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         Peirce Charles Sanders:     more books (100)
  1. Reasoning and the Logic of Things: The Cambridge Conferences Lectures of 1898 (Harvard Historical Studies) by Charles Sanders Peirce, 1992-01-01
  2. Charles Sanders Peirce (Enlarged Edition), Revised and Enlarged Edition: A Life by Joseph Brent, 1998-11-01
  3. Peirce on Signs: Writings on Semiotic By Charles Sanders Peirce by Charles Sanders Peirce, 1991-12-14
  4. His Glassy Essence: An Autobiography of Charles Sanders Peirce (Vanderbilt Library of American Philosophy) by Kenneth Laine Ketner, 1998-08-15
  5. Semiotics and Philosophy in Charles Sanders Peirce by Rossella Fabbrichesi and Susanna Marietti, 2008-01-09
  6. Living Doubt: Essays concerning the Epistemology of Charles Sanders Peirce (Synthese Library)
  7. Collected Papers of Charles Sanders Peirce by Charles Sanders Peirce, 1998-01
  8. Studies in the Logic of Charles Sanders Peirce
  9. A General Introduction to the Semiotic of Charles Sanders Peirce by James Jakób Liszka, 1996-09-01
  10. Photometric Researches: Made In The Years, 1872-1875 (1878) by Charles Sanders Peirce, 2010-09-10
  11. Naturordnung und Zeichenprozeß. Schriften über Semiotik und Naturphilosophie. by Charles Sanders Peirce, 1991-01-01
  12. Religionsphilosophische Schriften. by Charles Sanders Peirce, Hermann Deuser, et all 2000-01-01
  13. Vorlesungen uber Pragmatismus (Philosophische Bibliothek) (German Edition) by Charles Sanders Peirce, 1991
  14. Abitur Gemeinschaftskunde Gymnasium Hessen. Leistungskurs. by Charles Sanders Peirce, 1995-01-31

1. Charles Sanders Peirce
Discusses the scientist's interest in infinite sets, probability theory, two distinct kinds of induction Category Science Math History People Peirce, Charles Sanders...... From Bejamin peirce charles sanders Peirce received most of the substance of hisearly education as well as a good deal of intellectual encouragement and
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Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy
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Charles Sanders Peirce
Charles Sanders Peirce (1839-1914) was the founder of American pragmatism (later called by Peirce "pragmaticism"), an extender of the Scotistic theory of signs (called by Peirce "semeiotic"), an extraordinarily prolific logician and mathematician, and a developer of an evolutionary, psycho-physically monistic metaphysical system. A practicing chemist and geodesist by profession, he nevertheless considered scientific philosophy, and especially logic, to be his vocation. In the course of his polymathic researches, he wrote on a wide range of topics, ranging from mathematical logic to psychology.
Brief Biography
Charles Sanders Peirce was born on September 10, 1839 in Cambridge, Massachusetts, and died on April 19, 1914 in Milford, Pennsylvania. His writings extend from about 1857 until near his death, a period of approximately 57 years. His published works run to about 12,000 printed pages and his known unpublished manuscripts run to about 80,000 handwritten pages. The topics on which he wrote have an immense range, from mathematics and the hard sciences at one extreme, to economics, psychology, anthroplogy, history of science, and the theory of signs, at the other extreme. Peirce's father Benjamin was Professor of Mathematics at Harvard University and was one of the founders of the U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey as well as one of the founders of the Smithsonian Institution. The department of mathematics at Harvard was essentially built by Benjamin. From Bejamin Peirce Charles Sanders Peirce received most of the substance of his early education as well as a good deal of intellectual encouragement and stimulation. Benjamin's didactic technique mostly took the form of setting interesting problems and checking Charles's solutions of them, and in this instructional atmosphere Charles learned his lifelong habit of thinking through problems entirely on his own. To this habit, perhaps, is to be attributed Charles Peirce's originality.

