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21. Redirection European Commission european cooperation in education and training http://europa.eu.int/en/comm/dg22/socrates.html | |
22. Inventory Of Internet Resources In Phonetics Links to internet resources in phonetics and speech communication. http://www.phon.ucl.ac.uk/resource/cal-top.htm | |
23. The Last Days Of Socrates socrates. Although socrates (470399 BCE) is the central figure of these dialogues,little is actually known about him. socrates' mother was a midwife. http://socrates.clarke.edu/aplg0260.htm | |
24. John Searle Home page at the University of California, Berkeley. Includes online articles, courses, contact information, bibliography and curriculum vitae in PDF format. http://socrates.berkeley.edu/~jsearle/ | |
25. Servicio De Información. Agencia Nacional Sócrates. Welcome socrates, Leonardo Youth TAO fr en Feedback Home Login February 15, 2003 Change Password socrates The Community Action Programme in the Field of Education includes Comenius (School Education) Erasmus (Higher Education) IC Reform Erasmus http://www.oei.es/socrates.htm |
26. God, Western Philosophical Concepts Of God, from socrates to Nietzsche. http://www.utm.edu/research/iep/g/god.htm |
27. Welcome To Socrates Sun Enterprise 5000 server is used for Web publishing, email, and statistical computation for the UC Berkeley campus. http://socrates.berkeley.edu/ | |
28. Greek Philosophy: Plato, The Apology Of Socrates Greek Philosophy socrates How you, O Athenians, have been affected by my accusers,I cannot tell; but I know that they almost made me forget who I was, so http://www.wsu.edu/~dee/GREECE/APOLOGY.HTM | |
29. Agence Socrates-Leonardo Da Vinci Translate this page L'Agence socrates Leonardo da Vinci a pour mission de promouvoir des projetseuropéens innovants dans le secteur de l'éducation et de la formation http://www.socrates-france.org/ |
30. Socrates, Leonardo Youth TAO socrates. IC Compendium socratesERASMUS Institutional Contract Compendium of ApprovedProjects (only available in english for the moment). LEONARDO da VINCI. http://www.socleoyouth.be/ |
31. The University Of Urbino Contains lots of useful information on this little university located in the green hearth of Italy and also summer study programs for Italian language. Information about the socrates exchange program is also provided. http://www.uniurb.it/Welcome.html | |
32. Socrates UK - Education And Culture socrates is the EU education programme. If you are new to the socrates programme,socrates at a Glance provides an overview of the opportunities available. http://www.socrates-uk.net/ | |
33. Socrates Group, The Provides client/server training education and consulting. http://www.socrates.com | |
34. Comenius - A European Dimension In School Education Comenius is the Action of socrates which targets school education. Broadlyspeaking, this means any type of institution from nursery http://www.socrates-uk.net/comenius/ | |
35. CATHOLIC ENCYCLOPEDIA: Socrates (Catholic Encyclopedia) http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/14118b.htm | |
36. Fundacja Rozwoju Systemu Edukacji - Strona G³ówna Fundacja Rozwoju Systemu Edukacji ul. Mokotowska 43, 00551 WARSZAWASerdecznie witamy na stronie domowej Fundacji Rozwoju Systemu http://www.socrates.org.pl/ | |
37. Jesus, Socrates, And Others -- To Dr. Joseph Priestley Text of a letter written to Priestly in by Thomas jefferson in 1803 . http://www.positiveatheism.org/hist/jeff1120.htm | |
38. Program Socrates-Erasmus Program socrates Erasmus. Serdecznie witamy na stronie programu Erasmus. Informatorprogramu socrates (angielska wersja jezykowa). http://www.socrates.org.pl/erasmus/ | |
39. SOCRATES - ERASMUS - Le Programme De La Communauté Européenne Dans Le Domaine , informations pour les enseignants et les ©tudiants, ©tablissements participant et statistiques.......Le programme d'©change d'©tudiants de la Communaut© europ©enne dans le domaine de l'enseignement sup©rieur. http://europa.eu.int/comm/education/erasmus_fr.html | |
40. S O C R A T E S Translate this page AGENZIA NAZIONALE socrates ITALIA Istituto Nazionale di Documentazioneper l'innovazione e la Ricerca Educativa- Firenze. http://www.bdp.it/socrates/ | |
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