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81. Welcome To The Homepage Of The Computer Algebra Research Group Of The IWR http://www.iwr.uni-heidelberg.de/groups/compalg/ | |
82. Computer Algebra Discussion Group computer algebra Discussion Group. Meetings take place in Room 513 at 330pmin the School of Mathematical Sciences unless otherwise stated. Members. http://www.maths.qmul.ac.uk/~arrigo/QMW/qmw-compalg.html |
83. Derive 2000 computer algebra in Mathematics Education. Fourth International DERIVETI92/89 conference at Liverpool John Moores University. http://www.cms.livjm.ac.uk/derive2k/ |
84. Richard Pinch Computer Algebra Links Richard Pinch's computer algebra Links. Products from Adept Scientific; Clecom computeralgebra centre. Related newsgroups sci.math.symbolic. Back to my home page. http://www.chalcedon.demon.co.uk/comp-alg.html | |
85. EUROCAL 607. Demos of General Purpose computer algebra Systems. Demos of Special Purposecomputer algebra Systems. JM Drouffe AMP A System for Algebraic Computations. http://www.informatik.uni-trier.de/~ley/db/conf/eurocal/eurocal1985-2.html | |
86. Macaulay Macaulay is a computer algebra system for mathematical computations in algebraic geometry and commutative algebra. At its core is a carefully tuned implementation of Grobner basis methods for manipulating systems of polynomial equations. http://www.math.columbia.edu/~bayer/Macaulay.html |
87. KLUWER Academic Publishers | Algorithms For Computer Algebra Books » Algorithms for computer algebra. Algorithms for ComputerAlgebra. Add to cart. by Keith O. Geddes Dept. of Computer Science http://www.wkap.nl/prod/b/0-7923-9259-0 | |
88. 1995 IMACS Conference On Applications Of Computer Algebra First IMACS Conference on Applications of computer algebra. University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA; 1619 May 1995. http://math.unm.edu/ACA/1995.html | |
89. Fields Institute - Industry, Mathematics And Computer Algebra Workshop on Industry, Business, Mathematics and computer algebra. Aboutthe Sponsors. Ontario Research Centre for computer algebra. http://www.fields.utoronto.ca/programs/cim/02-03/INDACA/ | |
90. Education.ti.com - Home Compact, easy to use, reliable computer algebra software. It intelligently applies the rules of algebra, trigonometry, calculus and matrix algebra to solve a wide range of mathematical problems. This nonnumeric approach goes far beyond the capabilities of dedicated statistics packages and equation solvers that use only approximate numerical techniques. http://www.ti.com/calc/docs/derive.htm | |
91. 4.4 Eisenbrand Computer Algebra (6) Translate this page Previous 4.3 Seidel Ausgewählte Themen 4.4 Eisenbrand ComputerAlgebra (6). Zeit/Ort Di, 14-16, Geb. 46, 024 DozentIn(nen) Dr http://fsinfo.cs.uni-sb.de/kvv/kvv_ws0001/kvv_ws0001/kvv_ws0001-node46.html |
92. Computer Algebra System - Wikipedia computer algebra system. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. A computer algebrasystem (CAS) is a software package which facilitates symbolic mathematics. http://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/Computer_algebra_system | |
93. GiNaC Is Not A CAS An open framework for symbolic computation within the C++ programming language. The name GiNaC is an iterated and recursive abbreviation for GiNaC is Not a CAS , where CAS stands for computer algebra System. Its design is revolutionary in a sense that contrary to other CAS it does not try to provide extensive algebraic capabilities and a simple programming language but instead accepts a given language (C++) and extends it by a set of algebraic capabilities. It is published under the GNU Public License (GPL). http://www.ginac.de/ | |
94. MEDICIS : A Centre Of Resources In Computer Algebra It's role is a centre of resources for computer algebra . a need for computer algebrasoftware the current list which can be completed with your demands. http://www.medicis.polytechnique.fr/medicis/cri-eng.html | |
95. 1997 IMACS Conference On Applications Of Computer Algebra 3rd IMACS Conference on Applications of computer algebra. Aston Wailea Resort, Wailea, Maui, Hawaii, USA; 2426 July 1997. http://math.unm.edu/ACA/1997.html | |
96. Singular:Home computer algebra System for polynomial computations with special emphasis on commutative algebra, Category Science Math Algebra Software......A computer algebra System for Polynomial Computations. Welcome to SINGULAR.November 2002 Release of SINGULAR version 2.0.4, a minor http://www.singular.uni-kl.de/ | |
97. East Coast Computer Algebra Day 2003 East Coast computer algebra Day a series of annual one day conferences on symbolic and mathematical Category Computers Algorithms Computational Algebra Conferences......East Coast computer algebra Day. Prof. Jeremy Johnson Computer Science,Drexel University, computer algebra and Signal Processing. Prof. http://www.math.clemson.edu/~sgao/ECCAD03/ | |
98. LRZ: Computer Algebra Translate this page computer algebra. Maple, Graphikfähiges Computer-Algebra-System fürsymbolisches und numerisches Rechnen, 5.1 7, PC, Sun, IBM, Linux. http://www.lrz-muenchen.de/services/software/compalg/ | |
99. CAS/WWW/Math Workshop, Murphy/Meade/Miller (ICTCM IX, Reno) computer algebra and the WorldWide Web Across the Mathematics Curriculum. Archive.computer algebra Systems table of contents. http://www.math.sc.edu/~murphy/reno96/ | |
100. Mathlinks.info - Computer Algebra Systems computer algebra Group (Simon Fraser University); Research Institute for SymbolicComputation (Johanes Kepler University); computer algebra Systems; http://www.mathlinks.info/em010_computer_algebra_sys.htm | |
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