SOFTWARE SURVEY OR/MS Today 2001 linear programming SOFTWARE SURVEY Be sure to take a look at thecompanion article to this survey linear programming by Robert Fourer. http://www.lionhrtpub.com/orms/surveys/LP/LP-survey.html | |
25. OR/MS Today - April 1997 - Linear Programming Survey April 1997 Volume 24 Number 2 Software Survey linear programming. Goto the online version of the 1997 linear programming Survey http://www.lionhrtpub.com/orms/orms-4-97/Linear-Programming.html | |
26. Linear Programming - Formulation linear programming formulation. You will recall from the Two Mines example thatthe conditions for a mathematical model to be a linear program (LP) were http://www.ms.ic.ac.uk/jeb/or/lp.html | |
27. Linear Programming - Solution here. linear programming solution. To get in solution technology. Someother linear programming solution examples can be found here. http://www.ms.ic.ac.uk/jeb/or/solvelp.html | |
28. Home Page Uses techniques to measure financial risk, optimize staffing, and predict wait times. Customized analyses and training feature Monte Carlo simulation, linear programming, and queuing models. http://www.calculatedriskinc.com/ |
29. [B/D] - The Bayes Linear Programming Language B/D The Bayes linear programming Language. Welcome to the home ofB/D. From this page, you can download the B/D software, and http://fourier.dur.ac.uk:8000/stats/bd/ | |
30. Linear Programming Activity linear programming Experiment graphically with the value of linear functionsof the form f(x,y) = ax + by + c subject to linear constraints on x and y http://www.exploremath.com/activities/Activity_page.cfm?ActivityID=31 |
31. Energy And Materials Policy Design linear programming models for environmental policy analysis, with emphasis on CO2 policies. Focus on trade effects, technological change, data, publications, model code. Covers iron and steel, petrochemicals, waste, biomass. http://www.resourcemodels.org/ | |
32. Linear Programming - Ignizio Cavalier linear programming by James P. Ignizio and Tom M. Cavalier, Prentice Hall InternationalSeries in Industrial and Systems Engineering, 666pp (1994). http://www.personal.psu.edu/tmc7/lpbook.html |
33. Linear Programming -- From MathWorld linear programming, The problem of maximizing optimization theory. linear programmingis extensively used in economics and engineering. Examples from http://mathworld.wolfram.com/LinearProgramming.html | |
34. Linear Programming Grapher (Two Variables) linear programming Grapher (Two Variables) a Utility for Finite Mathematics(2e). Enter the linear programming problem here. Xmin http://people.hofstra.edu/faculty/Stefan_Waner/RealWorld/LPGrapher/lpg.html | |
35. Summary Linear Programming linear programming (LP) Problem The graphical method for solving linear programmingproblems in two unknowns is as follows. A. Graph the feasible region. http://people.hofstra.edu/faculty/Stefan_Waner/RealWorld/Summary4.html | |
36. Annotated Bibliography On Linear Programming Models ITORMS title. ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY ON linear programming MODELS. This bibliographyconsists of the early papers on linear programming model formulations. http://catt.bus.okstate.edu/itorms/volumes/vol1/papers/murphy/ | |
37. Dipartimento Di Informatica - Università Di Torino Department of Informatics. Research groups concentrate on knowledge representation and reasoning, machine learning, natural language processing, databases and information systems, decision making models and management systems, informatic technology, linear programming, integer linear programming, game theory, logic programming and automated reasoning, mathematical logic, performance analysis, modelling in biology and medicine, cooperative systems, multidimensional signal processing, security and computer networks, semantics and logics of computation. http://www.di.unito.it/ | |
38. LP_SOLVE Linear Programming Code LP_SOLVE linear programming Code. FTP site for lp_solve; Mail to author MichelBerkelaar; linear programming FAQ; Download Files (local site) Problem Links. http://www.cs.sunysb.edu/~algorith/implement/lpsolve/implement.shtml | |
39. 1.2.6 Linear Programming 1.2.6 linear programming. INPUT OUTPUT. Excerpt from The Algorithm Design ManualThe standard algorithm for linear programming is called the simplex method. http://www.cs.sunysb.edu/~algorith/files/linear-programming.shtml | |
40. Linear Programming - Simplex Method linear programming Simplex Applet. By Pedro Miguel Silva and Tiago Castro GuiseVersion 1.0 - Lisbon, July 1998, updated on October 1999 linear programming http://algos.inesc.pt/lp/ | |
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