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121. Rice Quantum Institute RQI performs research in molecular physics. Programs include clusters and nanostructures, surface and materials science, physics of ultracold atoms, electronic materials and devices, and laser development and applications. http://www.ruf.rice.edu/~rquantum/ |
122. The Nobel Prize In Physics 1997 This includes the press release of the Nobel Committee for the prize given to Steven Chu, Claude CohenTannoudji, and William D. Phillips, for development of methods to cool and trap atoms with laser light. For those wanting more scientific details, be sure to click the link for Additional background material under Further Reading. http://www.nobel.se/physics/laureates/1997/index.html |
123. Institute For Laser Science (ILS) Researches on Lasers, Atom optics, physics of Highly Charged Ions. ILS is attached to the University of ElectroCommunications in Tokyo, Japan. http://www.ils.uec.ac.jp/ |
124. Chair For BioMolecular Optics At The Physics Department Of Ludwig-Maximilians Un M¼nchen, Germany. Current R and D information on femtosecond laser technology, jobs, tour, faculty, and contact details. http://www.bmo.physik.uni-muenchen.de/ |
125. Institute Of Laser-Physics - University Of Hamburg Welcome to the Institute of laserphysics. The Institute of laser-physicswas founded in 1991. It is designed as a center of basic http://www.physnet.uni-hamburg.de/ilp/en/ |
126. Department Of Medical Physics Bioengineering, University College London Department has a broad range of interests Biomedical Optics Radiation physics Quantitative Medical Imaging Incontinence Lasers and Endoscopy MRI Medical Graphics Implated Devices http://www.medphys.ucl.ac.uk/ |
127. Steven Chu, Former Bell Labs Researcher, Wins 1997 Nobel In Physics Using lasers to trap and cool molecules for study. Nobel Prize for Chu, Phillips, and CohenTannoudji. http://www.bell-labs.com/user/feature/archives/chu/ |
128. Fysik KTH Kollokvier. Seminarier. International Conference IMAGING 2003. Svenska FysikersamfundetsFysikdagar 2003. webmaster@physics.kth.se uppdaterad 3 februari 2003. http://www.physics.kth.se/ |
129. Introduction Division of physics and Astronomy Faculty of Sciences Vrije UniversiteitLaser Centrum Vrije Universiteit, Dept. of Atomic physics. Introduction. http://www.nat.vu.nl/atom/index-en.html |
130. Main Page http://www.maik.rssi.ru/journals/lasphys/default.htm |
131. Laserphysics University Bonn Translate this page http://www.iap.uni-bonn.de/arb_m_e.html |
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