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         Bolzano Bernard:     more books (100)
  1. Ausgewahlte Schriften aus dem Nachlass (Beitrage zur Bolzano-Forschung) (German Edition) by Eduard Winter, 1993
  2. Über Das Verhältniss Der Beiden Volkstämme in Böhmen: Drei Vorträge Im Jahre 1816 an Der Hochschule Zu Prag Gehalten (German Edition) by Bernard Bolzano, 2010-03-31
  3. Drei Philosophische Abhandlungen: Welche Auch Von Nichtphilosophen Sehr Wohl Verstanden Werden Konnen (1851) (German Edition) by Bernard Bolzano, 2010-09-10
  4. 24 Erbauungsreden 1808-1820 by Bernard Bolzano, Kurt F. Strasser, 2001-01-01
  5. Bolzano-Forschung, 1989-1991 (Beitrage zur Bolzano-Forschung) (German Edition) by Jan Berg, 1992
  6. Ontology without ultrafilters and possible worlds: An examination of Bolzano's ontology (Beitrage zur Bolzano-Forschung) by Jan Berg, 1992
  7. Dr. Vincenz Julius Edler V.Krombholz Nach Seinem Leben Und Wirken (German Edition) by Bernard Bolzano, 2010-02-09
  8. Qu'est-ce que la philosophie? (Bibliotheque philosophique ; 3) (French Edition) by Bernard Bolzano, 1975
  9. Erbauungsreden Für Akademiker (German Edition) by Bernard Bolzano, 2010-01-12
  10. Bolzano's Theoretical Philosophy: An Introduction (History of Analytic Philosophy) by Sandra Lapointe, 2011-02-15
  11. Von Bolzano zu Husserl: Eine Untersuchung über den Ursprung der phänomenologischen Bedeutungslehre (Phaenomenologica) (German Edition) by C. Beyer, 1996-06-30
  12. Der Begriff der Ableitbarkeit bei Bolzano (Beitrage zur Bolzano-Forschung) (German Edition) by Mark Siebel, 1996
  13. Bolzanos Propositionalismus (Quellen Und Studien Zur Philosophie) by Mark Textor, Markus Textor, 1996-04
  14. The Mathematical Works of Bernard Bolzano by Steve Russ, 2005-02-17

21. BOLZANO, Bern[h]ard (Taufname: Bernardus Placidus Johann Nepomuk B.)
B., viertes von zwölf Kindern des italienstämmigen Kunst und Kunstgewerbehändlers bernard bolzano (* 1737, 12.5.
Verlag Traugott Bautz Bestellmöglichkeiten des Biographisch-Bibliographischen Kirchenlexikons Zur Hauptseite des Biographisch-Bibliographischen Kirchenlexikons Abkürzungsverzeichnis des Biographisch-Bibliographischen Kirchenlexikons Bibliographische Angaben für das Zitieren ... NEU: Unser E-News Service
Wir informieren Sie regelmäßig über Neuigkeiten und Änderungen per E-Mail. Helfen Sie uns, das BBKL aktuell zu halten! Band XVI (1999) Spalten 152-199 Autor: Klaus-Gunther Wesseling i ovnické Nßm ervinka-Rieger (Marie anský Ritter von P estavlký (15.11. 1749-14.6. 1830, amtiert seit 1814) auf hörere Anweisung 112 Lehrsätze und verlangte B.s Widerruf, den er jedoch verweigerte; mit der Glaubensrechtfertigung vom 12.5. 1825 und B.s feierlichem Bekenntnis zur katholischen Kirche nach dem Wortlaut des Tridentinischen Glaubensbekenntnisses und ihren Dogmen endete am 31.12. 1825 die Affäre, in die u.a. Clemens Maria Hofbauer (s.d.) inquisitorisch und denunziatorisch eingegriffen hatte. Bischof Josef Franz Hurdßlek (6.11. 1747-27.12. 1833) von Litom rice (Leitmeritz), der sich vergeblich für B. verwandt hatte, wurde durch kaiserliches Patent vom 14.10. 1822 zur Resignation gezwungen; als sein Nachfolger wurde am 18.3. 1823 der konservative Dechant von Krems und nachmalige Wiener Erzbischof (1832) Vinzenz Eduard Milde (11.5. 1777-14.3. 1853) ernannt. Frint jedoch verfiel immer mehr in Ungnade und wurde nach der Aufdeckung einer diplomatischen Intrige mit der Ernennung zum Bischof von St. Pölten 1827 vom Hof entfernt. - Die Aufforderung, sich in Wien um eine Anstelung an der Sternwarte zu bewerben, schlägt B. 1819 aus. Seit dem Februar 1823, dem Jahr der Indizierung des ersten Bandes seiner »Erbauungsreden« (s.u.), ist B. eng mit Anna Hoffmann geb. Janotík von Adlerstein (1784-20.4. 1842) befreundet, die seit dem 26.5. 1802 mit dem kleinadligen B.-Gönner, Glasfabrikanten und Gutsbesitzer der Herrschaft T

22. 10.4. Bolzano, Bernhard (1781-1848)
Rootselaar, B. Van. bolzano, bernard. Dictionary of Scientific Biography.New York Charles Scribner's Sons, 1970. vol. 1, pp. 273279.
10.4. Bolzano, Bernhard (1781-1848)
IRA Bernard Bolzano was a philosopher and mathematician whose contributions were not fully recognized until long after his death. He is especially important in the fields of logic, geometry and the theory of real numbers. Bernardus Placidus Johann Nepomuk Bolzano was born in Prague, Bohemia (now part of the Czech Republic), on October 5, 1781. His father was an art dealer and both parents were very pious Christians. Coming from such a religious household, Bernard grew up with a high moral code and a belief in holding to his principles. It was this background that attracted him to the Church and the priestly life. Bolzano entered the University of Prague in 1796, where he studied philosophy, mathematics and physics. After graduation, he joined the theology department at the university and was ordained a Catholic priest in 1804. Despite his dedication to the Church, he did not give up his mathematical interests and was at one time recommended for the chair of the mathematics department. The year 1805 started a struggle that would dominate the rest of his life. In a political move, the Austrian-Hungarian Empire set up a chair in the philosophy of religion at each university. The empire was comprised of many different ethic groups that were prone to nationalistic movements for independence. Spurred by the "free thinking" of the recent French Revolution, these movements were becoming a serious problem to holding the empire together. The creation of the chair was part of a greater plan to support the Catholic Church. The authorities considered the Church to be conservative and hoped it would control the liberal thinking of the time. Bolzano was appointed to the position at the University of Prague. As far as the authorities were concerned, this was a bad idea. Bolzano, though a priest, was a "free thinker" himself and was not afraid to express his beliefs in Czech nationalism.

23. B
16671748); bijection; binomial sequence; binomial theorem; bolzano'stheorem; bolzano, bernard (1781-1848); bolzano-Weierstrass theorem;
Interactive Real Analysis , ver. 1.9.3
(c) 1994-2000, Bert G. Wachsmuth

24. Bolzano
Biography from MacTutor History of Mathematics Archive.Category Society Philosophy Philosophers bolzano, bernard...... bernard bolzano was a Czech philosopher, mathematician, and theologian who madesignificant contributions to both mathematics and the theory of knowledge.
Bernard Placidus Johann Nepomuk Bolzano
Born: 5 Oct 1781 in Prague, Bohemia, Austrian Habsburg domain (now Czech Republic)
Died: 18 Dec 1848 in Prague, Bohemia (now Czech Republic)
Click the picture above
to see three larger pictures Show birthplace location Previous (Chronologically) Next Biographies Index Previous (Alphabetically) Next Main index
Bernard Bolzano was a Czech philosopher, mathematician, and theologian who made significant contributions to both mathematics and the theory of knowledge. Bolzano entered the Philosophy Faculty of the University of Prague in 1796, studying philosophy and mathematics. Bolzano wrote My special pleasure in mathematics rested therefore particularly on its purely speculative parts, in other words I prized only that part of mathematics which was at the same time philosophy. In the autumn of 1800 he began 3 years of theological study. While pursuing his theological studies he prepared a doctoral thesis on geometry. He received his doctorate in 1804 writing a thesis giving his view of mathematics, and what constitutes a correct mathematical proof. In the preface he wrote:- I could not be satisfied with a completely strict proof if it were not derived from concepts which the thesis to be proved contained, but rather made use of some fortuitous, alien, intermediate concept, which is always an erroneous transition to another kind.

