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41. TCC - Tionghoa Cultural Center Kisah Fisikawan Asia Terkenal yang chenning TAHUN 1957, untuk pertama kalinyabangsa Cina masuk dalam jajaran peraih nobel fisika. yang chen-ning (atau di http://www.indoexplorer.com/tcc/displayad.asp?Ad_ID=274 |
42. Powersof10.com Perhaps chen ning yang's most spectacular contribution to human understanding ishis work overthrowing the law of parity, for which he and TD Lee won the nobel http://www.powersof10.com/powers/people/station_168.html | |
43. Chinese Nobelist Yang Speaks Of His Life Upon Release Of Biography, Chinese Nobe o nobel Laureate yang chenning, doing what he believes is right for the modernizationof mainland China is an important mission of his life, even at the cost http://www.taiwanheadlines.gov.tw/20021112/20021112s3.html | |
44. Tsinghua News Weekly No.93 June 16,1998 chen ning yang. Prof. yang graduated from Southwest Associated University in 1942,and then went to study in US. He won nobel Prize of physics in 1957. Prof. http://www.tsinghua.edu.cn/docse/qhxw/ | |
45. CHEN NING YANG chen ning yang was born on September 22, 1922, in Hofei, Anwhei Dr. yang is a quiet,modest, and affable physicist; he met From nobel Lectures, Physics 19421962 http://www.nstm.gov.tw/nobel/evip/evip_yang.htm | |
46. IP ISBN: 1-57146-001-2 In 1992, many of the world's most distinquished scientists gathered to honor Professorand nobel Laureate, chen Y ing yang on the occasion of chen ning yang. http://www.intlpress.com/books/physics/LY.html | |
47. Naca6.html Professor chen ning yang is wellknown to all NACA members To many of the ChineseAmericans, Professor yang is known Chinese Americans to win the nobel prize in http://www.cis.umassd.edu/~gleung/nacaf/naca6.html | |
48. Nobel Prize Winner Yang's Birthday Celebrated In Beijing(19-06-2002) 062002). