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1. Oulu Space Physics Textbook A free online textbook on space physics.Category Science Physics Astrophysics......space physics Textbook. spaceweb@oulu.fi last update 23 November 1998,2130 UT (RR) Textbook. space physics instrumentation and analysis methods. http://www.oulu.fi/~spaceweb/textbook/ | |
2. Welcome To Space Physics At The National Space Science Data Center Data by Spacecraft Access Data by Service Trajectories Models Other Resources NSSDCarchives and provides access to a wide variety of space physics data from http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/space/ | |
3. (OBSOLETE) Space Physics & Astronomy At Rice University The page you were trying to reach has been removed because it was obsolete. On July 1, 2000, the space physics and Astronomy Department at Rice University merged with the Physics Department. http://spacsun.rice.edu/ | |
4. Swedish Institute Of Space Physics Institutet för rymdfysik (IRF) är ett statligt forskningsinstitut. IRF bedriver grundforskning, Category World Svenska Europa Sverige Myndigheter Utbildning......The Swedish Institute of space physics (IRF) is a governmental researchinstitute. The Swedish Institute of space physics (IRF). Institutet http://www.irf.se/ | |
5. JGR-Space Physics Home Page Aeronomy, SolarTerrestrial Physics and Chemistry aka space physics Institutions and Organizations Last update 99-04-19, 0900 UT (RR) http://sprg.ssl.berkeley.edu/jgr | |
6. The Space Physics Research Group At SSL/UCB Research group at the University of California at Berkeley, US.Category Science Physics Plasma Groups...... About SPRG. at SSL. Intro to. space physics Research. FTP Sites FAST; WIND;HESSI. People. Scientists; Students; Staff. (((Satellites))). STEREO/IMPACT. Cluster. http://sprg.ssl.berkeley.edu/ | |
7. Imperial College Space & Atmospheric Physics Group Homepage of Imperial College's space physics group http://www.sp.ph.ic.ac.uk | |
8. JGR-Space Physics Home Page The home page of JGRspace physics is now maintained by the office of the new Senior Editor. Please mark the new location in your hot list. http://www.engin.umich.edu/org/jgr | |
9. Laboratory For Atmospheric And Space Physics Conducts basic theoretical and experimental research in planetary, atmospheric, magnetospheric, and Category Science Earth Sciences Atmospheric Physics......General Information. Programs Missions. Contact Us. Staff Information. Tour. Data Software. Faculty Publications. Seminars. Search. You are the 194651st visitor. http://lasp.colorado.edu/ | |
10. Welcome To The NSSDC! a wide variety of astrophysics, space physics, solar physics, lunar and planetary data from NASA space flight missions, http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/ | |
11. Univ Of MN Space Plasma Physics Home Page space physics News Today's Space Weather Lightning Bolt Rocket Launch IMEX Awarded Funding The Inner Magnetosphere Explorer (IMEX) was granted funding in Sept. 1998 as part of the NASA UniversityClass Explorers Program. The space physics Research Group is Part of the http://ham.spa.umn.edu/spacephys | |
12. WWW Virtual Library: Aeronomy / Solar-Terrestrial Physics & Chemistry Aeronomy, SolarTerrestrial Physics and Chemistry aka space physics. SubjectCatalogue. STP acronyms and glossary; Who's Who/space physics; Other stuff. http://www.oulu.fi/~spaceweb/lib/ | |
13. Windows To The Universe Aimed at portraying Earth and Space Sciences in a fun way. Includes information about space weather, global space physics and a real time movie of current solar activity. http://windows.arc.nasa.gov/ |
14. NSSDC Space Physics ModelWeb pages in a publication, please acknowledge NSSDC as The model (or model results)was (were) obtained from the web pages of NASA's National Space Science Data http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/space/model/ | |
15. Space Physics, Oulu space physics. General information http://agnes.oulu.fi/ | |
16. IRF In Kiruna Swedish Institute of space physics (IRF),. Head Office, Kiruna. The Swedish Instituteof space physics is located 6 km east of Kiruna beside the E10 highway. http://www.irf.se/irfk.html | |
17. NASA's Space Physics Data System - An Introduction Welcome to the space physics Data System (SPDS)! space physics Data Availability.Overview of SPDS. SPDS related Reports. Services of SPDS. Internet Search Engines. http://spds.nasa.gov/ | |
18. The Space Physics Group At The U. Of Washington Faculty, students, and staff of the space physics groups at UW http://www.geophys.washington.edu/Space/thegroup.html | |
19. SPARC: Space Physics And Aeronomy Research Collaboratory Research activities, resources offered, electronic workshops, a listing of partner institutions and faculty.Category Reference Education University of Michigan Research...... SPARC is a community resource for space physics and aeronomy. space physics ResearchLab @ UM, Collaboratory for Research on Electronic Work CREW. 04 June 2002. http://intel.si.umich.edu/sparc/ | |
20. Aurora.irf.se/ Physics; Ionosphere and Upper Atmosphere. Visit JGRspace physics Home Page. http://aurora.irf.se/ |
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