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41. Connected Calculus This is an applied calculus tutorial. Some prior calculus knowledge might be helpful.Category Science Math calculus...... The Definite Integral Exotic Multiplication; Accumulation Functions;The Fundamental Theorem of calculus the HoHum Theorem of calculus; http://www.math.montana.edu/frankw/ccp/calculus/topic.htm | |
42. A Calculus Of Risk Article by Gary Stix. http://www.ge.infm.it/~ecph/bibliography/stix98.html | |
43. AP Calculus AP calculus. The Courses calculus AB and calculus BC Slope FieldsComing to calculus AB (effective for the 2004 exams) NEW; http://www.collegeboard.com/ap/students/calculus/ | |
44. [math/9906155] Lectures On Pseudo-differential Operators These lecture notes cover a first year graduate course that was given on pseudodifferential operators. The calculus on manifolds is developed and applied to prove propagation of singularities and the Hodge decomposition theorem. http://xxx.lanl.gov/abs/math.AP/9906155 | |
45. C4L HomePage The calculus, Concepts, Computers and Cooperative Learning (C 4 L) program isthe result of a National Science Foundation funded research and development http://www.math.purdue.edu/~ccc/ | |
46. Awesome Library - Mathematics Large resource for students of middle schools. Includes algebra, calculus, graphing, and data analysis by subject and standard. http://www.awesomelibrary.org/Classroom/Mathematics/Middle-High_School_Math/Midd | |
47. Calculus Lecture Notes calculus Lecture Notes. To view the following notes, you must haveAdobe Reader . Mac, DOS Test II. Back to the calculus Main Page. http://www.scar.utoronto.ca/homes/mathlab/calculus/Redbook/ | |
48. Grassmann, Hermann - 1862 Explains the published paper called Ausdehnungslehre, which translates to Theory of Extension . The purpose is to create a universal type of geometric calculus. This development is used in linear and nonlinear algebra, today. http://www.maths.utas.edu.au/People/dfs/Papers/GrassmannTranslation/node3.html |
49. Topics In Integral And Differential Calculus An explanation and demonstration of the differential formulas, including an applet.Category Science Math calculus...... http://www.ma.utexas.edu/users/kawasaki/mathPages.dir/ | |
50. Quantum Logic And Probability Theory How quantum mechanics can be regarded as a nonclassical probabilistic calculus; by Alexander Wilce. http://plato.stanford.edu/entries/qt-quantlog/ | |
51. Multivariable Calculus Textbook by George Cain and James Herod. Chapters in PDF.Category Science Math Publications Online Texts......Multivariable calculus. Copyright 1996, 1997 by George Cain and James Herod. Allrights reserved. This is a textbook for a course in multivariable calculus. http://www.math.gatech.edu/~cain/notes/calculus.html | |
52. Index The emphasis of the conference is on categorical decomposition techniques, especially calculus of functors and homology decompositions of classifying spaces, but the conference is intended to have a broad scope with talks on a variety of topics of current interest in topology. Isle of Skye, Scotland; 24 30 June 2001. http://maths.abdn.ac.uk/~stc2001/ | |
53. MAPLE PROJECTS FOR THE FIRST YEAR OF CALCULUS Maple V.4 worksheets for use with a course at Georgia Tech.Category Science Math Software Maple......Maple explorations for Differential calculus. The following itemsare with Maple. Java applets for Integral calculus. Riemann sums http://www.math.gatech.edu/~bourbaki/MapleProjects.html | |
54. Ricci-Curbastro The mathematician who developed much of tensor calculus before Einstein found a use for it. http://www-groups.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/Mathematicians/Ricci-Curbastro.html | |
55. Alan Bain These notes by Alan Bain provide a complete elementary introduction to stochastic integration with respect to continuous semimartingales. http://www.statslab.cam.ac.uk/~afrb2/ | |
56. Geometric Calculus R & D Home Page It advocates a universal scientific language grounded in an integratedGeometric and Inferential calculus. Geometric calculus is http://modelingnts.la.asu.edu/ | |
57. Guided Readings In Elementary Quantum Mechanics Contains guided readings in Advanced Physical Chemistry and Theoretical Chemistry, specifically, Quantum Mechanics and Statistical Mechanics, with an emphasis on chemical applications. Notice that Guided Reading means what it says, you can not simply read the material contained in this site, you must answer questions about the material as you proceed. These notes allow persons to review/carry out the algebra and calculus for standard quantum mechanical problems. http://www.sp.uconn.edu/~ch351vc/ | |
58. Calculus Lecture Notes calculus Lecture Notes. To view the following notes, you must have AdobeReader . Mac, DOS, Windows Term Test I. Back to the calculus Main Page. http://www.math.utsc.utoronto.ca/calculus/Redbook/ | |
59. R. K. Shyamasundar's Home Page Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai Real-Time and Reactive Programming, Logic Programming, Pi-calculus and Mobile Computing, Parallel Programs, Programming Languages. http://www.tcs.tifr.res.in/~shyam/ | |
60. Spinozistic Calculus SPINOZISTIC calculus. Dedicated to Spinoza's Insights. has moved to www.yesselman.com/calculus.htm.HOME PAGE A Dedication to Spinoza's Insights . http://www.erols.com/jyselman/CALCULUS.htm | |
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