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41. Gds_scient Biographies et analyses des th¨ses scientifiques des philosophes grecs. Le site du coll¨ge Jules Ferry de Montlu§on, fruit d'un programme ©ducatif socrates met en ligne des fiches tr¨s d©taill©es sur les id©es et les r©flexions de la plupart des grands penseurs grecs de l'antiquit©. http://coll-ferry-montlucon.pays-allier.com/gdscient.htm | |
42. S O C R A T E S Translate this page http://www.bdp.it/socrates/comenius/ | |
43. ESocrates, Inc. esocrates, Inc. is a knowledge management and eLearning company thatenables organizations to expand revenues and reduce costs. http://www.esocrates.com/ | |
44. The Life Of Socrates Sections on socrates' life, characteristics, philosophical method and death.Category Society Philosophy Philosophers socrates Biographies......The ancient Greek philosopher socrates is best known today throughhis appearance in the Dialogues of Plato. He left no writings http://www.2020site.org/socrates/ | |
45. Death Of Socrates JacquesLouis David painting of the famous suicide. http://www.ibiblio.org/wm/paint/auth/david/socrates.jpg |
46. Agencia Nacional Sócrates De España Translate this page Agencia Nacional Sócrates Paseo del Prado, 28-1ª 28014 Madrid Teléfono +34 915065685Fax +34 915065689 E-mail a.socrates@educ.mec.es Última actualización http://www.mec.es/sgpe/socrates/ | |
47. 20th WCP: Spelunking With Socrates: A Study Of Socratic Pedagogy In Plato's Repu Study of Socratic Pedagogy in Plato's Republic, by Victor Boutros, Baylor University. http://www.bu.edu/wcp/Papers/Anci/AnciBout.htm | |
48. Philosophy On The Net This page has been moved to http//home.attbi.com/~lady.socrates/. Pleasecome visit me, there! lady.socrates@attbi.com © 19962002. http://www.geocities.com/Athens/5127/ | |
49. Socrates HR Conseillers europ©ens (Belgique, France et Luxembourg) en management RH . Offres en ligne. La Louvi¨re, Belgique. Bilingue F/E. http://socrateshr.com/ | |
50. MURST - Erasmus Socrates Translate this page MURST. Commissione Europea. http://www.socrates.murst.it/ |
51. Brother Outsider: The Life Of Bayard Rustin || A Documentary For PBS Web site and film devoted to profiling the influential 1960's civil rights leader and gay rights activist. http://www.rustin.org | |
52. Tempus Közalapítvány : Socrates január 29. A socrates program Hírek, események Pályázati infók Nyertes pályázatokPartnerkereso Kiadványok Archívum Más honlapok Munkatársak. http://www.tpf.iif.hu/socrates/ | |
53. Socrates Scholasticus: The Life Of Hypatia Biographical paragraph from Scholasticus' Ecclesiastical History. Condemns the slaying of this Alexandrian thinker. http://cosmopolis.com/alexandria/hypatia-bio-socrates.html | |
54. Socrates Erasmus Programa EHUko ikasleek atzerrian ikasteko ekimena (erd.) http://www.ehu.es/euskera/contenidos/relinter/socrates.html |
55. 20th WCP: Socrates' Last Error An article by Miroslav Ivanovic which discusses problems of law and morality in socrates' philosophy. http://www.bu.edu/wcp/Papers/Anci/AnciIvan.htm | |
56. The Last Days Of Socrates Online texts of the Apology, Crito, Euthrypho, and Phaedo. Includes Jowett notes, as well as drawings to aid the reader new to Greek philosophy. Also includes a glossary of terms and names. http://socrates.clarke.edu/index.htm | |
57. Socrates IN ENGLISH socrates Eesti büroo on Sihtasutuse Archimedes struktuuriüksus, misfunktsioneerib eelkõige Euroopa Liidu hariduskoostööprogrammi socrates II http://www.socrates.ee/ | |
58. Hippias [Internet Encyclopedia Of Philosophy] Hippias was a sophist, a contemporary of socrates, and an enthusiast for universality. http://www.utm.edu/research/iep/h/hippias.htm | |
59. CONFUCIUS AND SOCRATES The Teaching Of Wisdom CONTENTS BECK index. CONFUCIUS AND socrates The Teaching of Wisdom. By Sanderson BeckCONTENTS. Aristophanes Xenophon Plato. Life of socrates Attitudes of socrates. http://www.san.beck.org/C&S-Contents.html |
60. Accounts Of Study Abroad Students of ERASMUS, socrates and other exchange programs share their unique experiences and knowledge gained. http://erasmus.freeshell.org |
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