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21. Fear Of Physics An interactive, highly visual, and nontechnical way to see the laws of physics in action. http://www.fearofphysics.com/ | |
22. Holism And Nonseparability In Physics Entry from the Stanford Encyclopedia. http://plato.stanford.edu/entries/physics-holism/ | |
23. Atmospheric Physics Research Group Homepage. Pages describing the research activities, and employment opportunities (including PhD) within the Group. Work within the group covers micrometeorolgy, cloud microphysics and chemistry, aerosol science, and radiative transfer. http://cloudbase.phy.umist.ac.uk/ | |
24. UTC Physics Humor 0 Wide variety of physics jokes and humorous essays. http://www.utc.edu/physics/physicshum0.html | |
25. Welcome To The University Of Michigan Health Physics Web Site Information and links from the University of Michigan health physics students. http://www.umich.edu/~radinfo/ | |
26. ThinkQuest physics of sound and audio clips. http://library.advanced.org/19537/Physics2.html | |
27. Museo Di Fisica Di Napoli - Home Page Museum of the University of Naples, Italy, physics Department. Several centuries of instruments may be viewed. English and Italian language versions are available. http://www.na.infn.it/Museum/museum.htm | |
28. SSDOO Education: Activities For Students Space science activities for elementary and secondary students in astronomy, physics, life sciences, and space technology. http://ssdoo.gsfc.nasa.gov/education/kids.html | |
29. Physics 1996 Awarded to David M. Lee, Douglas D. Osheroff, and Robert C. Richardson. The press release contains a good (technical) discussion of the superfluidity of helium3. http://www.nobel.se/physics/laureates/1996/index.html | |
30. Thermodynamics: Thermal Physics Entropy First And Second Laws Maxwell's Demon About.com's index to thermodynamics information. http://physics.about.com/cs/thermodynamics/index.htm | |
31. Institute Of Solid State Physics Specialized in fundamental and applied research in the field of condensed matter physics, optics, spectroscopy and laser physics. http://www.issp.bas.bg/ | |
32. Uniwersytet Warszawski - Wydzial Fizyki Warsaw Uniwersity physics Faculty. The center of physics in Poland and one of the earliest places where Internet started! http://www.fuw.edu.pl | |
33. A Glossary Of Physics Terms, With Links To An Online Textbook. Definitions with crossreferences to online textbooks. http://www.lightandmatter.com/area1glossary.shtml | |
34. New Zealand Institute Of Physics Institute for professional physicists. Members include college teachers, university lecturers, students studying to be physicists, Crown Research Institute scientists and industry scientists. http://www.rsnz.govt.nz/clan/nzip/ |
35. Shevchenko Scientific Society On-line Library Catalog Collections in mathematics, physics, and technology, and works by and about Ukrainians and the Ukraine Diaspora. Online catalog has entries transliterated into Roman characters. http://www.brama.com/ntsa/ | |
Vasyl Makhno - Librarian Yurij Nawrocky - Archivist Lev Chaban - Staff These pages are compiled and maintained by BRAMA, Inc. | |
36. Physics Tutoring On The Internet Instant messenging, whiteboard, discussion board, sample problems, and email support for physics. http://www.crashwhite.com/ | |
37. Physics News Graphics: Nanotechnology Classic and new pictures of nanostructures from the American Institute of physics. http://www.aip.org/physnews/graphics/category5.html | |
38. Physics And Astronomy Reference physics / science reference, physical constants, online unit conversions, periodic table of elements, exact time, fundamental physical formulae and equations. http://www.physlink.com/Reference/Index.cfm | |
39. Andrei Sakharov: Soviet Physics, Nuclear Weapons And Human Rights A biography of Andrei Sakharov and his contributions to Soviet nuclear weapons research, nuclear fusion, cosmology, human rights, and world peace. Includes a bibliography and links to related sites. http://www.aip.org/history/sakharov/ | |
40. IFE - Institute For Energy Technology. The International Energy Institute In Nor Norway's national research center for nuclear and energy technology describes its research and development activities in nuclear technology and safety, physics, petroleum technology, energy and environmental technology, materials and corrosion technology, mantechnology-organization, and the OECD Halden Reactor Project. http://www.ife.no/english | |
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