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41. Columbia University Department Of Computer Science: Welcome New York, NYCategory Computers computer science United States New York...... Established in 1979, the Department of computer science is located withinthe treelined Morningside campus on the Upper West Side of Manhattan. http://www.cs.columbia.edu/ | |
42. IU Computer Science Department Bloomington, IndianaCategory Computers computer science United States Indiana...... On behalf of the faculty, staff and students of the computer sciencedepartment, I welcome you to our site. computer science at http://www.cs.indiana.edu/ | |
43. Swedish Institute Of Computer Science Research focuses on distributed interactive real-time systems. Publications and software.Category Computers computer science Research Institutes......SICS, search Swedish Institute of computer science. CONTENTS. Swedish Instituteof computer science, SICS, is an independent nonprofit research organization. http://www.sics.se/ | |
44. Purdue Computer Science West Lafayette, IndianaCategory Computers computer science United States Indiana...... External Relations. Alumni Relations Corporate Relations K12 Outreach. Celebrating40 Years of computer science Take time out from your lab to register today! http://www.cs.purdue.edu/ | |
45. Redirect computer science Departments Across The Web. These are web and gopher servers ofcomputer science (and related) departments at universities throughout the net. http://www.haverford.edu/cmsc/CS-departments.html | |
46. UofT Department Of Computer Science Web Site Department of computer science. Research groups cover artificial intelligence, applied discrete mathemati Category Computers computer science North America Canada......Administrative Office 10 King's College Road Room 3302 Toronto OntarioM5S 3G4 CANADA. Telephone 416.978.6025 Facsimile 416.978.1931. http://www.cs.toronto.edu/ | |
47. University Of Southampton Department Of Electronics And Computer Research groups Declarative systems and software engineering; Microelectronics; Parallel and distributed Category Computers computer science University of Southampton...... League Tables for University Departments, we were ranked first in the UK for Electronicsand Electrical Engineering and sixth in the UK for computer science. http://www.ecs.soton.ac.uk/ |
48. UBC - Computer Science Department of computer science. Research areas include computer graphics, artificial intelligence, Category Computers computer science North America Canada...... employment opportunities. local resources. Feb 26 Direct Admission to UBC ComputerScience Degree program Now a Reality for High School Students in 2003. http://www.cs.ubc.ca/ | |
49. Welcome To The Journal Of Universal Computer Science A monthly on-line journal covering all aspects of computer science. Tables of contents and abstracts Category Computers computer science Publications Journals......enter J.UCS, Journal of Universal computer science, A publication ofthe KnowCenter in cooperation with Springer Co.Pub. , JOANNEUM http://www.jucs.org/ | |
50. University Of Colorado Computer Science Department Home Page of the University of Colorado at Boulder Department of ComputerScience. The Department. General Info. Research. Publications. Events. Category Computers computer science United States Colorado http://www.cs.colorado.edu/ | |
51. Springer LINK: Lecture Notes In Computer Science (Subseries Lecture Notes In Art Then subscribe to Lecture Notes in computer science at LINK Alert by enteringyour email address here You will receive confirmation via email. Contents, http://link.springer.de/link/service/series/0558/ | |
52. UVA Computer Science Charlottesville, VirginiaCategory Computers computer science United States Virginia......UNIVERSITY of VIRGINIA computer science. , 20 May Math/Physics/ComputerScience Conference and Workshop, Coding Theory and Quantum Computing. http://www.cs.virginia.edu/ | |
53. Computer Science At Rochester Rochester, New YorkCategory Computers computer science United States New York......The homepage for the University of Rochestercomputer science Department (URCS). http://www.cs.rochester.edu/ | |
54. The Hebrew University Of Jerusalem. School Of Engineering And Computer Science School of Engineering and computer science. Studies, research, staff and on-line resources.Category Computers computer science Middle East Israel...... Bachelor of computer science (BSc) + MBA. - computer science and Life Science. TheSelim and Rachel Benin School of computer science and Engineering, Search http://www.cs.huji.ac.il/ | |
55. Department Of Computer Science Home Page Department of computer science. UCL Home Page. We are committed toexcellence in teaching and research, and are enthusiastic about http://www.cs.ucl.ac.uk/ |
56. University Of Arizona - Computer Science Offers BS, MS, and Ph.D. degrees in computer science. A doctoral minor in computer science is Category Computers computer science United States Arizona......The Department of computer science educates students at all degreelevels in the science underlying the information age. Excellence http://www.cs.arizona.edu/ | |
57. UCSD Department Of Computer Science And Engineering - CSE Home Department of computer science and Engineering (CSE)Category Computers computer science United States California...... Ranked Top Three in University Research Citations The Institute for Scientific Information(ISI), recently examined 7 million computer science research papers http://www.cs.ucsd.edu/ | |
58. School Of Computer Science Homepage News. Faculty Positions Available in the School of computer science.UW Contact the School of computer science. Mailing Address. School http://www.cs.uwaterloo.ca/ | |
59. Computer Science A gateway to computer science resources on the Web, arranged by broad subject categories.Category Computers computer science Directories......computer science. Academic It provides access to Web sites maintained byor for scholarly computer science societies around the world. Society http://library.albany.edu/subject/csci.htm | |
60. Computer Science At Yale University Department of computer science. Listings of topic and research areas, and includes general CS program, Category Computers computer science United States Connecticut...... Avi Silberschatz wins IEEE Taylor Booth Education Award New Faculty in computer scienceJulie Dorsey's research is in computer graphics, with special interest http://www.cs.yale.edu/ | |
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