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21. Judith Butler - Feminist Philosopher And Cultural Critic At European Graduate Sc Professor butler's faculty page and archive at the European Graduate School. Includes bibliography, Category Society Philosophy Philosophers butler, judith......judith butler, Ph.D, feminist philosopher cultural critic PostGraduate StudiesMedia and Communications European Graduate School EGS. butler, judith. http://www.egs.edu/faculty/judithbutler.html | |
22. Rhetoric Department Faculty biography from the University of Berkeley, with links and picture. http://rhetoric.berkeley.edu/faculty_bios/judith_butler.html | |
23. Butler Excerpt from Sovereign Performatives in the Contemporary Scene of Utterance. http://www.uchicago.edu/research/jnl-crit-inq/v23/v23n2.butler.html | |
24. Www.theory.org.uk -- The Media Theory Site Media studies and gender studies with content on queer theory, gender, Foucault, judith butler, media influences, cyber culture, role models, and critical theory. Produced by Dr David Gauntlett, University of Leeds, UK. http://www.theory.org.uk/ | |
25. Dynamic Directory - Society - Philosophy - Philosophers - Butler, Judith regarding events, bibliographies, and readings. judith butler Professor butler's faculty page and archive at the http://www.maximumedge.com/cgi/dir/index.cgi/Society/Philosophy/Philosophers/But | |
26. Texts About Judith Butler, B Texts about judith butler, Baackmann to Busch. Compiled by butler, judith. InLorraine Code, ed., Routledge Encyclopedia of Feminist Theory . Forthcoming. http://sun3.lib.uci.edu/~scctr/Wellek/butler/B.html | |
27. Homepage Von Marc C. Jäger Marc C. J¤gers Homepage zu Michel Foucault und anderen poststrukturalistischen Theoretikern (judith butler, Jacques Derrida). http://www.stud.uni-giessen.de/~st6782 |
28. Judith Butler - Feminist Philosopher And Cultural Critic At European Graduate Sc Serwis Katalog w Wirtualna Polska S.A. pierwszy portal w Polsce. http://www.atomegoyan.de/faculty/judithbutler.html | |
29. Www.theory.org.uk Resources: Judith Butler Interview Extracts from interview with this gender theorist, linked to other pages. Prepared by David Gauntlett at the Institute of Communications Studies, University of Leeds. http://www.theory.org.uk/but-int1.htm | |
30. Judith Butler - Psyche Der Macht - Perlentaucher.de Translate this page Machtstrukturen. Denn, so judith butler, Subjekt zu werden (subjection)heißt auch, sich diesen zu unterwerfen. http://www.perlentaucher.de/buch/7447.html | |
31. Judith Butler A unofficial site celebrating the works of judith butler. Includes information regarding events, bibliographies, and readings. http://www.bbgunengine.com/ | |
32. Cultural Studies, Gay & Lesbian Studies, Political Science Butler Judith Cultural studies, Gay Lesbian studies, Political Science ButlerJudith. Title Excitable Speech. Subject Cultural studies, Gay http://www.24-7literatureexpert.com/Butler-Judith-Excitable-Speech-0415915872.ht | |
33. Libreria Paidos - Resultados De La Búsqueda http://www.libreriapaidos.com/resulta.asp?criterio=autor&texto=BUTLER, JUDITH |
34. Listings Of The World Society Philosophy Philosophers Butler Search, Complete Directory. Gender Trouble, by judith butler Post Review Lecturenotes created for a course on butler, by Mary Klages. http://listingsworld.com/Society/Philosophy/Philosophers/Butler,_Judith/ |
35. Antigones Claim: Kinship Between Life And Death; Author: Butler, Judith P.; Hard Antigones Claim Kinship Between Life And Death Author butler, judith P. WellekLibrary Lectures (Hardcover); Hardback; Book 118 pages Published November http://www.opengroup.com/stbooks/023/0231118945.shtml | |
36. Academic Directories Back to Educational Resources. butler, judith, http://www.allianceforlifelonglearning.org/er/tree.jsp?c=40982 |
37. -Suchergebnisse@dataspace butler, judith - Datensätze 1 bis 7 von 7 butler google.butler, judith Ist ein Mädchen kein Mädchen, Frau butler? http://ildb.nadir.org/suche.php?feld1=AutorIn&wert1=Butler, Judith |
38. WebGuest - Open Directory : Society : Philosophy : Philosophers : Butler, Judith Sites Gender Trouble, by judith butler Lecture notes created for a courseon butler, by Mary Klages. judith butler - An essay by Sally Young. http://directory.webguest.com/index.cgi/Society/Philosophy/Philosophers/Butler,_ | |
39. ENG681 FA 2001: Bibliography butler, judith. Bodies that Matter. Bodies That Matter On the DiscursiveLimits of Sex . New York Routledge, 1993. 2757. butler, judith. http://cm27personal.fal.buffalo.edu/ENG681/bibliography.htm?&page=2&lastpage=7 |
40. Judith Butler -- Postmodern, Queer, Feminist Theorist judith butler resources at Erratic Impact's Philosophy Research Base. The PsychicLife of Power Theories in Subjection by judith P. butler. judith butler. http://www.erraticimpact.com/~feminism/html/butler_judith.htm | |
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