2. Arisbe Castellano - Alfredo Horoch Editor
Charles Sanders Peirce Seite aus einem deutschsprachigen OnlinePhilosophenlexikon. Der nordamerikanische Philosoph, Logiker und Physiker Charles Sanders Peirce gehört zu den Begründern des Pragmatismus
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3. Peirce Charles Sanders From FOLDOC
peirce charles sanders. history of philosophy, biography CharlesSanders Peirce (18391914) studied philosophy and chemistry at

4. Peirce Charles Sanders
Translate this page peirce charles sanders américain, 1839 - 1914 Fils de l’astronomeet mathématicien algébriste Benjamin Peirce, d'origine anglaise.
PEIRCE Charles Sanders
Benjamin Peirce fondements Russell et Whitehead Boole
Sa contribution importante en logique propositionnelle, initiateur, avec Frege en Allemagne, des quantificateurs Cantor notations ensemblistes :
Symbole de Peirce : Gibbs Lemoine

5. Vorlesungen über Pragmatismus Peirce Charles Sanders
Translate this page Vorlesungen über Pragmatismus peirce charles sanders. Titel Vorlesungenüber Pragmatismus. Autor peirce charles sanders. Rubrik
Vorlesungen über Pragmatismus Peirce Charles Sanders
Titel: Vorlesungen über Pragmatismus.
Autor: Peirce Charles Sanders
Rubrik: Philosophie Deutscher Idealismus 19. Jh. 19. Jahrhundert Pragmatismus
Acta Cusana I/3b. Quellen...

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6. Religionsphilosophische Schriften Peirce Charles Sanders
Translate this page Religionsphilosophische Schriften peirce charles sanders. Titel ReligionsphilosophischeSchriften. Autor peirce charles sanders. Rubrik Philosophie 20.
Religionsphilosophische Schriften Peirce Charles Sanders
Titel: Religionsphilosophische Schriften.
Autor: Peirce Charles Sanders
Rubrik: Philosophie 20. 21. Jahrhundert Religionsphilosophie
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7. WIEM: Peirce Charles Sanders
peirce charles sanders (18391914), amerykanski filozof, logik i matematyk, uwazanyna równi z W. Jamesem za twórce pragmatyzmu. Profesor logiki napisz do nas losuj: has³a multimedia Filozofia, Matematyka, Stany Zjednoczone
Peirce Charles Sanders widok strony
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poka¿ powi±zane
Peirce Charles Sanders (1839-1914), amerykañski filozof, logik i matematyk, uwa¿any na równi z W. Jamesem za twórcê pragmatyzmu . Profesor logiki w Johns Hopkins University. Autor wielu prac z zakresu filozofii, logiki, matematyki, w tym: The Fixation of Belief How to Make Our Ideas Clear? (1878) - zapis dyskusji prowadzonej wspólnie z W. Jamesem w pocz±tku lat 70. XIX w. w  Klubie Metafizycznym, którego uczestnikami byli najwybitniejsi uczeni - zwolennicy empiryzmu darwinizmu utylitaryzmuKantowskiego "rozumu praktycznego". Peirce przedstawi³ wówczas za³o¿enia pragmatyzmu rozumianego jako teoria analizy logicznej. Akcentuj±c praktyczny wymiar znaczeniowy pojêæ i wiedzy naukowej Peirce by³ przeciwny przekonaniu o intuicyjnym czy bezpo¶rednim pochodzeniu wiedzy (antykartezjanizm). Uwa¿a³, ¿e wiedza jest zawsze efektem wnioskowania, wynikaj±cego z  poznania bezpo¶redniego. Akty ¶wiadomo¶ci s± dla niego "faktami" poznawanymi po¶rednio. Wszystkie prawdy s± jedynie hipotezami.

8. Peirce Charles Sanders
Translate this page 1 utente in /prosa_poesia. 1 utente in /angolo_filosofico. Peirce, CharlesSanders. Filosofo statunitense (Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1839-Milford 1914).
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Peirce, Charles Sanders
Filosofo statunitense (Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1839-Milford 1914). É considerato il fondatore e il primo teorizzatore del pragmatismo Schiller , preferì mutare il nome della sua filosofia, definendola pragmaticismo, e volle mantenere strettamente unite azione e conoscenza, proprio perché il senso e il significato di una teoria consistente nel complesso delle credenze e degli interessi non si riducesse pura molla per l'azione ma costituisse con essa un tutto unico. Interessanti e strettamente collegati alla sua teoria della conoscenza, gli apporti dati dal Peirce alla logica, e particolarmente alla semiotica o teoria del significato, con la sua teoria del segno come elemento che interpreta e rappresenta il suo oggetto e l'idea che se ne possiede. Opere: Chance, Love and Logic

