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         Duns Scotus John:     more books (100)
  1. JOHN DUNS SCOTUS A Teacher For Our Times by Beraud De St Maurice, 1955
  2. The Univocity of the Concept of Being in The Philosophy of John Duns Scotus by Cyril L. Shircel, 1942-01-01
  3. Evidence and Its Function According to John Duns Scotus [Franciscan Institute Publications, Philosophy Series no. 7] by Peter C. Vier, 1951
  4. John Duns Scotus and the principle "omne quod movetur ab alio movetur", (Franciscan Institute publications. Philosophy series, no. 15) by Roy R Effler, 1962
  5. John Duns Scotus: Webster's Timeline History, 1265 - 2007 by Icon Group International, 2009-05-01
  7. Blessed John Duns Scotus. Favorites. Series Franciscan heritage (t.III) / Blazhennyyy Ioan Duns Skot. Izbrannoe. Seriya "Frantsiskanskoe nasledie" (T.III) by Ioann Blazhennyy, 2001
  8. John Duns Scotus: The Examined Report of the Paris Lecture: Reportatio 1-A
  9. Ingham, Mary Beth and Mechthild Dreyer. The Philosophical Vision of John Duns Scotus: An Introduction.(Book Review): An article from: The Review of Metaphysics by Christopher Cullen, 2005-12-01
  10. The De Primo Principio Of John Duns Scotus
  11. John Duns Scotus, 1265-1965 by John K. Ryan, 1965
  12. Competent Agency: A Study in the Ethics of John Duns Scotus Contained in His Doctrine on Marriage by Andre J. McGrath, 1978-01-01
  13. The Reality of Metaphysical, Modal Potency According to John Duns Scotus by Nicholas Paul, A.B. Kostra, 1963
  14. The Ethical Method of John Duns Scotus: A Contribution to Roman Catholic Moral Theology (Spirit & Life Refounded Ser.)) by Thomas A. Shannon, Mary Beth Ingham, 1992-06

81. Philosophers : Johannes Scotus Erigena
Johannes scotus Erigena, john the Scot. Irish Theologian and NeoPlatonistPhilosopher. c800c880. Irish theologian and NeoPlatonist philosopher.
Johannes Scotus Erigena, John the Scot
Irish Theologian and NeoPlatonist Philosopher
Irish theologian and NeoPlatonist philosopher. Translated and made commentaries upon Pseudo- Dionysius. The name Erigena means the same as Scotus, 'born in Ireland'. He is eulogised by Coulton as 'coming out of the darkness like a meteor', and by Russell as 'the most astonishing figure of the early Medieval period'. Though a singular and enigmatic figure who stood outside the mainstream, it is now widely accepted that John Scotus possessed the finest and most original intellect of the early Middle Ages. He was highly proficient in Greek, quite rare at that time in mainland Europe, and was thus well-placed for translation work. Though born in Ireland he later (c845) moved to France, where he took over the school, the Palatine Academy, at the invitation of King Charles I (Charles the Bald, 823-77). He remained in France for at least 30 years. At the request of the Greek Emperor Michael (in c858) John undertook some translation into Latin of the works of Pseudo- Dionysius and added his own commentary. He was thus the first to introduce the ideas of NeoPlatonism from the Greek into the Western European intellectual tradition, where they were to have a deeply formative influence over Christian theology. His frank, bold and free-thinking writing remained the subject of controversy for centuries. It was filled with rationalistic opinions and speculations, and was completely devoid of censorship or deference to orthodox theology. His work 'De divina praedestinationae', (On Divine Predestination) was written c851 to support Hincmar (c806-82) in the Predestination debate with Gottschalk (c820-68). Many thought it went too far, and was thus condemned by the Councils of Valence (855) and Langres (859) as 'pultes Scotorum' (Irishman's porridge) and 'the invention of the devil'.

82. KLUWER Academic Publishers | Contingency And Freedom
Books » Contingency and Freedom. Contingency and Freedom john DunsScotus Lectura I 39. Kluwer Academic Publishers is pleased to
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Contingency and Freedom
John Duns Scotus Lectura I 39

Kluwer Academic Publishers is pleased to make this title available as a special Printing on Demand (PoD) edition. PoD books will be sent to you within 6-9 weeks of receipt of your order. Firm orders only!: returns cannot be accepted as PoD books are only printed on request. Add to cart
edited by
Anthonie Vos Jaczn.
Research Group John Duns Scotus, Franciscan Study Centre at the Catholic University of Utrecht, and the Theological Faculty of Utrecht University, The Netherlands
Henri Veldhuis
Research Group John Duns Scotus, Franciscan Study Centre at the Catholic University of Utrecht, and the Theological Faculty of Utrecht University, The Netherlands
Aline H. Looman-Graaskamp
Research Group John Duns Scotus, Franciscan Study Centre at the Catholic University of Utrecht, and the Theological Faculty of Utrecht University, The Netherlands Eef Dekker Research Group John Duns Scotus, Franciscan Study Centre at the Catholic University of Utrecht, and the Theological Faculty of Utrecht University, The Netherlands Nico W. den Bok

83. Servants - Scotus-ita
il Beato John Duns Scotus Servants of God [ tradotto dall'originale inglese
di George Ferguson s.f.o. ] John nacque nel Berwickshire a Duns, una cittadina situata nei pressi del confine scozzese, all'incirca nel 1265. Di conseguenza, egli fu un contemporaneo sia di Wallace (1270 -1305), che di Robert the Bruce, divenuto in seguito re Roberto I (1272-1329). Probabilmente andò a scuola a Haddington, East Lothian - che è tuttora meta di pellegrinaggio- dove c'era un Convento di frati Francescani. Secondo recenti congetture, John avrebbe compiuto i suoi studi al Trinity College di North Uist nelle Western Isles.
Questa statua fu donata alla cittadina di Duns dai Francescani Tedeschi di Colonia Nonostante ci sia una grande distanza dal suo luogo di nascita, quest'ipotesi meriterebbe ulteriori indagini. In seguito si recò a Dumfries, dove suo zio Elias era Guardiano e Vicario Generale della neo-costituita Provincia Conventuale della Scozia. Fu proprio a Dumfries che il giovane John fu accolto nell'Ordine Francescano Conventuale, all'incirca nell'anno 1281. Fu ordinato sacerdote il 17 marzo del 1291 da Oliver Sutton, Vescovo di Lincoln, a Northampton in Inghilterra, e continuò i suoi studi ad Oxford. In seguito, John tenne dei corsi ad Oxford e Cambridge, e poi fu mandato a Parigi, dove conseguì nel 1305 la Laurea con Specializzazione in Teologia. Era sempre in movimento, facendo la spola tra Parigi ed Oxford.

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