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         Gramsci Antonio:     more books (100)
  1. Antonio Gramsci: Life of a Revolutionary (Verso Modern Classics) by Giuseppe Fiori, 1996-12-20
  2. Cuadernos De La Carcel (Biblioteca Era) (Spanish Edition) by Antonio Gramsci, 1984-06-30
  3. Selections from Political Writings: 1910-1920 by Antonio Gramsci, 1990-05
  4. Antonio Gramsci (Routledge Revivals): Conservative Schooling for Radical Politics by Harold Entwistle, 2009-11-11
  5. Selections from Political Writings: 1921-1926 by Antonio Gramsci, 1990-05
  6. The Modern Prince and Other Writings by Antonio Gramsci, 2007-07-01
  7. Gramsci and Education by Carmel Borg, Joseph A. Buttigieg, et all 2003-02
  8. Gramsci and Educational Thought (Educational Philosophy and Theory Special Issues)
  9. Unravelling Gramsci: Hegemony and Passive Revolution in the Global Economy by Adam Morton, 2007-02-20
  10. Gramsci's Politics by Anne Showstack Sassoon, 1988-02
  11. Gramsci's Marxism by Carl Boggs, 1976
  12. The Southern Question by Antonio Gramsci, 1995-01-01
  13. Antonio Gramsci and the Origins of Italian Communism by J.M. Cammett, 1969-06
  14. Gramsci, Freire and Adult Education: Possibilities for Transformative Action (Global Perspectives on Adult Education and Training) by Peter Mayo, 1999-10

21. Fondazione Istituto Gramsci
Raccoglie un'ampia collezione bibliografica sulla figura e il pensiero di antonio gramsci, sulla storia del movimento operaio e socialista in Italia, sulla storia del Partito comunista italiano.

22. MIA - Deutsch: Antonio Gramsci
Translate this page Der Ausgangspunkt für den Zugang zu Werken von antonio gramsci in deutscherSprache. Deutschsprachiger Teil. antonio gramsci. 1891 - 1937.
MIA Deutsch Marxisten
Deutschsprachiger Teil
Antonio Gramsci
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24. Gramsci4beginners
An introduction to the political thought of antonio gramsci.

25. Les Classiques Des Sciences Sociales: Antonio Gramsci
antonio gramsci, 18911937. gramsci dans le texte.
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Page d'accueil centrale Mardi 09 avril 2002
Par Jean-Marie Tremblay, sociologue

26. Casa Museo Di Antonio Gramsci, Ghilarza -
L'Associazione Amici della Casa gramsci si presenta e propone scopi, attivit  e progetti, pubblicazioni e breve biografia oltre a visita guidata, eventi ed informazioni utili.
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27. Gramsci - Keynes: Pagina Di Transito Per Cambiamento Url
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La scuola ITG "A. Gramsci" non esiste più come tale, si è fusa con la scuola ITC "J.M. Keynes" che insieme costituiscono ora la scuola:


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antonio gramsci Enciclopedia italiana Quinta AppendiceE - IS 1979-1992 Roma Enciclopedia italiana, 1992 (pp.485-86).
Avanti! , organo del Partito socialista italiano). ), dove a originali articoli di teoria e di propaganda socialista si affiancavano scritti di Croce, Salvemini e A. Carlini. In questo perioda l'influenza di Croce e della polemica antipositivistica dell'idealismo italiano traspare anche nella valutazione entusiastica della rivoluzione russa del novembre 1917, interpretata come "rivoluzione contro il Capitale L'Ordine Nuovo L'Ordine Nuovo L'Ordine Nuovo L'Ordine Nuovo Lettere dal carcere Il materialismo storico e la filosofia di Benedetto Croce Gli intellettuali e l'organizzazione della cultura Il Risorgimento Note sul Machiavelli, sulla politica e sullo Stato moderno Letteratura e vita nazionale Passato e presente Quaderni Quaderni del carcere Quaderni Quaderni Quaderni Quaderni Bibliografia gramsciana BIBLIOGRAPHY: N. Matteucci, Antonio Gramsci e la filosofia della prassi , Milano 1951 (1977, 2a ed.); Studi gramsciani (Atti del convegno del gennaio 1958), Roma 1958 (1969, 2a ed.); E. Garin, Gramsci nella cultura italiana , in La filosofia come sapere storico , Bari-Roma 1959 (1990, 2a ed.); R. Mondolfo

29. Archivo Antonio Gramsci
Translate this page Seccion en espanol. Archivo de Obras de. antonio gramsci. (1891 - 1937). Lassiguientes obras de antonio gramsci se encuentran en nuestro archivo
Archivo de Obras de
Antonio Gramsci
Las siguientes obras de Antonio Gramsci se encuentran en nuestro archivo:
Director del Archivo Gramsci:

Ultima actualización: 6 de octubre del 2002

30. 1993 Project: Marxist Criticism
Course materials covering Marxist critics such as George Lukacs, antonio gramsci, Louis Althusser.
1993 HYPERTEXT DATABASE: MARXIST CRITICISM These materials were created by students back in 1993 as part of an early experiment with hypertext. They were designed to serve as a kind of online reference tool, an electronic database, that would provide information to students who weren't taking English 60A. The authors of these materials were Chris Abele, Liz Cronmiller, Allison DeZurik, Josh Hudson, Diana Marinos, Matt Ogborn, and Tamara Pellicier. If they ever visit this site, I hope they'll drop me a line. Table of Contents Introduction
Marxist literary criticism is based upon the political and economic theories of the German philosopher Karl Marx. In works like The German Ideology and The Communist Manifesto , written with Frederick Engels , Marx proposes a model of history in which economic and political conditions determine social conditions. Marx and Engels were responding to social hardships stemming from the rise of capitalism. Appropriately, their theories are formulated specifically to analyze how society functions in a state of upheaval and constant change. A materialist view of history Using Hegel's theory of dialectic , which suggests that history progresses through the resolution of contradictions within a particular aspect of reality, Marx and Engels posit a materialist account of history that focuses upon the struggles and tensions within society. As society forms more complex modes of production, it becomes increasingly stratified; and the resulting tensions necessitate changes in society. For example, the introduction of heavy machinery into the feudal economic system fragmented existing social structures and necessitated a move towards capitalism.

