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         Bayle Pierre:     more books (100)
  1. Historical and Critical Dictionary: Selections by Pierre Bayle, 1991-05-01
  2. At the crossroads of faith and reason;: An essay on Pierre Bayle, by Karl C Sandberg, 1966
  3. An Historical and Critical Dictionary (Volume 2) by Pierre Bayle, 2010-10-14
  4. Pierre Bayle's Cartesian Metaphysics: Rediscovering Early Modern Philosophy (Routledge Studies in Seventeenth Century Philosophy) by Todd Ryan, 2009-06-15
  5. Bayle (Past Masters) by Elisabeth Labrousse, 1983-12
  6. Various Thoughts on the Occasion of a Comet by Pierre Bayle, 2000-06
  7. The Literary Criticism of Pierre Bayle, by Horatio E. Smith ... by Horatio Elwin Smith, 2010-04-22
  8. Reading Bayle (Toronto Studies in Philosophy) by Thomas M. Lennon, 1999-08-07
  9. Dictionnaire historique et critique de Pierre Bayle: Tome 4. Bos-Ca (French Edition) by Pierre Bayle, 2001-12-13
  10. Dictionnaire historique et critique de Pierre Bayle: Tome 5. Ce-Do (French Edition) by Pierre Bayle, 2001-12-13
  11. Pierre Bayle: Nach Seinen Für Die Geschichte Der Philosophie Und Menschheit Interessantesten Momenten (German Edition) by Ludwig Feuerbach, 2010-01-01
  12. Essai sur Pierre Bayle: Religion Critique et philosophie positive These presentee pour le doctoral a la Faculte des lettres de l'Universite de Paris by pierre / delvolve, jean bayle, 1906
  13. Dictionnaire historique et critique de Pierre Bayle: Tome 11. N.-Pez (French Edition) by Pierre Bayle, 2001-12-13
  14. Dictionnaire Historique Et Critique De Pierre Bayle, Volume 8 (French Edition) by Pierre Desmaizeaux, Jacob Le Duchat, et all 2010-02-24

1. Pierre Bayle
Pierre Bayle Seite aus einem deutschsprachigen OnlinePhilosophenlexikon. Der französische Publizist und Philosoph Pierre Bayle ist einer der Hauptvertreter der Frühaufklärung.
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Pierre Bayle (1647 - 1706)
Philosoph Der Skeptiker ethischer Probleme allein durch die Vernunft Bayle hielt Glauben und Wissen powered by Uwe Wiedemann

2. Bayle Search Form
Pierre Bayle, prcurseur des Lumires, fut un aptre de la tolrance et du libreexamen au grand sicle. PIERRE BAYLE. (1647-1706). Un apôtre de la tolérance et du libre-examen au grand siècle.
Pierre Bayle's
Headword and Full Text Search Form
The ARTFL Project now provides two ways to access the Bayle page image database. The first is by searching for article headwords or other milestones. The second is to search the full text of the index, the "Table du Dictionaire historique et critique". References within the index are configured as automatic links to the page images.
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    Alphabetical List of Headwords or other Milestones . Each headword is accompanied by an automatic link to the page image where the article begins. Search for an Article Headword (ex Abrabanel or abrabanel To Get a Specific Page , enter Volume:Page Number (ex 1:v or or press to
Search the "Table du Dictionaire Historique et Critique" Search the 5158 headwords ( vedettes ) and full text in a structured database in Pierre Bayle's DIctionnaire Historique et Critique, using accented characters and logical operators, described in the general PhiloLogic manual. The full-text contains 191,080 words and 19,511 unique words. Sample searches are provided below. Please report problems to Mark Olsen (

3. Bayle Pierre From FOLDOC
bayle pierre. history of philosophy, biography although born in Franceand educated at Toulouse and Geneva, Pierre Bayle (16471706 Pierre

4. Pierre Bayle
Pierre Bayle. Pierre 1999. A. Primary literature. Bayle, Pierre, 1697 (2nd ed. 1702) Dictionnaire historique et critique, Rotterdam Leers;
history HOW TO CITE
Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy
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Pierre Bayle
Pierre Bayle (1647-1706) was a Huguenot, i.e., a French Protestant, who spent almost the whole of his productive life as a refugee in Holland. His life was devoted entirely to scholarship, and his erudition was second to none in his, or perhaps any, period. Much of what he wrote was embedded in technical religious issues such as that of the real presence (roughly, the relation between Christ and the sacrament of the Eucharist). Nonetheless, for a century he was one the most widely read philosophers ever. In particular, his Dictionnaire historique et critique
1. Bayle's life, work and circumstances
More than for most philosophers, the circumstances of Bayle's life determined the shape, content and thrust of his work. Curiously, accounts nowadays of the lives of historical philosophers, usually written by philosophers for philosophers, often begin with this sort of statement, even though most philosophers otherwise write as if circumstances were irrelevant. In the case of Bayle, however, the importance of circumstances is undeniable, to the point that ignoring them inevitably leads to distortion and misinterpretation. An emblematic event in the life of Bayle was the Revocation of the Edict of Nantes in 1685, which from his point of view was an instance of grotesque intolerance based on moral and logical absurdity. The greater part of his life's work can be understood as Bayle's attempt to lay bare the absurdity represented by this event. Nor was the significance of the event merely symbolic for Bayle, since he himself was a victim of the intolerance to an extreme degree.

5. Pierre Bayle
Translate this page bayle pierre Né à Carlat, dans l'Ariège, en 1647. Il fait de courtesétudes à Genève, se convertit au catholicisme quelques
Dictionnaire des personnages
- Dico Personnages - BAYLE Pierre CUNIN Laurent DE BOURBON Françoise DE BREZE Françoise DE LA MARCK Charlotte DE LA MARCK Evrard DE LA MARCK Guillaume-Robert DE LA MARCK Henri-Robert DE LA MARCK Jean DE LA MARCK Robert Ier DE LA MARCK Robert II DE LA MARCK Robert IV DE LA TOUR Henri DE LA TOUR Frédéric-Maurice DE NASSAU Elizabeth DE PALISSY Bernard FABERT Abraham MACDONALD PAZIN Marc-Aurèle TERNAUX Louis TURENNE Henri VAUBAN Sébastien BAYLE Pierre : Né à Carlat, dans l'Ariège, en 1647. Il fait de courtes études à Genève, se convertit au catholicisme quelques temps mais reviendra en 1670 à la religion protestante. Devenu professeur d'histoire et de philosophie, il obtient une chaire à Sedan. En 1680, il part enseigner à Rotterdam ; mais ses positions de protestant peu orthodoxes l'obligent à abandonner son poste en 1693. Dès lors, il se consacre entièrement à son uvre d'écrivain. Esprit libre, précurseur de toute la critique moderne, il s'oppose à toute conversion par contrainte. Il soulève contre lui les jésuites et même des protestants ; certains de ses livres sont brûlés sur ordre du roi de France. Il achève en 1697 le Dictionnaire qui le rendra célèbre et meurt en 1706.

6. Xrefer - Search Results - Pierre Bayle
bayle pierre 1647 1706. bayle pierre 1647 1706 French scholar and controversialist,best known for his Historical and Critical bayle pierre 1647 1706. Bayle

7. WIEM: Bayle Pierre
bayle pierre (16471706), francuski filozof, pisarz i krytyk religii. BaylePierre (1647-1706), francuski filozof, pisarz i krytyk religii. napisz do nas losuj: has³a multimedia Filozofia, Religioznawstwo, Francja
Bayle Pierre widok strony
znajd¼ podobne

poka¿ powi±zane Bayle Pierre (1647-1706), francuski filozof, pisarz i krytyk religii. Wychowany w rodzinie hugenockiej, 1669 przeszed³ na katolicyzm , 1670 powróci³ do kalwinizmu . 1675-81 prof. akademii protest. w Sedanie, 1681-93 École Illustre w Rotterdamie - utraci³ katedrê za wolnomy¶licielstwo. 1684-87 wydawa³ w  Rotterdamie "Nouvelles de la république des lettres", jedno z pierwszych czasopism naukowych. Prekursor o¶wiecenia racjonalistasceptyk , uwa¿a³ objawienie religijne za niezgodne z rozumem. Dowodzi³ sprzeczno¶ci wewnêtrznej samego pojêcia Boga, wskazuj±c na niemo¿no¶æ pogodzenia Opatrzno¶ci z realnie istniej±cym z³em (sprowokowa³ tym G.W. Leibniza do napisania Teodycei Twierdzi³, ¿e nie sposób dowie¶æ nie¶miertelno¶ci duszy ani wolno¶ci woli. Postulowa³ uniezale¿nienie etyki od teologii religii czy metafizyki , ³±cz±c z tym ¿±danie tolerancji. Uwa¿any przez wspó³czesnych za ateistê Bayle nigdy nie wyrzek³ siê oficjalnie kalwinizmu. Wywar³ wp³yw na Voltaire'a i encyklopedystów.

