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61. F.M. Wimmer VO Ibn Khaldun Translate this page Franz Martin Wimmer, Wien Abd al-Rahman ibn khaldun (1332 Tunis - 1406 Kairo). DieWissenschaft, die ibn khaldun grundlegen will, gehört nicht zur Logik. http://mailbox.univie.ac.at/Franz.Martin.Wimmer/vl-ibnkhald01.html | |
62. Ibn Khaldun On The Mahdi The Mahdi. From the Muqaddimah of ibn khaldun. Section 51 (of theMuqaddimah of ibn khaldun) On the matter of the Fatimi (The Mahdi http://www.bogvaerker.dk/Bookwright/Mahdi.html | |
63. [EAS]Ibn Khaldun EASibn khaldun. pjk pjk@design science. ibn khaldun was born in Tunisto a family with roots in the aristocracy of Seville, Spain. In 1352 http://jove.eng.yale.edu/pipermail/eas-info/2001/000350.html | |
64. IBN KHALDUN (1332-1406) ibn khaldun (13321406) ibn khaldun followed in the pattern of analysisof ibn Taimiyyah respecting to markets and the role of governments. http://islamic-finance.net/islamic-economy/chap14/chap14-6.html | |
65. Klassiker > Antike / Mittelalter > Ibn Khaldun ibn khaldun. ibn khaldun (1332-1406). Muqaddima(1375-1379). Mahdi, M. ibn khaldun's Philosophy of History, London 1957;. http://www.wiwi.uni-rostock.de/~polreg/content/klass_khaldun.htm | |
66. Egypt: Ibn Khaldun Verdict Meant To Silence Criticism (Human Rights Watch Press Egypt ibn khaldun Verdict Meant to Silence Criticism Ibrahim ShouldReceive Urgent Medical Treatment Abroad. (New York, July 31, 2002 http://www.hrw.org/press/2002/07/egypt0731.htm | |
67. Human Rights Watch: Ibn Khaldun Center Sentenced Egypt ibn khaldun Verdict Meant to Silence Criticism. UPDATE PoliticallyMotivated Verdict Overturned in Egypt. (December 3, 2002 http://www.hrw.org/campaigns/egypt/ | |
68. Tasawwuf Ibn Khaldun ON TASAWWUF ibn khaldun (d. 808). ibn khaldun said in his famous Muqaddima Tasawwufis one of the latterday sciences of the Law in the Islamic Community. http://www.sunnah.org/tasawwuf/scholr29.htm | |
69. IBN KHALDUN - His Life And Work ibn khaldun. His Life and Work. 1332 1406 / 732 - 808. BY. ibn khaldun accompaniedibn Tafrakin with the forces that would ward off Abu Ziads attacks. http://www.hozien.com/mih/khldlf.htm | |
70. Abd Al-Rahman Ibn Khaldun (1332 - 1406) Translate this page Abd al-Rahman ibn khaldun (1332 - 1406) Vom Nomadentum zu Stadt und Staat. Die folgendenvon ibn khaldun beobachteten Regeln sind dabei besonders interessant http://www.dse.de/zeitschr/ez100-5.htm | |
71. Khaldun, Ibn Information Sites Reviewed khaldun, ibn sites, by people who know khaldun, ibn and work with khaldun,ibn. PHILOSOPHYorg.com. Top Society Philosophy Philosophers khaldun, ibn http://philosophyorg.com/Philosophers/Khaldun,Ibn/ | |
72. Ibn Khaldun. The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. 2001 The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. 2001. ibn khaldun. ibn khaldunis generally considered the greatest of the Arab historical thinkers. http://www.bartleby.com/65/ib/IbnKhald.html | |
73. Hr-headlines@hrea.org - Egypt: Ibn Khaldun Verdict Meant To Silence Criticism Egypt ibn khaldun verdict meant to silence criticism. Subject headlinesEgypt ibn khaldun verdict meant to silence criticism; http://www.hrea.org/lists/hr-headlines/markup/msg00554.html | |
74. Editing Ibn Khaldun Similar pages Cité ibn khaldunCité ibn khaldun. View Thumbnails. Location, Tunis, Tunisia. Architecture Firm,Societe Central pour l'Equipment. Client, Ste Nationale Immobiliere de Tunisie. http://www.wikipedia.org/w/wiki.phtml?title=Ibn_Khaldun&action=edit |
75. Tawjihe-Quotations-Ibn Khaldun The summary for this Gujarati page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. http://www.tawjihe.com/quotes/arabiquotes/Ibn Khaldun/Ibn Kldon.htm | |
76. NoodleLinks: Ibn Khaldun Topic ibn khaldun Submitted by anonymous on January 14th, 2002 BibliographyArmstrong, Karen. Islam. ibn khaldun (13321406). Acton Institute. 12 Jan. http://www.noodletools.com/noodlelinks/links/v5zytzmf_297c6f24d74b4fe2d7022190f3 | |
77. Ibn Khaldun encyclopediaEncyclopedia ibn khaldun, i'bun khäldOOn' PronunciationKey. ibn khaldun , 13321406, Arab historian, b. Tunis. He http://www.factmonster.com/ce6/people/A0824832.html | |
78. Human Rights Watch: Ibn Khaldun Verdict Meant To Silence Criticism Human Rights Watch ibn khaldun Verdict Meant to Silence Criticism. EgyptIbrahim Should Receive Urgent Medical Treatment Abroad. Human Rights Watch. http://www.democracy-egypt.org/files/NGO/2002/07-31-02HumanRightsWatch.htm | |
79. International PEN Shocked By Ibn Khaldun Decision Return to the Democracy Egypt homepage. International PEN Shocked by ibn KhaldunDecision. Aug 6, 2002. International Response to Latest in Ibrahim Case. http://www.democracy-egypt.org/files/NGO/2002/08-06-02InternationalPEN.htm | |
80. Al-Ahram Weekly | Culture | Ibn Khaldun Resurrected ibn khaldun resurrected. Amina Elbendary attends the Mahfouz Award Ceremonyat AUC Click to view caption. He has also published a study on ibn khaldun. http://weekly.ahram.org.eg/2002/617/cu1.htm | |
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