9. What Is A Sign? By Charles Sanders Peirce
Charles Sanders Peirce (1894). What Is a Sign? Written 1894; Sourcehttp//
Charles Sanders Peirce (1894)
What Is a Sign?
Source : This is a most necessary question, since all reasoning is an interpretation of signs of some kind. But it is also a very difficult question, calling for deep reflection. It is necessary to recognise three different states of mind. First, imagine a person in a dreamy state. Let us suppose he is thinking of nothing but a red colour. Not thinking about it, either, that is, not asking nor answering any questions about it, not even saying to himself that it pleases him, but just contemplating it, as his fancy brings it up. Perhaps, when he gets tired of the red, he will change it to some other colour,-say a turquoise blue,-or a rose-colour;-but if he does so, it will be in the play of fancy without any reason and without any compulsion. This is about as near as may be to a state of mind in which something is present, without compulsion and without reason; it is called Feeling. Except in a half-waking hour, nobody really is in a state of feeling, pure and simple. But whenever we are awake, something is present to the mind, and what is present, without reference to any compulsion or reason, is feeling. Second, imagine our dreamer suddenly to hear a loud and prolonged steam whistle. At the instant it begins, he is startled. He instinctively tries to get away; his hands go to his ears. It is not so much that it is unpleasing, but it forces itself so upon him. The instinctive resistance is a necessary part of it: the man would not be sensible his will was borne down, if he had no self-assertion to be borne down. It is the same when we exert ourselves against outer resistance; except for that resistance we should not have anything upon which to exercise strength. This sense of acting and of being acted upon, which is our sense of the reality of things,-both of outward things and of ourselves,-may be called the sense of Reaction. It does not reside in any one Feeling; it comes upon the breaking of one feeling by another feeling. It essentially involves two things acting upon one another.

10. Charles Peirce
Charles Sanders Peirce (18391914). A Brief Outline of His Philosophy.with some relations to linguistics. by Eugene Halton (c) 1992.
Charles Sanders Peirce (1839-1914) A Brief Outline of His Philosophy with some relations to linguistics by Eugene Halton (c) 1992 "The agility of the tongue is shown in its insisting that the world depends upon it." Peirce Charles Sanders Peirce (1839-1914) is generally regarded as the founder of philosophical pragmatism, and, with Saussure, of modern semeiotic, and also as one of the founders of mathematical or symbolic logic. He was also deeply absorbed by linguistic researches throughout his life, learning languages in remote areas while travelling on geodetic surveys. His first published paper was on Shakespearean pronunciation. A natural scientist by training and the son of the eminent mathematician Benjamin Peirce, he developed the philosophical basis of semeiotic in a series of articles in the late 1860s ("Questions Concerning Certain Capacities Claimed for Man," "Some Consequences of Four Incapacities"). There Peirce levelled a devastating critique of Cartesian philosophy and foundationalism, arguing that all cognition is irreducibly triadic, of the nature of a sign, fallible, and thoroughly immersed in a continuing process of interpretation. He considered his semeiotic (as he spelled it, in contrast with current usage of "semiotics" as an inclusive term for all the various studies of signs) as a general theory of logic, and saw language as but a portion of semeiosis. Some of Peirce's letters to Lady Welby were included in the appendix to Ogden and Richards The Meaning of Meaning, and, with Charles Morris's largely unacknowledged appropriation of Peirce's ideas in his influential monograph Foundations of the Theory of Signs (1938), Peirce's ideas were problematically brought to the linguistics community and social sciences more generally.

