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81. Det Kongelige Bibliotek - Antonio Gramsci: Fængselsoptegnelser - [Hæfte 25, 19 antonio gramsci Fængselsoptegnelser. Hæfte 25, 1934 I historiens udkanter (deunderordnede samfundsgruppers historie) antonio gramsci Fængselsoptegnelser. http://www.kb.dk/elib/bio/gramsci/optegnelser/quad25/ | |
82. Det Kongelige Bibliotek - Elektroniske Biografier Og Biografisk Materiale - Anto antonio gramsci. antonio gramsci. antonio gramsci Fængselsoptegnelser. GertSørensen gramsci og den moderne verden . Genvej til Hvad, hvor, hvornår? http://www.kb.dk/elib/bio/gramsci/ | |
83. Antonio Gramsci http//www.bu.edu/wcp/Papers/Poli/PoliFino.htm gramsci, antonio Vankilavihkot.Helsinki 1979. gramsci, antonio Vankilavihkot, valikoima 2. Helsinki 1982. http://www.edistys.com/archive/gramsci.htm | |
84. Who Is Antonio Gramsci? You Better Learn!!! [Free Republic] Who is antonio gramsci? Born at Ales, Italy on January 1891, antonio gramsci was thefourth son of Francesco gramsci, a clerk in the local registrar s office. http://www.freerepublic.com/forum/a3a4c610569be.htm | |
85. Antonio Gramsci Translate this page antonio gramsci. José María Laso Prieto. Universidad de Oviedo (España). http//www.ucm.es/info/eurotheo/hismat-gramsci.htm.gramsci, antonio (1891-1937). http://www.antroposmoderno.com/biografias/Gramsci.html | |
86. Antonio Gramsci Translate this page antonio gramsci (1891-1937). Parmi les théoriciens essentiels de lapensée marxiste, il faut citer gramsci. Pour certains, le moins http://pluriel.free.fr/gramsci.html | |
87. Baducla Autor: Alejandría BE Translate this page Autor gramsci, antonio, (Comienzo). 4, JA76 G73 1977 gramsci, antonio Políticay Sociedad Quaderni del Carcere Ediciones Península, Barcelona, ESPA¥A, 1a. http://bibadm.ucla.edu.ve/cgi-win/be_alex.exe?Autor=Gramsci, Antonio&Nombrebd=Ba |
88. Gramsci & Syndicalism In a polemic against the syndicalists, antonio gramsci argued that the syndicalistswere wrong in maintaining that unions were capable of being organs of http://www.uncanny.net/~wsa/gramsci.html | |
89. Texte Zum Klassenkampf/ Antonio Gramsci: Die Partei Des Proletariats Translate this page antonio gramsci. gramsci, antonio Zur Politik, Geschichte und Kultur,Leipzig 1980, S. 111 - 112 1. Dieses Wort fehlt im Originaltext. http://www.marxistische-bibliothek.de/gramsciproletariat.html | |
90. Fondazione Istituto Gramsci gramsci; dal numero di inventario (16972) risulta inserito nel FG in un http://www.gramsci.it/(SessionID=df54c0d33dc9618b6e52a91cfe8a0979)/biblioteca/f_ | |
91. FONDAZIONE ISTITUTO PIEMONTESE GRAMSCI 2; (2. u. 3. Heft) ISBN 388619-412-4 Details Band 3; (4. u. 5. Heft) ISBN http://www.arpnet.it/~gramsci | |
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