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21. Karl Marx Biography with clickable time lines. http://history.hanover.edu/modern/marx.htm | |
22. Postmodern Theory And Karl Marx An essay by Adam Barnhardt. http://www.cfmc.com/adamb/writings/marxpost.htm | |
23. THE COMMUNIST MANIFESTO The text that serves as the beginning of the communist movementCategory Society Politics Socialism marxism Communism Philosophy......karl marx and Frederick Engels. Manifesto of the Communist Party. 1848. Bourgeoisand Proletarians. karl marx. FREDERICK ENGELS. June 24, 1872 London. http://www.anu.edu.au/polsci/marx/classics/manifesto.html | |
24. The Paris Commune And Marx' Theory Of Revolution An analysis of the impact the Paris Commune of 1871 had on the revolutionary thinking of karl marx. http://userwww.sfsu.edu/~pdorn/Marx.html | |
25. Marxists Internet Archive The most complete database of marxism hitherto made. The archive is divided into three major sections marxist writers, marxist history, and reference materials. marxist writers has information on marxists from karl marx and Frederick Engels to Che Guevara to Vladimir Lenin to Rosa Luxemburg. http://www.marxists.org/ | |
26. Karl Marx | German Economic/Political Philosopher karl marx Economic/Political Philosopher. 1818 1883. History is economics inaction. Books By/About karl marx. karl marx A Life - Author Francis Wheen http://www.lucidcafe.com/library/96may/marx.html | |
27. Croce An essay written in 1896 by Bernedetto Croce. http://socserv2.socsci.mcmaster.ca/~econ/ugcm/3ll3/marx/croce.htm | |
28. Björn's Guide To Philosophy - Marx Includes links to several works by marx, discussion lists and other links.Category Science Social Sciences marx, karl......Biography. From 'marxism' karl marx by Frederick Engels A chronologyfrom marx/Engels Homepage Works. The Young marx (1837) Communism http://www.knuten.liu.se/~bjoch509/philosophers/mar.html | |
29. Marx, Karl Info CDROM Genres Neu Spezial Mitmachen Druckversion. karl (Heinrich) marx. Begründer des marxismus. http://www.gutenberg2000.de/autoren/marx.htm | |
30. Liber Liber: Biblioteca > Autori M > Marx, Karl Su Liber Liber una breve biografia ed il testo completo dello scritto Il Manifesto del Partito Comunista. http://www.liberliber.it/biblioteca/m/marx/index.htm | |
31. The MarX-Files: Resources On Karl Marx And Friedrich Engels An annotated web guide containing links to the major works of karl marx and Friedrich Engels as well as other marxist resources. http://www.appstate.edu/~stanovskydj/marxfiles.html | |
32. Karl Marx Als Philosoph Der Menschlichen Emanzipation Ein Aufsatz von Wolfdietrich SchmiedKowarzik zur Rehabilitation eines verkannten Denkers . http://www.uni-kassel.de/~schmiedk/Marx.htm | |
33. Marx - Third Manuscript Considers Hegel's method as embodied in the Encyclopedia and Phenomenology of Spirit, and its interpretation by subsequent thinkers. Particular emphasis is placed on the role of Feuerbach. http://www.ets.uidaho.edu/mickelsen/texts/Marx - 3rd man excerpt.htm | |
34. IWMA 1865: VALUE, PRICE AND PROFIT The First International Working Men's Association VALUE, PRICE ANDPROFIT. Addressed to Working Men by karl marx Edited by Eleanor http://csf.colorado.edu/psn/marx/Archive/1864-IWMA/1865-VPP/ | |
35. Marx Maatschappelijke arbeid als substraat van de politiek. Informatie over de filosofie van marx. Â http://www.eur.nl/fw/onderwijs/inl-dia-diff-prop/marx.html | |
36. Www.karlmarx.de Die ¼blichen Verd¤chtigen marx, Engels, Lenin. Hat auch einige Bilder. http://www.karlmarx.de |
37. Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung Karl-Marx-Haus Trier Bietet neben Besucherhinweisen Informationen zum Leben und Werk. http://www.fes.de/marx/faltblat.html | |
38. Marx & Engels Internet Archive Archive of karl marx and Fredrick Engels writings, speeches and letters. Also includes biographical information and an image gallery. http://csf.colorado.edu/mirrors/marxists.org/archive/marx/index.htm | |
39. Marx, Karl Translate this page karl (Heinrich) marx. Begründer des marxismus. Geboren am 5.5.1818in Trier, gestorben am 14.3.1883 in London. Sohn des späteren http://gutenberg.spiegel.de/autoren/marx.htm | |
40. Yusuf, Michelle A newcomer to the humor scene, Michelle sees the ordinary in a refreshingly unusual light. Comparisons have been made to Steve Martin, Betsy Ross, and karl Malone marx. She couldn't begin to tell you why. http://www.angelfire.com/ab2/kiljoi/index.html | |
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