11. PEIRCE Charles Sanders
Translate this page PEIRCE, Charles Sanders. Vgl. . ?Peirce, Charles Sanders (1839-1914). AmerikanischerPhilosoph, Logiker und Physiker, Begründer des Pragmatismus. der Linguistik/pa/PEIRCE Char
PEIRCE, Charles Sanders
Vgl.: Zeichen / Zeichen nach Ch. S. Peirce / Semiotik / Symbol / Pragmatismus / Frege, Gottlob / Derrida / Individuum Siehe auch ZEICHEN nach Peirce Peirce, Charles Sanders Amerikanischer Philosoph, Logiker und Physiker, Begründer des Pragmatismus. Zentral für seine Philosophie ist seine Auslegung von Begriffen als Handlungsregeln. Den Begriff In seinen logischen Arbeiten gelangte Peirce zu Erkenntnissen, auf die schon Frege die moderne Logik gründete. Dazu gehören insbesondere die Relationslogik und die Quantor-Notation für Allgemeinbegriffe. Peirce entwickelte – ohne jedoch zu einer endgültigen Form zu gelangen – eine besondere Zeichentheorie (Semiotik), die spätere Forschungen stark angeregt hat. Von unmittelbarem Einfluß waren seine pragmatischen Grundideen, die von James und Dewey übernommen und umgestaltet wurden. Später haben u.a. Popper und Quine Ideen von Peirce weitergeführt.” Hügli, Anton/Lübcke, Poul (Hg.): Philosophielexikon. Personen und Begriffe der abendländischen Philosophie von der Antike bis zur Gegenwart . Reinbek: Rowohlt, 1991, S. 442]

12. Web Pages On Charles Sanders Peirce
Charles Sanders Peirce. 1839 1914. Web Pages on Charles Sanders Peirce.
Charles Sanders Peirce
Web Pages on Charles Sanders Peirce Back to Previous Page
Gustavus Philosophy Department Home Page

