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61. List Of Books by jon Elater,. Edited by jon elster New York University Press , paper , 256 pages. byjon Elester and jon elster Cambridge University Press , paper , 214 pages. http://www.semcoop.com/author/51128 | |
62. STUDIES IN SELF-DECEPTION & RELIGION - BIBLIOGRAPHY: ARTICLE COLLECTIONS multiple self, , ch. 6 in elster, jon (ed.), The Multiple Self, (CambridgeCambridge University Press, 1986) 133176. 1986, Davidson, http://thealtons.ca/s-d/S-D-Collections.html | |
63. Untitled elster, jon; The Market and the Forum Three Varieties of Political Theory ;Foundations of Social Choice Theory; edited by jon elster and Aanund Hylland http://www.maxwell.syr.edu/maxpages/faculty/jskelly/E.htm | |
64. Untitled elster, jon. 1990. When Rationality Fails. In The Limits of Rationality.1951pp. Chicago University of Chicago Press. elster, jon. 1989. http://www.indiana.edu/~workshop/wsl/rational.htm | |
65. 316 Sociologija elster, jon Cement of society A study of social order / jon elster. elster, jonSolomonic Judgement Studies in the limitations of rationality / jon elster. http://zakon.pravos.hr/biblioteka/316_sociologija.htm | |
66. MEMO THREE: Rational Choice, Jon Elster, Ed MEMO THREE Rational Choice, jon elster, ed. Todd Ferguson. Sociology166652A. Professor Axel van den Berg. jon elsterâs anthology http://todd.digiplebes.com/edumuhkashun/652c.html | |
67. Bibliobi Ekins, P., 1986, The Living Economy, London Routledge. elster, jon, 1987, Commenton Vanderveen and Van Parijs; in Theory and Society, 15 (1987), pp. 709721. http://mailbox.univie.ac.at/~fuellsm9/bibliobi.html | |
68. New Institutional Theory And Energy Savings elster, jon (1989) Social Norms and Economic Theory. Journal of Economic Perspectives,vol. 3, no. 4, pp 99117. elster, jon (1986) Introduction. http://www.akf.dk/eng/teori.htm | |
69. SALIS Resource - News Books Archive elster, jon (Ed.). Addiction Entries and Exits. $39.95 (c) ISBN 0871542358. elster,jon and OleJorgen Skog (Eds). Getting hooked rationality and addiction. http://salis.org/resources/newsarchivePre2000.htm | |
70. CAPLEX Nettleksikon Www.caplex.no Elstad, Anne . elster, jon elster, Kris . elster, jon, f. 1940, historiker ogfilosof, kjent for sine arbeider om Marx og marxismen, bl.a. Making Sens.. http://www.caplex.net/web/artikkel/artliste.asp?soketekst=Elster |
71. References: Regulation, Or Is Cultural Regulation Mainly Determined By Economic elster, jon; 1989; Social Norms and Economic Theory, Journal of EconomicPerspectives, 3 (4) 99117. elster, jon; 1996; Rationality http://meehawl.tripod.com/Sociology/6RegulationReferences.htm | |
72. WebSite Torsten Niechoj -- Seminar: Analytischer Marxismus (SoSe 2000) Translate this page elster, jon (1985) Making Sense of Marx, Cambridge Cambridge University Press.elster, jon (1986) Three Challenges to Class, in Roemer 1986, pp. http://staff-www.uni-marburg.de/~niechoj/Seminare/SoSe 2000/sose2000.html | |
73. Statsvetenskapliga Institutionen elster, jon. Nuts and Bolts for the Social Sciences, Cambridge University Press,Cambridge 1989 (180 s). Føllesdal, Dagfinn, Walløe, Lars elster, jon. http://www.statsvet.uu.se/education/graded/metod.asp | |
74. Elster0203 Translate this page 1 Cfr. elster, jon, Ulises y las sirenas. Estudios pp. 8-10. 2 elster,jon, El cambio tecnológico,Gedisa, Barcelona, 1990, p.19. http://www.lacavernadeplaton.com/articulosbis/elster0203.htm | |
75. Centroamerica: Guatemala: Libros: Librerias Artemis Edinter: Autores Translate this page ELOY MARTINEZ, T. ELOY MARTINEZ, TOMAS. ELSEA, JANET G. elster, jon. elster, jon(COMPILADOR). elster, jon/ HERPIN, NICOLAS (COMPILADORES). ELTON, BEN. ELVGREN, GIL. http://www.artemisedinter.com/Autores/general.asp?in=E |
76. Leibniz Bibliography 1975 elster, jon (1975). Leibniz and the development of economic rationality. elster,jon (1975). Leibniz et la formation de l'esprit capitaliste. http://www.hfac.uh.edu/gbrown/philosophers/leibniz/Bibliography/1975/Leib1975.ht | |
77. Semanas 16 Translate this page 1056890, 1560970, Educación, elster, jon, Las limitaciones del paradigma dela elección racional las ciencias sociales en la encrucijada / escritos http://librivision.uniovi.es/web/semana30.html | |
78. Department Of Sociology: Introduction Gambetta, D. (1998) 'Claro! An Essay on Discursive Machismo', in elster, jon (ed.)Deliberative Democracy (Cambridge Cambridge University Press), pp. 1943. http://www.sociology.ox.ac.uk/introduction.html | |
79. TEORIA DEL ESTADO, CIENCIA POLITICA, SOCIOLOGIA Translate this page B475/E43D DC 25795 elster, jon, COMP. LEBRON, JOSE MARIA, TR. 1._DEMOCRACIA -ESTUDIOS VARIOS 2._PARTICIPACION POLITICA B475/E43I DC 25999 elster, jon. http://info4.juridicas.unam.mx/jusbiblio/boletin/3/2.htm | |
80. New Resources, Issue Date SOCIAL SCIENCES. March 2001. Featured Books. elster, jon, 1940 Alchemiesof the mind rationality and the emotions. Cambridge, UK http://library.concordia.ab.ca/new/socialsciences0301.htm | |
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