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1. John Searle of the Philosophy of Mind and Language, University of California at Berkeley Check out Harry Kreisler's interview with Professor Searle with segments in RealVideo. http://socrates.berkeley.edu/~jsearle | |
2. John Searle Short essay on Searle's analysis of metaphor by Tony Veale.Category Society Philosophy Philosophers Searle, John......John Searle. Searle (1979) offers a treatment of metaphor from the perspectiveof speech act theory, in which a statement possesses http://www.compapp.dcu.ie/~tonyv/trinity/searle.html | |
3. Searle John From FOLDOC searle john. history of philosophy, biography American philosopherborn in 1932. Expanding on the work of JL Austin, Searle's Speech http://www.swif.uniba.it/lei/foldop/foldoc.cgi?Searle John |
4. Generation5.org - John Searle A short interview focusing on Searle's views concerning artificial intelligence.Category Society Philosophy Philosophers Searle, John......John Searle. John Searle, Professor of Philosophy at Berkeley, is best known forhis famous Chinese Room Analogy. Interview with John Searle! AISolutions http://www.generation5.org/searle.shtml | |
5. John R Searle searle john R. Dublin,M. Futurehype. 1992 (231 name The names below arementioned on the listed pages with the name searle john R. Click http://www.pir.org/main2/John_R_Searle.html | |
6. Searle John R. - La Razionalità Translate this page searle john R. La razionalità dell'azione. Scienza e idee CortinaRaffaello (data di pubblicazione prevista Febbraio 2003) Sono http://www.alice.it/forthcom/fi/fi845948.htm |
7. John Searle: John Searle Videos From Thinking Allowed MINDS, BRAINS AND SCIENCE John Searle ( S493), 30 min. $29.95, Willcomputers ever achieve consciousness? John Searle, Ph.D., is a http://www.thinkingallowed.com/2jsearle.html | |
8. Titles By: Searle John R. Titles by searle john R. The following titles were written by searle johnR. Click on the title to see a review of it. Can Computers Think? http://www.scism.sbu.ac.uk/inmandw/review/ai/author/aut12.html | |
9. Xrefer - Search Results - John Searle searle john Prof (JRS). searle john Prof (JRS) University of California,Berkeley This contributor provided input to the searle john R. 1932. http://www.xrefer.com/results.jsp?shelf=&term=John Searle |
10. Advanced Search View Basket Your Account Order Status Help Home Your search for searle+john+r+ yielded 11 results using author Displayingresults 1 to 11. 1. Mind,Language and Society Searle, John http://www.countrybookshop.co.uk/cgi-bin/search.pl?searchtype=author&searchtext= |
11. John Searle John Searle Dictionary of Philosophy of Mind Searle, John. John Searle'sThe Chinese Room Argument (Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy). http://www.mhhe.com/mayfieldpub/lawhead/chapter3/john_searle.htm | |
12. John R Searle - ResearchIndex Document Query Searle, John R. 1967. Determinables and Determinates. 370 August (1994)Searle1992 Searle, John R. The Rediscovery of the Mind. http://citeseer.nj.nec.com/cs?q=John R. Searle |
13. El Misterio De La Conciencia De John R. Searle Translate this page Traducción El misterio de la conciencia John R. searle john Searletiene sus propias ideas sobre el fenómeno de la conciencia. http://www.archivodenessus.com/rese/0102/ | |
14. GedBrowser John Searle. Gideon searle john Searle Reuben Searl Sgt. Am. Rev. Wa Sgt. Am.Rev. John Searle, John Searle, Richard Baldwin. Sarah Baldwin, Isabell HARDING. http://www.misbach.org/genealogy/g2064.html | |
15. John Searle - Wikipedia John Searle. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. John Searle is MillsProfessor of Philosophy at the University of California at Berkeley. http://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Searle | |
16. Is The Brain A Digital Computer? Address to the American Philosophical Association by john searle.Category Society Philosophy Philosophers searle, john Works...... searle, john R. (1980). Minds, Brains and Programs , The Behavioral and Brain Sciences.3,pp. 417424. searle, john R. (1984). Minds, Brains and Science. http://cogsci.soton.ac.uk/~harnad/Papers/Py104/searle.comp.html | |
17. Dictionary Of Philosophy Of Mind - Searle, John Entry by Daniel Barbiero from the Dictionary of Philosophy of Mind. Reviews key aspects of this thinker's doctrine. http://www.artsci.wustl.edu/~philos/MindDict/searle.html | |
18. Chinese Room Argument [Internet Encyclopedia Of Philosophy] john searle's thought experiment is one of the best known counters to claims of artificial intelligence. http://www.utm.edu/research/iep/c/chineser.htm | |
19. Minds, Brains, And Programs searle's seminal 1980 article on the possibility of artificial intelligence.Category Society Philosophy Philosophers searle, john Works......john R. searle. Minds, Brains, and Programs, by john R. searle, from The Behavioraland Brain Sciences, vol. 3. Copyright 1980 Cambridge University Press. http://members.aol.com/NeoNoetics/MindsBrainsPrograms.html | |
20. Conversation With John Searle, Cover Page Wideranging interview conducted by Harry Kreisler. Features images and streaming video.Category Society Philosophy Philosophers searle, john......Harry Kreisler interviews john R. searle, Mills Professor of Philosophy,UC Berkeley, on Philosophy and the Habits of Critical Thinking. http://globetrotter.berkeley.edu/people/Searle/searle-con0.html | |
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