25. References For Bolzano
References for bernard bolzano. Biography in 1983). J Sebestik, Logiqueet mathématique chez bernard bolzano (Paris, 1992). Articles
References for Bernard Bolzano
  • Biography in Dictionary of Scientific Biography (New York 1970-1990).
  • Biography in Encyclopaedia Britannica. Books:
  • J Berg, Bolzano's Logic (Stockholm, 1962).
  • H Fels, Bernhard Bolzano, sein Leben und sein Werk (Leipzig, 1929).
  • V Jarnik, Bolzano and the foundations of mathematical analysis (Prague, 1981).
  • L Novy, Bolzano, in H Wussing and W Arnold, Biographien bedeutender Mathematiker (Berlin, 1983).
  • J Sebestik, (Paris, 1992). Articles:
  • Y Bar-Hillel, Bolzano's propositional logic, Arch. Math. Logik Grundlagenforsch.
  • J Berg, Bolzano and situation semantics: variations on a theme of variation, Bolzano - Studien. Philos. Natur.
  • J Berg, Bolzano on induction, Bolzano - Studien. Philos. Natur.
  • J Berg, Is Russell's antinomy derivable in Bolzano's logic?, Bolzano - Studien. Philos. Natur.
  • Bolzano - Studien. Philos. Natur.
  • J Berg, A requirement for the logical basis of scientific theories implied by Bolzano's logic of variation, in Impact of Bolzano's epoch on the development of science (Prague, 1982), 415-425.
  • 26. Dynamic Directory - Society - Philosophy - Philosophers - Bolzano, Bernard
    The bernard bolzano Pages From Salzburg University. bolzano, bernard (1781-1848) - Biography from MacTutor History of
    var AdLoaded = false; var bsid = '18707'; var bsads = '6'; var bsloc = ''; var bswx = 468; var bshx = 60; var bsw = '_top'; var bsb = 'FFFFFF'; var bsf = '000000'; var bsalt = 'off';
    Search E-Mail News ... Maps
    Dynamic Directory Top Society Philosophy Philosophers :Bolzano, Bernard Description See also: This category in other languages: German

    Part of the

    27. The Bernard Bolzano Pages
    Association of scholars interested in the works and legacy of bolzano. Organizational, membership and contact information.
    The Bernard Bolzano Pages at the FAE Homepage of the FAE Bernard Bolzano Society Bolzano-Winter Archive Bolzano's Collected Works Bolzano Publication Series Projects and Conferences Links Address University of Salzburg , Franziskanergasse 1, A-5020 Salzburg, Austria Tel.: ++43/662/8044-4050
    Fax: ++43/662/8044-629 E-Mail: International Bernard Bolzano Society Founded: 28 June 1991 Seat: Salzburg Status: Non-profit-making
    Aims to foster international research on Bolzano
    to make the works of Bolzano in Philosophy, Mathematics and Theology better known
    to encourage and support publications by and about Bolzano
    to encourage and support the treatment of Bolzano in University courses Officers President
    Heinrich Ganthaler (Salzburg)
    Treasurer Alexander Hieke (Salzburg)
    Honorary Life-President Jan Berg (Munich)
    Founding President
    Edgar Morscher (Salzburg) Contact the Society Members of the Society URL:
    Links last updated: 12 July 2000
    Responsible for the contents: Alexander Hieke Page created by: Alexander Hieke/Annemarie Siegetsleitner Last modified: 13 July 2000

    bolzano, bernard; Bonald, Louis Vicomtede; Bonaventura; Bonnet, Charles; Boole, George; Borkenau, Franz;
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    29. Bolzano, Bernard
    bolzano, Bernhard (17811848) bolzano was born in Prague, Czechoslovakia.From 1791 to 1796 bolzano was a pupil in the Piarist Gymnasium.
    Bolzano, Bernhard (17811848) Bolzano was born in Prague, Czechoslovakia. From 1791 to 1796 Bolzano was a pupil in the Piarist Gymnasium. Later, he studied at the University of Prague, where he took courses in philosophy, physics, and mathematics. His interest in mathematics was stimulated by reading Kastner’s Anfangsgr nde der Math e matik Later he returned to Prague where he continued his mathematical studies until his death. He was attracted to the methodology of science and mathematics, especially calculus and logic. In 1804 he published his geometrical work, some early non-Euclidean ideas, in Betrachtungen ber einige Gegenst nde der Elementargeometrie Bolzano helped develop results in the calculus and was a believer in Lagrange's method of using Taylor series as the basis for calculus. His work in calculus and analysis was published in Der binomische Lehrsatz in 1816 and Rein analytischer Beweis in 1817. Major publications: Betrachtungen ber einige Gegenst nde der Elementargeometrie; Der binomische Lehrsatz; and Rein analytischer Beweis

    30. Bolzano, Bernard. The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. 2001
    The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. 2001. bolzano, bernard. (b ltsä´n) (KEY) , 1781–1848, Czech philosopher, mathematician, and theologian.
    Select Search All All Reference Columbia Encyclopedia World History Encyclopedia World Factbook Columbia Gazetteer American Heritage Coll. Dictionary Roget's Thesauri Roget's II: Thesaurus Roget's Int'l Thesaurus Quotations Bartlett's Quotations Columbia Quotations Simpson's Quotations English Usage Modern Usage American English Fowler's King's English Strunk's Style Mencken's Language Cambridge History The King James Bible Oxford Shakespeare Gray's Anatomy Farmer's Cookbook Post's Etiquette Bulfinch's Mythology Frazer's Golden Bough All Verse Anthologies Dickinson, E. Eliot, T.S. Frost, R. Hopkins, G.M. Keats, J. Lawrence, D.H. Masters, E.L. Sandburg, C. Sassoon, S. Whitman, W. Wordsworth, W. Yeats, W.B. All Nonfiction Harvard Classics American Essays Einstein's Relativity Grant, U.S. Roosevelt, T. Wells's History Presidential Inaugurals All Fiction Shelf of Fiction Ghost Stories Short Stories Shaw, G.B. Stein, G. Stevenson, R.L. Wells, H.G. Reference Columbia Encyclopedia PREVIOUS NEXT ... BIBLIOGRAPHIC RECORD The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. Bolzano, Bernard

    31. Bolzano, Bernard (1781-1848)
    bolzano, bernard (17811848). Click here for pronunciation bolzano, bernard. Dictionaryof Scientific Biography. New York Charles Scribner's Sons, 1970. vol.
    Bolzano, Bernard (1781-1848)
    Click here for pronunciation Bernard Bolzano was a philosopher and mathematician whose contributions were not fully recognized until long after his death. He is especially important in the fields of logic, geometry and the theory of real numbers. Bernardus Placidus Johann Nepomuk Bolzano was born in Prague, Bohemia (now part of the Czech Republic), on October 5, 1781. His father was an art dealer and both parents were very pious Christians. Coming from such a religious household, Bernard grew up with a high moral code and a belief in holding to his principles. It was this background that attracted him to the Church and the priestly life. Bolzano entered the University of Prague in 1796, where he studied philosophy, mathematics and physics. After graduation, he joined the theology department at the university and was ordained a Catholic priest in 1804. Despite his dedication to the Church, he did not give up his mathematical interests and was at one time recommended for the chair of the mathematics department. The year 1805 started a struggle that would dominate the rest of his life. In a political move, the Austrian-Hungarian Empire set up a chair in the philosophy of religion at each university. The empire was comprised of many different ethic groups that were prone to nationalistic movements for independence. Spurred by the "free thinking" of the recent French Revolution, these movements were becoming a serious problem to holding the empire together. The creation of the chair was part of a greater plan to support the Catholic Church. The authorities considered the Church to be conservative and hoped it would control the liberal thinking of the time. Bolzano was appointed to the position at the University of Prague. As far as the authorities were concerned, this was a bad idea. Bolzano, though a priest, was a "free thinker" himself and was not afraid to express his beliefs in Czech nationalism.

    32. Historical Tidbits
    Johann (1667 1748); bolzano, bernard (1781 - 1848); Cantor, Georg(1845 - 1918); Cauchy, Augustin (1789 - 1857); De Morgan, Augustus
    Historical Tidbits
    Map Paul Golba (