13. Peirce Charles Sanders Vorlesungen über Pragmatismus.
Translate this page peirce charles sanders Vorlesungen über Pragmatismus. Titel Vorlesungenüber Pragmatismus. Autor peirce charles sanders. Rubrik1
Peirce Charles Sanders Vorlesungen über Pragmatismus.
Titel: Vorlesungen über Pragmatismus.
Autor: Peirce Charles Sanders
Rubrik1: Philosophie, Deutscher Idealismus, 19. Jh., 19. Jahrhundert, Pragmatismus
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14. Vorlesungen über Pragmatismus. Peirce Charles Sanders
Translate this page Vorlesungen über Pragmatismus. peirce charles sanders. Autor Peirce CharlesSanders. Rubrik1 Philosophie, Deutscher Idealismus, 19. Jh., 19.
Vorlesungen über Pragmatismus. Peirce Charles Sanders
Titel: Vorlesungen über Pragmatismus.
Autor: Peirce Charles Sanders
Rubrik1: Philosophie, Deutscher Idealismus, 19. Jh., 19. Jahrhundert, Pragmatismus
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15. Charles Sanders Peirce
Charles Sanders Peirce. Robert W. Burch. ? ?. . . Collected Papers of Charles Sanders Peirce, 8 vols. translation.htm
Charles Sanders Peirce
Robert W. Burch
PEIRCEÊÇË­ Charles Sanders Peirce (1839-1914) pragmatism Peirce "pragmaticism" Peirce "semeiotic" Charles Sanders Peirce £¬1839Äê9ÔÂ10ÈÕ³öÉúÓÚ MassachusettsµÄCambridge£¬1914Äê4ÔÂ19ÈÕ×äÓÚPennsylvania µÄMilford¡£ËûµÄÖøÊö´Ó1857Äê×óÓÒÒ»Ö±³ÖÐøµ½½«½üÈ¥ÊÀ£¬Ò»¶Î´óÔ¼57ÄêµÄʱÆÚ¡£ËûÒѳö°æµÄÖø×÷Ó¡³ö´ïµ½½ü12,000Ò³£¬¶øÆäδ³ö°æµÄÊÖ¸å´ïµ½Ô¼80,000 Ò³¡£Ëûд×÷µÄÂÛÌⷶΧ¼«¹ã£¬´ÓÊýѧºÍ×ÔÈ»¿Æѧһ¶Ëµ½¾­¼Ñ§¡¢ÐÄÀíѧ¡¢ÈËÀàѧ¡¢¿ÆѧʷºÍÖ¸ºÅÀíÂÛΪÁíÒ»¶Ë¡£ PeirceµÄ¸¸Ç×Benjamin ÊÇ Harvard University µÄÊýѧ½ÌÊÚ£¬Ò²ÊÇthe Smithsonian InstitutionµÄ´´Ê¼ÈËÖ®Ò»£¬ÓÖÊÇthe U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey µÄ´´Ê¼ÈËÖ®Ò»¡£HarvardÊýѧϵʵÖÊÉÏÊÇÓÉBenjamin´´Á¢µÄ¡£´ÓBejamin PeirceÄÇÀCharles Sanders Peirceµµ½ÁË´óÁ¿Ë¼ÏëÉϵĹÄÎèºÍ¼¤Àø£¬Ò²½ÓÊÜÁËËûÔçÄê½ÌÓýÉϵĴó¶àÎïÖÊ¡£BenjaminµÄ˵½ÌÒÕÊõͨ³£²ÉÈ¡ÏȲ¼ÖÓÐȤµÄÎÊÌâÈ»ºóCharlesµÄ»Ø´ðµÄÐÎʽ£¬ÔÚÕâÖÖ½ÌÓý·ÕΧÖУ¬Charlesѧ»áÁËÒ»ÉúÍêÈ«¶ÀÁ¢Ë¼¿¼ÎÊÌâµÄÏ°¹ß¡£ »òÐí£¬Charles PeirceµÄ¶À´´ÐԾ͹éÒòÓÚÕâһϰ¹ß¡£ Peirce1859Äê±ÏÒµÓÚHarvard²¢ÓÚ1863Äê»ñµ»¯Ñ§Àíѧʿ¡£´Ó1859ÄêÖ±µ½1891ÄêºóÆÚ£¬ËûÊܹÍÓÚthe U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey£¬Ö÷Òª´ÓʲâµØµ÷²é¡£´Ó1879ÄêÖ±µ½1884Ä꣬PeirceÉêÇëµ½ÁËÒ»¸öµÚ¶þÖ°Òµ£¬ÔÚJohns Hopkins UniversityÊýѧϵ½ÌÂß¼­Ñ§¡£ÄÇʱÊýѧϵÓÉÖøûÊýѧ¼ÒJ. J. SylvesterÁìµ¼¡£ÓÉÓÚÏÔÈ»ÓëÒ»¼þÊÂʵÓйصÄÔ­Òò£¬ÕâÒ»¹¤×÷ͻȻʧȥ£¬ÕâÒ»ÊÂʵ¾ÍÊÇ£¬PeirceµÄµÚ¶þ¸öÆÞ×ÓÊǸö»ùÆÕÈûÈ˶øÇÒÔÚ½á»éÇ°Ëû¾Í÷ÏÔÓëÆäͬ¾Ó¡£ÕâÊÇPeirce½öÓеÄÒ»´ÎѧԺ¹¤×÷£¬ÔÚʧȥÕâ¸ö¹¤×÷ºó£¬Peirce´Ó´Ë¶¼½ö½öΪthe U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey¹¤×÷¡£µ«Õâ¸ö¹¤×÷Ò²ÓÉÓÚ¹ú»áÔÚ×ʽðÉϵĵ£ÐĶøÔÚ1891ÄêºóÆÚ¶ªµôÁË¡£´Ëºó£¬Peirce ¿¿×öÁ㹤ºÍ¹ËÎÊ£¨Ö÷ÒªÔÚ»¯Ñ§¹¤³ÌºÍ»¯Ñ§·ÖÎö·½æ£©¹¤×÷À´¼èÄѵØά³ÖÉú»î¡£ÔÚPeirceÓàÉú£¬Ëû¾­³£´¦ÓÚ¿ÉŵIJÆÁ¦¾½À§Ö®µØ£¬¶øÇÒÓÐʱֻÊÇÒòΪÅóÓÑÆ©ÈçWilliam JamesµÄÊ©ÉáËû²ÅµÒÔ´æ»î¡£

16. Charles Sanders Peirce
Charles Sanders Peirce (18391914). Peirce and his wife Juliette infront of their home, 1908. The Pragmatism Reading Group has now