8. Bayle
Pierre Bayle (16471706). Internet Resources. The Pierre Bayle Home Page has information,a biography, bibliography and other materials related to Bayle.
Pierre Bayle (1647-1706)
Internet Resources
The Pierre Bayle Home Page has information, a biography, bibliography and other materials related to Bayle.
Bayle Time Line
1647 November 18, born at le Carla-le-Comte near Pamiers, the son of a Calvinist minister. 1669- Converts to Catholicism but later reverts to Calvinism. 1674 Fleeing persecution he goes to Geneva where he is exposed to Cartesianism. 1674 Returns to France incognito and tutors in Paris and Rouen. 1675 Appointed to the chair of philosophy at the Protestant university of Sedan. 1681 The university is supressed and he moves to Rotterdam where he becomes professor of philosophy and history at the ecole illustre . 1682 Publishes pseudonymously his Diverse thoughts on the Comet of 1680 . 1684 Begins publication of the journal, Nouvelles de la republique des lettres , one of the first scholarly journals of modern times. 1693 Loses his chair after having been attributed the author of a tract offensive to the government. Spends the next nine years working on his Dictionnaire historique et critique , which had an enormous impact on late seventeenth century thought. Spends the rest of his life encouraging toleration toward both Protestants and Catholics. 1702 Publishes second edition of

9. Allzone: Arts/Littérature/Auteurs/B/Bayle Pierre
Translate this page ARTFL / Pierre Bayle Bayle's Dictionnaire historique et critique and the ARTFLProject. ARTFL / Pierre Bayle Dictionnaire historique et critique de Bayle.
Auteurs B : Bayle Pierre
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10. Pierre Bayle
Pierre Bayle. 1647 1706. . . . . . Philosophical Commentary on the Wordsof the Gospel (1686) excerpts. Dictionaire historique et critique (1692).
Pierre Bayle
Philosophical Commentary on the Words of the Gospel (1686): excerpts Dictionaire historique et critique Miscellanae:
Bayle's Probabilistic Fidiesm and the Rhetoric of Ideology
Readings in Modern Philosophy

11. Résultat De La Recherche 26 Documents Répondent à La
Translate this page Tome sixième, Drabicius-Furius / Pierre Bayle. Voir la notice, Consulterla notice. Tome neuvième, Labé-Luxembourg / Pierre Bayle. PIERRE

12. Pierre Bayle
Pierre Bayle, 1647 1706. Pierre Bayle was a French scholar, philosopher,and theologian. His defense of French Protestantism, Critique
Pierre Bayle, 1647 - 1706
Pierre Bayle was a French scholar, philosopher, and theologian. His defense of French Protestantism, (1683), was condemned by Catholic authorities and burned in Paris. Later works such as Commentaire philosophique (1686) and (1704) stressed religious tolerance, defended the "rights of the erring conscience," admitted the plausibility of atheism from a moral and a theoretical point of view, and were denounced by the Protestants as well. In 1684 Bayle began publication of an influential literary and philosophical review, , one of the first scholarly journals of modern times. His most famous and major work, Dictionnaire historique et critique (1696, 1702), had an enormous impact on late seventeenth-century and early eighteenth-century thought.