    33. Bolzano, Bernard (1781-1848)
    Translate this page Annotation zu. Philosophie bolzano, bernard (1781-1848). bernard bolzano, geb.5. Oktober 1781, Prag, gest. Literatur bernard-bolzano-Gesamtausgabe. Ab 1969.
    Annotation zu
    Philosophie Bolzano, Bernard (1781-1848) Bernard Bolzano, geb. 5. Oktober 1781, Prag, gest. ebdt. 18. Dez. 1848. Böhmischer Logiker, Mathematiker, Philosoph und Theologe, gilt heute als einer der größten Denker des frühen 19. Jhdts. B. studierte 1796-1804 an der Karlsuniversität in Prag, wo er 1805-1819 (Amstaufhebung) Professor war. Ab 1804 röm.-kath. Geistlicher. Es gehörte zu Bs Pflichten, sog. “Exhorten” oder Erbauungreden der Studentenschaft an Sonn- u. Feiertagen zu geben. Die liberale und aufklärerische Züge der Ideen Bs erweckten bei Kaiser u. Kirche Mißtrauen, er wurde schließlich des Amts enthoben und ihm wurden ein Veröffentlichungs- sowie Beichtverbot aufgelegt. In seinen frühen Jahren veröffentlichte B Werke zu den Grundlagen der Mathematik, in denen er die Befreiung der Analysis von der geometrischen Intuition verlangte. Er gilt somit als Wegbereiter des Logizismus. Viele seiner Ideen wurden anonym oder unter den Namen seiner Anhänger publiziert. Nach Lockerung des Veröffentlichungsverbots erschienen die monumentalen Werke Lehrbuch der Wissenschaft (1834) sowie Wissenschaftslehre (1837), jeweils in 4 Bänden. Sein letztes großes Werk zu den Grundlagen der Mathematik, Grössenlehre, blieb bei seinem Tode unvollendet. Exzerpte daraus wurden 1851 als Die Paradoxien des Unendlichen veröffentlicht. Eine umfangreiche textkritische Gesamtausgabe wurde erst1969 angefangen, es wurden bis 2002 etwa die Hälfte der vorausgesehenen 120 Bände veröffentlicht. Bs Ideen nahmen viele Aspekte der sprachanalytischen Philosophie des 20. Jhdts vorweg, wurden aber erst nachträglich in ihrer vollen Tragweite klar. B beinflusste um 1900 manche Vertreter der Brentano-Schule, v.a. Edmund Husserl und Kasimir Twardowski. Durch Anhänger und Freunde wie Robert Zimmermann, Franz Exner und Graf Thun übten Bs Ideen auf die ö. Erziehungsreform von 1851 Einfluss.

    34. Bolzano, Bernard
    bolzano, bernard 17811848, Czech philosopher, mathematician, and theologian. bolzano,bernard. 1781-1848, Czech philosopher, mathematician, and theologian.
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    Bolzano, Bernard 1781-1848, Czech philosopher, mathematician, and theologian. Though as a Catholic priest he himself was primarily concerned with religious and ethical questions, he is known today for his work in philosophy, methodology of science, mathematics, and logic. Among his important works are Wissenschaftslehre (1837), an attempt at a complete theory of science and knowledge; Rein analytischer Beweis (1817), which contains an early successful attempt to free differential calculus from the concept of infinitesimals; and Theorie der reelen Zahlen, which laid the cornerstone of the theory of real numbers. He tried to devise a geometry without the use of Euclid's parallel postulate, developed a fairly complete theory of real functions, and worked at an ideal language. However, his work did not attract the attention of his contemporaries and thus did not influence the development of mathematics.
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  • 35. Auswahlbibliographie Zu Bernard Bolzano
    bolzano, bernard. Dictionary of Scientific Biography. 1, E8975, E 2899 NK Praha; bolzano, bernard Ansichten eines freisinnigen kathol.
    : Nationalbibliothek, Klementinum, Praha 1). Bernard Bolzanos eigene Bibliothek wird in der Nationalbibliothek in Prag aufbewahrt, sein Nachlass im Archiv des Nationalmuseums in Prag und im Denkmal des nationalen Schrifttums im Prager Strahov-Kloster untergebracht. Inhalt:
  • Allgemeine Abhandlungen zur Geschichte, deutsch-tschechische Beziehungen im 19. Jahrhundert Bolzano-Forschung und -Bibliographien Bolzanos Leben Eigene Schriften ... Aesthetik

  • Allgemeine geschichtliche Abhandlungen, deutsch-tschechische Beziehungen im 19. Jahrhundert:
    Bolzano- Forschung und -Bibliographien:
    • Bolzano-Bibliographie und Editionsprinzipien der Gesamtausgabe. Gesamtausgabe 2 Stuttgart: F Frommann 1972. T 84628 NK Praha

    Bolzanos Leben:
    • Abbott, David Ph.D. ed. "Bolzano, Bernardus Placidus Johann Nepomuk." The Biographical Dictionary of Sciences: Mathematics. New York: Peter Bedrick Books, 1985. B. Bolzano 1781-1848. Praha: NK 1981. MK L 3815 (1981) Berka, Karel: Bernard Bolzano. Praha: Horizont 1981. Berka, Karel: Bernard Bolzano. Praha: Horizont 1981. MK L 3774 (1981)

