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101. Introduction To Special Relativity A simple, straightforward introduction to Einstein's Theory of Special relativityaimed at anyone who has completed the sixth grade. hosted by tripod. http://members.tripod.com/conduit9SR/ |
102. Particles, Special Relativity And Quantum Mechanics Explains some of the more interesting results and predictions of modern physics. http://atschool.eduweb.co.uk/rmext04/92andwed/pf_quant.html |
103. Relativity And Gravitrons Short page claiming that it is the acceleration of energy within a particle that produces mass and Category Science Physics relativity Alternative...... 2000. Links. The Cyclotron Pages Wave Particle Duality Albert EinsteinOnline The Light Cone Usenet relativity FAQ A Gravity Analogy. http://members.tripod.com/QuantumGravity/ |
104. Reappraisal Of Physics And Cosmology Site rectifies errors of relativity,Quantum theory,Uncertainty Principle,theories of Quarks,Expanding Universe,Darwin theory.Opposes existence of Higgs Boson,weak charge.Gives scientific bases of Homeopathy,spirituality. http://www.geocities.com/drratiram_sharma/index.html |
105. Www.corepower.com/~relfaq/relativity.html http://www.corepower.com/~relfaq/relativity.html |
106. Noncompact Variational Problems And General Relativity Rutgers University, NJ, USA; 1418 October 2001. http://www.math.rutgers.edu/events/bbconf.html |
107. Special Relativity A set of online lecture notes for a course in special relativity from the University of Winnepeg.Category Science Physics relativity Courses and Tutorials...... Special relativity. In this Chapter we will show how Einstein's Theory ofSpecial relativity arises basic postulates about the laws of Physics. http://theory.uwinnipeg.ca/mod_tech/node132.html |
108. A Quantum Leap For Cosmology A theory that unites quantum mechanics and general relativity claims that there was no first moment in time, but it still agrees with the predictions of classical cosmology. http://physicsweb.org/article/world/14/11/3 |
109. Physics Virtual Bookshelf Relativity A collection of articles about relativityCategory Science Physics relativity......relativity. MassEnergy Equivalence html pdf, A small document discussinghow E = mc 2 arises in the Special Theory of relativity. http://www.upscale.utoronto.ca/GeneralInterest/Relativity.html |
110. Gravity As An Effective Field Theory This is a pedagogical introduction to the treatment of general relativity as a quantum effective field theory. http://xxx.lanl.gov/abs/gr-qc/9512024 |
111. Millennium Relativity Introduces a new theory in relativistic physics to replace Einstein's special and general theories Category Science Physics relativity Alternative......Millennium relativity is a new theory in relativistic physics that replacesEinstein's theories of special relativity and general relativity. http://www.mrelativity.net/ |
112. Simple World Explanation Best solutions for hierarchical system of matter in cosm, world formula, wave mechanics bound with relativity, chat about it, downloads of articles and cohesions http://members.fortunecity.com/arcun/ |
113. Relativity The Special And General Theory Albert Einstein Reference Archive. relativity. The Special and GeneralTheory. Preface. Part I The Special Theory of relativity. 01. http://www.marxists.org/reference/archive/einstein/works/1910s/relative/ |
114. NOVA Online/Einstein Revealed NOVA presents a profile of Albert Einstein, with additional teaching resources, Shockwave demonstrations, and animations of relativity concepts. http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/einstein/ |
115. General Relativity Group Homepage The General relativity Group consists of four members of the Applied MathematicsGroup, together with a number of postdoctoral research assistants and Ph.D http://www.maths.soton.ac.uk/applied/relativity/ |
116. Relative Truths Review of A Theory of relativity. http://www.bookmagazine.com/issue17/Mitchard.shtml |
117. Erk's Relativity Pages Erk's relativity Pages. Other papers in the LANL general relativity and quantumcosmology archive http//xxx.lanl.gov/find/grqc/1/Eric+Baird/0/1/0/all/1/1. http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/eric_baird/ |
118. A First Look At Relativity And Gravitation Includes lecture notes and question sheets.Category Science Physics relativity Courses and Tutorials......A First Look at relativity and Gravitation. A S 500. Notes, Schedule and Exercises psfile, Mon. 25th Jan.'99, ..cont'd, exercises 2 Some Special relativity http://www.pa.uky.edu/~cvj/AS500/as500_sch.html |
119. The Theory Of Absolute Space-Time Discovery of Errors in the Logic of Speed of Light Measurements and the MichelsonMorley Experiment lead to a Complete Refutation of relativity's Curved Space-Time. Space and Time are Linear. http://www.absolute-space-time.net |
120. RELATIVITY AND WAVES relativity explained by waves. A well animated program on waves will show you the laws of relativity .Category Science Physics relativity Alternative......New. The relativity is explained by waves in the framework of the classicalmechanics.Good animation. relativity AND WAVES relativity http://members.aol.com/sergecabala/ |
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