13. Pierre Bayle
Pierre Bayle. Pierre Bayle (16471706) , , , WEB.
Pierre Bayle Pierre Bayle (1647-1706) ‚»‚Ì‘¼‚̃eƒNƒXƒg ŽQl•¶Œ£ Pens es diverses sur la com te: Avis au lecteur Pens ... te: œ‚»‚Ì‘¼‚̃eƒNƒXƒg
The Pierre Bayle Home Page
(Gianluca Mori)@ƒxƒCƒ‹‚ÌŽ«‘AŠ°—e˜_AŠÖ˜AƒTƒCƒg‚È‚Ç‚ÌŽ‘—¿‚ª‚ ‚è‚Ü‚·B

14. Pierre Bayle
Pierre bayle pierre Bayle (16471706) was de zoon van een Franse hugenootsepredikant. Onder koning Lodewijk XIV kregen de hugenoten
Pierre Bayle
Pierre Bayle (1647-1706) was de zoon van een Franse hugenootse predikant. Onder koning Lodewijk XIV kregen de hugenoten het steeds moeilijker, maar wat de situatie van Pierre Bayle in Frankrijk onhoudbaar maakte, was het feit dat hij tijdens zijn studie katholiek werd en al enkele maanden later inzag dat hij toch liever terug wilde naar zijn oorspronkelijke kerk. Een tijdje kon hij nog als filosoof en theoloog in Frankrijk blijven werken, maar in 1681 zag hij zich alsnog tot ballingschap gedwongen. Hij aanvaardde een relatief bescheiden baantje aan een Rotterdamse Illustre school. Door het toedoen van zijn tegenstander, collega, en landgenoot, de fanatieke calvinist Pierre Jurieu, werd hij in 1693 echter ontslagen. C.K

15. Pierre Bayle
Pierre Bayle (16471706) Francouzský ateistický filosof, publicistaa kritik, predchudce osvícenství, mluvcí tretího stavu.
Pierre Bayle (1647-1706) Francouzský ateistický filosof, publicista a kritik, pøedchùdce osvícenství, mluvèí tøetího stavu. Narodil se pastorovi v Carletu. Zabýval se otázkami nábo¾enství a víry, odmítl existenci absolutní pravdy a etiky v teologii i filosofii. Vrozené schopnosti lidského rozumu mohou podle nìj dovést èlovìka k pravé morálce nezávisle na nábo¾enství. Po¾adoval nábo¾enskou toleranci. Stejnì jako Descartes prohlásil pochybování za jedinou metodu poznání objektivního svìta, vyvracel Spinozu a Leibnize . Pùsobil na univerzitách v ®enevì, Rouenu, Sedanu a Rotterdamu, kde také pozdìji zemøel.
  • Avis aux réfugiés, 1690
  • Commentaire philosophique, 1686
  • Continuation des pensées diverses, 1704
  • Critique générale de l'histoire du calvinisme de M. Maimbourg, 1683
  • Historický a kritický slovník (Dictionnaire historique et critique/Historisch-kritisches Wörterbuch), 1695-97 (4 díly)
  • Nouvelles de la République des Letters, 1684-87 (3 díly)
  • Objections, 1679
  • Úvahy o kometì (Pensées diverses sur la cométe), 1682 Kolektiv autorù: Encyklopédia spisovatelov sveta, Obzor, Bratislava 1987
  • 16. The Pierre Bayle Home Page
    January 2003: What's New Edited by Gianluca Mori UPO, Vercelli
    Pierre Bayle (1647-1706)

    ... Related Sites Go to the search form of ARTFL's image version of Bayle's Dictionnaire historique et critique
    "Rien n'est plus malaisé que de douter comme il faut,
    car ceux qui ont assez d'esprit pour douter n'en ont pas
    toujours assez pour faire un choix raisonnable: ils ne
    doutent que pour mieux s'ancrer ensuite dans l'erreur;
    & d'autres, s'étant mis une fois à douter, doutent toute leur vie"
    Nouvelles Lettres Critiques
    The Pierre Bayle Home Page
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    Biography Bibliography Bayle's Works Papers ... Sites
    Edited by Gianluca Mori Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici - Vercelli, Italia)
    Last update: January 23, 2003

