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21. Mirror Symmetry And Algebraic Geometry Mirror Symmetry and algebraic geometry Mathematical Surveys and MonographsVolume 68 American Mathematical Society, 1999. by. David http://www.cs.amherst.edu/~dac/ms.html | |
22. ANNAPOLIS ALGEBRAIC GEOMETRY CONFERENCE In memory of Ruth Michler. US Naval Academy, Annapolis, Maryland, USA; 2528 October 2001.Category Science Math algebraic geometry Events Past Events......2001 Annapolis algebraic geometry Conference. In memory of Ruth Michler.October 2528, 2001. US Naval Academy, Annapolis, Maryland. http://mathweb.mathsci.usna.edu/Faculty/Conferences/AlgGeom2001/aagc.html | |
23. The Math Forum - Math Library - Algebraic Geom. This page contains sites relating to algebraic geometry. more . Thealgebraic geometry Notebooks Aksel Sogstad For non-experts. http://mathforum.org/library/topics/algebraic_g/ | |
24. Algebraic Geometry Conferences Conferences in algebraic geometry. Algebraic Cycles and algebraic geometry,Morelia, Mexico, 2329 May 2001, announcement. Past conferences. http://www.cgtp.duke.edu/~drm/conferences/ | |
25. Coding Theory And Algebraic Geometry An Interplay A short explanation of Goppa codes by JWP Hirschfeld.Category Science Math Communication Theory Coding Theory......Coding Theory and algebraic geometry an Interplay. Here coding bounds givebetter values than methods of algebraic geometry. The Construction. http://www.dms.auburn.edu/~rodgec1/cadcom/mathappl/hirssnap/hirssnap.html | |
26. Coding Theory, Algebraic Geometry And Gröbner Bases DA Leonard. One in a series of snapshots of applications of discrete mathematics to other parts Category Science Math Communication Theory Coding Theory......Coding Theory, algebraic geometry and Gröbner Bases. One in a series of snapshotsof applications of discrete mathematics to other parts of mathematics. http://www.dms.auburn.edu/~rodgec1/cadcom/mathappl/leonsnap/leonsnap.html | |
27. OUP: Algebraic Geometry And Arithmetic Curves: Liu algebraic geometry and Arithmetic Curves. Readership Graduate studentsin algebraic geometry and number theory. Contents/contributors. http://www.oup.co.uk/isbn/0-19-850284-2 | |
28. Preprints.html Several lecture note sets by Igor Dolgachev in various formats, including DVI and PostScript.Category Science Math Publications Online Texts...... MODULAR FORMS (ps, pdf). INTRODUCTION TO algebraic geometry. Lectures 117(ps). Lectures 1-8( ps, pdf). TOPICS IN CLASSICAL algebraic geometry. http://www.math.lsa.umich.edu/~idolga/lecturenotes.html | |
29. Algebraic Geometry Seminar --- Winter, 2003 algebraic geometry Seminar. 400 600 pm 3088 East Hall. Abstract configurationsin algebraic geometry. March 19, 2003, Ravi Vakil Stanford, Schubert induction. http://www.math.lsa.umich.edu/~rlaz/seminar.html | |
30. Activities In Algebraic Geometry & Related Areas A list maintained at Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisbon.Category Science Math Geometry algebraic geometry Events...... Algebraic http://www.math.ist.utl.pt/galg/ | |
31. EAGER - European Algebraic Geometry Research Training Network http://www-euclid.mathematik.uni-kl.de/ | |
32. EAGER:List Of Conferences A list maintained by the EAGER node at Kaiserslautern, Germany.Category Science Math Geometry algebraic geometry Events......Conferences in algebraic geometry and related fields. The workshop will be devotedto current work on higher categorical structures in algebraic geometry. http://www-euclid.mathematik.uni-kl.de/conferences/ | |
33. The Algebraic Geometry Notebooks By Aksel Sogstad. Short introductory sketch of some topics in the algebraic geometry of curves.Category Science Math Geometry algebraic geometry......The algebraic geometry Notebooks. for NonExperts. by Aksel Sogstad. http://www.geocities.com/algnotes/ | |
34. 2003 - Special Year On Algebraic Geometry And Topology 2003 Special Year on algebraic geometry and Topology. with partial financialsupport provided by the Australian Mathematical Sciences Institute http://wwwmaths.anu.edu.au/events/specialyear-2003/ | |
35. Calf Junior Algebraic Geometry Seminar Cambridge-Oxford-Warwick Junior algebraic geometry Seminar. Occasional UK meetings, mailing list.Category Science Math Geometry algebraic geometry Events......Calf CambridgeOxford-Warwick Junior algebraic geometry Seminar. The next Calfmeeting will be the second to coincide with the Warwick teach-in on 3-folds http://www.maths.warwick.ac.uk/~djr/calf.html | |
36. Number Theory And Algebraic Geometry Research Group Number Theory and algebraic geometry Research Group. Members, research interest, seminars.Category Science Math Number Theory Research Groups...... PO Box 653, Be'erSheva 84105, ISRAEL. Number Theory and algebraic geometryResearch Group. algebraic geometry and Number Theory Seminar. http://www.math.bgu.ac.il/~efrat/resgroup.html | |
37. Algebraic Geometry Group algebraic geometry Group, News, News. Research Areas. Members. Guests. Universityof Kaiserslautern Department of Mathematics algebraic geometry Group. http://www.mathematik.uni-kl.de/~wwwagag/E/ |
38. International Conference On Arithmetic Algebraic Geometry Venice, Italy; 1318 September 1999.Category Science Math Number Theory Events Past Events......Welcome to the website of the Conference. ENTER http://www.math.unipd.it/~venice99/ | |
39. M C G I L L M A T H E M A T I C S M C G I L L M A T H E M A T I C algebraic geometry research group. Members and activities, research interests fully described.Category Science Math Geometry algebraic geometry Research Groups...... M C G I L L. M A T H E M A T I C S. algebraic geometry is one of the oldest and vastestbranches of mathematics. Check it out! Activities in algebraic geometry. http://www.math.mcgill.ca/goren/AGwebpage/webpage2.htm | |
40. Special Year: Langlands Programme Special year, Feb.2001 to Jan.2002, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai.Category Science Math algebraic geometry Events Past Events......Special year on. algebraic geometry and the LanglandsProgramme. February 1, 2001 January 31, 2002. http://www.math.tifr.res.in/maths/langlands/ | |
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