    36. Bernard Bolzano Gedenkraum, Prag - Homepage
    Translate this page Willkommen an der WWW-Seite des bernard bolzano Gedenkraumes - Prag. DieseSeite benutzt Frames - verwenden Sie bitte Netscape 2.0 und hoeher.
    Willkommen an der WWW-Seite des
    Bernard Bolzano Gedenkraumes - Prag

    37. The Bernard Bolzano Pages
    The bernard bolzano Pages at the FAE. International bernard bolzano Society.Founded 28 June 1991, Seat Salzburg, Status Nonprofit-making.
    The Bernard Bolzano Pages at the FAE Homepage of the FAE Bernard Bolzano Society Bolzano-Winter Archive Bolzano's Collected Works Bolzano Publication Series Projects and Conferences Links Address University of Salzburg , Franziskanergasse 1, A-5020 Salzburg, Austria Tel.: ++43/662/8044-4050
    Fax: ++43/662/8044-629 E-Mail: International Bernard Bolzano Society Founded: 28 June 1991 Seat: Salzburg Status: Non-profit-making
    Aims to foster international research on Bolzano
    to make the works of Bolzano in Philosophy, Mathematics and Theology better known
    to encourage and support publications by and about Bolzano
    to encourage and support the treatment of Bolzano in University courses Officers President
    Heinrich Ganthaler (Salzburg)
    Treasurer Alexander Hieke (Salzburg)
    Honorary Life-President Jan Berg (Munich)
    Founding President
    Edgar Morscher (Salzburg) Contact the Society Members of the Society URL:
    Links last updated: 12 July 2000
    Responsible for the contents: Alexander Hieke Page created by: Alexander Hieke/Annemarie Siegetsleitner Last modified: 13 July 2000

    38. Bolzano, Bernard
    encyclopediaEncyclopedia bolzano, bernard, bOltsä'nO Pronunciation Key. bolzano,bernard , 1781–1848, Czech philosopher, mathematician, and theologian.

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    You've got info! Help Site Map Visit related sites from: Family Education Network Encyclopedia Bolzano, Bernard [b O O Pronunciation Key Bolzano, Bernard , Czech philosopher, mathematician, and theologian. Though as a Catholic priest he himself was primarily concerned with religious and ethical questions, he is known today for his work in philosophy, methodology of science, mathematics, and logic. Among his important works are Wissenschaftslehre (1837), an attempt at a complete theory of science and knowledge; Rein analytischer Beweis (1817), which contains an early successful attempt to free differential calculus from the concept of infinitesimals; and Theorie der reelen Zahlen, which laid the cornerstone of the theory of real numbers. He tried to devise a geometry without the use of Euclid's parallel postulate, developed a fairly complete theory of real functions, and worked at an ideal language. However, his work did not attract the attention of his contemporaries and thus did not influence the development of mathematics. Bolyai Bolzano Search Infoplease Info search tips Search Biographies Bio search tips About Us Contact Us Link to Infoplease ... Privacy

    39. MetaXearch > Society Philosophy Philosophers Bolzano, Bernard
    MetaXearch / Philosophy / Philosophers / bolzano, bernard /. bolzano, bernard(17811848) Biography from MacTutor History of Mathematics Archive.,_Bernar
    Adult filter: On Search: MetaXearch Philosophy Philosophers Bolzano, Bernard ... The Bernard Bolzano Pages
    From Salzburg University. Bolzano, Bernard (1781-1848)
    Biography from MacTutor History of Mathematics Archive. Bolzano, Bernard (1781-1848)
    Brief biography from the Interactive Real Analysis site at Seton Hall University. The Philosophy of Bernard Bolzano
    Excerpts from the works by Bernard Bolzano and an extended bibliography of studies on his work International Bernard Bolzano Society
    Association of scholars interested in the works and legacy of Bolzano. Organizational, membership and contact information. Bernard Bolzano: Pedagogue
    A brief paper by Helena Lorenzova, giving an overview of Bolzano's teachings. From the Paideia Project. Help build the largest human-edited directory on the web. Submit a Site Open Directory Project Become an Editor Adult's room Erotica Land
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    40. Philosopher Results
    bernard bolzano. Born 10/5/1781 Died 12/18/1848. Search Directory Links.Site Title, Details. bolzano, bernard, Source Google. Extend your search

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