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81. MIRCEA ELIADE Translate this page La vie et l'oeuvre de mircea eliade. Source Les Cahiers de lHerne,mircea eliade. Cahiers de lHerne, mircea eliade, pp. 61, 69, 71). http://stehly.chez.tiscali.fr/le3.htm | |
82. Ande Sombys Bibliography eliade, mircea, Das Heilige und das Profane, Reinbek bei Hamburg 1957, norsk oversettelseved Eriksen, Trond Berg, Det hellige og det profane, Oslo 1994. http://www.jus.uit.no/ansatte/somby/bibl.html | |
83. E D I ç õ E S 70 - Antropologia; Autor(es) - eliade, mircea;, Ver mais ASPECTOS http://www.edicoes70.pt/edicoes70/resultados_pesquisa.asp?Tipo=1&Palavra=ELIADE, |
84. Mircea Eliade International Literary Society mircea eliade International Literary Society. http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Academy/5058/eliade.htm |
85. Séminaire Civilisation Hispano-américaine 2002-2003 Translate this page eliade, mircea, « Le mythe de léternel retour. Archétypes et répétition. eliade,mircea, « Traité dhistoire des religions. » Payot, Paris, 1949. http://www.sudam.uvsq.fr/DEA_Brenot_30062002.htm | |
86. YUL Course Reserve 1) MYTH AND REALITY. eliade, mircea On reserve at CCL BL304 E5513CCL HR24 (3) MYTH AND REALITY. eliade, mircea On reserve http://www.library.yale.edu/CourseResv/public_html/1012.HTM | |
87. References eliade, mircea, The Forge and the Crucible The Origins and Structures of Alchemy,2nd ed., tr. eliade, mircea, Shamanism Archaic Techniques of Ecstasy, tr. http://www.cs.utk.edu/~mclennan/BA/PT/Bib.html | |
88. MetaXearch > Society Philosophy Philosophers Eliade, Mircea MetaXearch / Philosophy / Philosophers / eliade, mircea /. mirceaeliade (19071986) Biographical and bibliographical data about http://www.metaxearch.com/en/odp/Society/Philosophy/Philosophers/Eliade,_Mircea/ | |
89. Alphamusic - History Of Translate this page Buch eliade, mircea - History of Religious Ideas From Muhammad to the Age of Reforms.Startseite, International Customers click here! Suche, Profisuche. Angebote, http://www.alpha-musicshop.de/057/0226204057.html | |
90. Society/Philosophy/Philosophers/Eliade, Mircea LINKS mircea eliade (19071986) Biographical and bibliographical dataabout eliade by Bryan Rennie, the author of Reconstructing eliade . http://www.bn23.com/portal/Society/Philosophy/Philosophers/Eliade__Mircea/ | |
91. .:: Universitas Paramadina ::. Sacred and the Profane the nature of religion, the, eliade, mircea, Harcourt,Brace World Inc. eliade, mircea, University of Chicago Press. http://www.paramadina.ac.id/html/libraries/efg.htm | |
92. History And Critical Theory Of Religion Bibliography: Divinity Library, Vander eliade, mircea. Cosmos and History The Myth of the Eternal Return. Translatedby Willard R. Trask. eliade, mircea. Gods, Goddesses and Myths of Creation. http://divinity.library.vanderbilt.edu/bibs/hactor.htm | |
93. CSP - 'Shamanism: Archaic Techniques Of Ecstasy' Mircea Eliade Revised and enlarged for the present edition.......Shamanism Archaic Techniques of Ecstasy. eliade, mircea. (1964). New York Pantheon.ISBN None http://www.csp.org/chrestomathy/shamanism.html | |
94. Revista Eletrônica Do Centro De Estudos Do Imaginário - UNIR Translate this page eliade, mircea - Imagens e símbolos. Ensaio sobre 1996. eliade, mircea- Mito do eterno retorno, São Paulo, Mercuryo, 1992. eliade http://www.unir.br/~cei/biblio.html | |
95. Katalog - Wirtualna Polska Serwis Katalog w Wirtualna Polska S.A. pierwszy portal w Polsce. http://katalog.wp.pl/DMOZ/Society/Philosophy/Philosophers/Eliade%2C_Mircea | |
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