    17. Bayle's Dictionnaire
    Electronic version of the first volume of this monumental work, with a description of the text and Category Society Philosophy Philosophers bayle, pierre......Dictionnaire historique et critique pierre bayle. pierre bayle's Dictionnairehistorique et critique stands as the supreme achievement
    Reference Collection Dictionnaires d'autrefois User Manual ARTFL Project Dictionnaire historique et critique
    Pierre Bayle Pierre Bayle's Dictionnaire historique et critique Grand dictionnaire historique , his Dictionnaire historique et critique grew to be an exemplary work of critical methodology. The author painstakingly compiled, compared, questioned, seeking some degree of historical certainty, however small. The Bayle Dictionnaire has been called the "Arsenal of the Enlightenment", pillaged and re-edited throughout the eighteenth century by believers and sceptics alike who gathered ammunition for philosophical argument in the work's recondite notes. In addition to the eight French editions in fifty years, the Dictionnaire was translated into English (two versions, 1709, 1734-1741) and German (1741-1744).
    Bayle's Dictionnaire historique et critique and the ARTFL Project
      The ARTFL Project has built an electronic version of the first volume of this monumental work. It is the goal of this undertaking to make Bayle's

    18. Pierre Bayle
    Annuaire de la Republique des Lettres bayle République Internationale des Lettres bayle pierre bayle
    Bayle : Pierre Bayle

    19. BAYLE, Pierre
    Verlag Traugott Bautz NEU Unser ENews Service Wir informieren Sie regelmäßig über Neuigkeiten und Änderungen per E-Mail. Band I (1990) Autor Friedrich Wilhelm Bautz bayle, pierre, Philosoph, * 18.11.
    Verlag Traugott Bautz Bestellmöglichkeiten des Biographisch-Bibliographischen Kirchenlexikons Zur Hauptseite des Biographisch-Bibliographischen Kirchenlexikons Abkürzungsverzeichnis des Biographisch-Bibliographischen Kirchenlexikons Bibliographische Angaben für das Zitieren ... NEU: Unser E-News Service
    Wir informieren Sie regelmäßig über Neuigkeiten und Änderungen per E-Mail. Helfen Sie uns, das BBKL aktuell zu halten! Band I (1990) Spalten 432-433 Autor: Friedrich Wilhelm Bautz Werke: Dictionnaire historique et critique, 2 Bde., 1695-97 (dt. v. Johann Christoph Gottsched, 4 Bde., 1741-44; neueste Ausg. in 16 Bdn., Paris 1820); Critique générale de l'histoire du Calvinisme de Mr. Maimbourg, 4 Bde., 1684; Commentaire philosophique sur ces paroles de Jésus Christ: »Contrains-les d'entrer«, 3 Bde., 1686; Oeuvres diverses, 4 Bde., 1727-31 (Neudr. hrsg. v. Elisabeth Labrousse, 1964-68); Système de la philosophie, 1737. Lit.:

    BAYAZID^-BAYEUX TAPESTRY BAYBAY, a town of the province of Leyte, island of Leyte, Philippine Islands, on the W. coast. Pop. (1903) 22,990. The town proper is situated at the mouth of the Pagbanganan river, 45 m. S.S.W. of Tacloban, the provincial capital. A superior grade of hemp is exported. Other products are rice, corn, copra, cacao, sugar, cattle and horses. The Cebu dialect of the Visayan language is spoken. BAYEUX, a town of north-western France, capital of an arrondissement in the department of Calvados, 18 m. N.W. of Caen on the Western railway. Pop. (1906) 6930. Bayeux is situated on the Aure, 5 m. from the English Channel. Its majestic cathedral was built in the i3th century on the site of a Romanesque church, to which the lateral arcades of the nave Till the 4th century Bayeux bore the name of Augmtodurum, but afterwards, when it became the capital of the two tribes of the Baiocasses and Viducasses, took the name of Civitas Baio-cassium. Its bishopric dates from the latter half of the 4th century. Before the Norman invasion it was governed by counts. Taken in 890 by the Scandinavian chief, Rollo, it was soon after peopled by the Normans and became a residence of the dukes of Normandy, one of whom, Richard I., built about 960 a castle which survived till the i8th century. During the quarrels between the sons of William the Conqueror it was pillaged and sacked by Henry I. in 1106, and in later times it underwent siege and capture on several occasions during the Hundred Years' War and the religious wars of the i6th century. Till 1790 it was the capital of the Bessin, a district of lower Normandy.

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