31. Gramsci E O Brasil
P¡gina dedicado   obra de antonio gramsci com bibliografia e textos referentes   sua obra e   an¡lise pol­tica.
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Gramsci e o Brasil
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Ler Gramsci é um exercício intelectual de rara relevância. Afinal, trata-se de um dos pensadores clássicos da política neste século que ora termina.
Ler Gramsci pode ser, também, uma tentativa de captar e elevar a conceito os complicados processos de transformação que atingem as sociedades contemporâneas, inclusive o Brasil. Ou seja, uma tentativa de surpreender a crítica teórica e prática das sociedades exatamente ali onde ela nasce, se reconstrói e se projeta para o novo século, apesar de todos os obstáculos.
Depois da queda de todos os muros, descobrimos que Gramsci está vivo. Ficamos ainda mais convencidos de que o Brasil é um enorme laboratório político, no qual as categorias gramscianas e da esquerda em geral devem voltar a mostrar sua força analítica e seu poder de convencimento.
Estão dadas aí as razões de uma esquerda democrática, sem cuja implantação social e consistência político-cultural a alternativa da barbárie será cada vez mais palpável.

32. Dynamic Directory - Society - Politics - Socialism - Marxism - Theorists - Grams
thought of antonio gramsci. gramsci Links Archive antonio gramsci antonio gramsci (1891-1937) Italian Political
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33. Scuola Media Statale A. Gramsci
Realizzato nell'ambito del progetto Sardegna 2000, ne propone offerta formativa e progetti, attivit  e visita all'aula d'informatica.
Scuola Media Statale "Antonio Gramsci" 09028 Sestu (CA) VIA DANTE 1 tel. (070) 260144-fax (070) 262518 l'offerta formativa attività l'aula informatica il progetto ... progettazione educativo-didattica

34. Gramsci, Antonio
Læst af 1.003. gramsci, antonio. antonio gramsci. gramsci (18911937),italiensk kommunistleder der indtager en sæstilling som marxistisk

35. Antonio Gramsci
Translate this page antonio gramsci (1891 - 1937). Der italienische Philosoph und Politiker antoniogramsci war 1921 Mitbegründer der kommunistischen Partei Italiens.
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Antonio Gramsci (1891 - 1937)
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36. ThinkQuest
A summary of gramsci's philosophy.
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37. Istituto Gramsci
Firenze Situato in zona Campo di Marte, circondato dal verde ¨ una struttura in grado di offrire un supporto completo e moderno agli studenti.
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38. Antonio Gramsci And Informal Education
This page explores the contribution that antonio gramsci has made to the developmentof educational thinking especially with regard to informal education and
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antonio gramsci
Antonio Gramsci The organised workers of Turin had a very combative history. For the first twenty years of this century, Turin was to witness countless demonstrations and a number of general strikes until finally in 1919, there began a movement for the occupation of the factories and the setting up of factory councils to run them. It was this sort of atmosphere that welcomed Gramsci to university life and was to affect his thinking for the rest of his life. Gramsci had already become a socialist through reading pamphlets sent home to Sardinia from the mainland by an older brother. His political thought was expanded by his experiences at university and in his new home city. What Gramsci was to develop, however, was not just an ability to propagandise or to organise political activity. He became the first Marxist theorist to work with the problems of revolutionary change in 20 th century Western European society and the first to identify the importance of the struggle against bourgeois values ie an ideological-cultural struggle.

39. Quotes: Antonio Gramsci
intimately connected to a new intuition of life, until it becomes a new way of feelingand seeing reality gramsci, antonio, Selections from cultural writings.
Antonio Gramsci Last updated: 23 December 1998 One must speak for a struggle for a new culture, that is, for a new moral life that cannot but be intimately connected to a new intuition of life, until it becomes a new way of feeling and seeing reality
A given socio-historical moment is never homogeneous; on the contrary, it is rich in contradictions.
It is too easy to be original by doing the opposite of what everyone else is doing; this is just mechanical.
The people themselves are not a homogeneous cultural collectivity but present numerous and variously combined cultural stratifications which, in their pure form, cannot always be identified within specific historical popular collectivities.
Folklore should instead be studied as a 'conception of the world and life' implicit to a large extent in determinate (in time and space) strata of society and in opposition (also for the most part implicit, mechanical, and objective) to 'official' conceptions of the world (or in a broader sense, the conceptions of the cultured parts of historically determinate societies) that have succeeded one another in the historical process.
In history, in social life, nothing is fixed, rigid or definitive. And nothing ever will be.

40. Bigchalk: HomeworkCentral: Gramsci, Antonio (Theorists)
Looking for the best facts and sites on gramsci, antonio? This HomeworkCentralsection focuses on 'Theorists' and 'Political Theory
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