17. Charles Sanders Peirce
Charles Sanders Peirce. Joseph Brent. A Life.
Charles Sanders Peirce
Joseph Brent A Life

"Joseph Brent's splendid biography of Charles S. Peirce (1839-1914) dispels much of the mystery that has surrounded the difficult life and career of America's greatest philosopher."
American Historical Review ". . . a forceful and beautifully written account of the life and work of Peirce . . . places the demonic aspects of Peirce's personality in their proper social and psychological contexts."
Semiotica "This outstanding book, the first full-scale biography of Peirce, illuminates both Peirce's life and his philosophy."
Library Journal ". . . an extraordinary, inspiring portrait of the largely forgotten Peirce, a progenitor of modern thought who devised a realist metaphysics and attempted to achieve direct knowledge of God by applying the logic of science."
Publishers Weekly "Brent . . . has given us a full and compelling account of Peirce's troubled career and a wealth of persuasive arguments and plausible inferences (what Peirce called 'abductions') to help explain it."
Science "Brent's book is a great example of biographical writing. The final essay, 'The Wasp in the Bottle,' is astonishingly good, a masterpiece."

18. Charles S. Peirce Studies
Web site devoted to the life and works of CS peirce.Category Science Math History People peirce, charles sanders...... Max H. Fisch in Sebeok, The Play of Musement. Life Times The life and timesof charles sanders peirce. Writings Hypertext editions of peirce's writings.
W ho is the most original and the most versatile intellect that the Americas have so far produced? The answer "Charles S. Peirce" is uncontested, because any second would be so far behind as not to be worth nominating. [He was] mathematician, astronomer, chemist, geodesist, surveyor, cartographer, metrologist, spectroscopist, engineer, inventor; psychologist, philologist, lexicographer, historian of science, mathematical economist, lifelong student of medicine; book reviewer, dramatist, actor, short story writer; phenomenologist, semiotician, logician, rhetorician and metaphysician.
Max H. Fisch in Sebeok, The Play of Musement
The life and times of Charles Sanders Peirce.
Hypertext editions of Peirce's writings.
The Community of Inquirers
Information about mailing lists, events, organizations and individuals concerned with Peirce and his ideas.

19. Encéphi: Peirce
Essay from Encephi, by Robert Tremblay (in French).
Charles Sanders Peirce
par Raymond-Robert Tremblay , du cégep du Vieux Montréal Sa vie Né en 1839, Charles S. Peirce est aujourd'hui considéré comme le plus grand philosophe américain de tous les temps. Ce n'était pourtant pas le cas de son vivant, puisqu'il mena une vie d'exclu et n'obtint jamais de poste d'enseignant dans une université. D'abord logicien, bien sûr philosophe, mais aussi chimiste et géologue, Peirce est considéré comme le fondateur de la sémiotique (étude de la communication par signes). Il est le créateur de la philosophie pragmatiste et un innovateur reconnu en logique où il inventa la logique des relations et de la quantification (indépendamment de Frege). Comment peut-on alors expliquer son infortune sociale ? Son oeuvre immense (des centaines de milliers de pages manuscrites) fut peu éditée de son vivant et resta longtemps méconnue. Il ne réussit jamais à compléter la synthèse de sa philosophie qu'il voulait rédiger. Il mourut dans l'indifférence presque générale à Milford en 1914. Le pragmatisme Entrons dans le vif du sujet. La maxime pragmatiste se formule ainsi: "Considérer quels sont les effets pratiques que nous pensons pouvoir être produits par l'objet de notre conception. La conception de tous ces effets est la conception complète de l'objet". ("Comment rendre nos idées claires", #15) Le pragmatisme est d'abord une philosophie de la signification. Une conception quelconque se définit par l'ensemble de ses effets pratiques. Si deux conceptions aux noms différents comportent les mêmes effets pratiques, alors elles ne forment qu'une seule et même conception. Par contre, si deux conceptions partagent un même nom, mais impliquent des effets différents, nous avons deux conceptions différentes.

20. Digital Encyclopedia Of Charles S. Peirce
Brings together the most recent writings about Pierce, and new works inspired by the logician.
The Digital Encyclopedia of Charles S. Peirce is the first on-line encyclopedia to bring together the most recent work on Peirce, and work inspired by his thought, in several fields of research Philosophy, Logic and Mathematics, Psychology, Ethology, Anthropology, Sociology, Communication, Aesthetics, Literature and Art Studies, Theoretical Biology, Philosophy of Science, Cognitive Sciences, Artificial Intelligence. The great advantage of the Encyclopedia's dynamic design is mirrored in its openness and responsiveness to new ideas. Unlike static reference works, it is kept up to date by a group of experts constantly adding new entries and modifying existing ones.

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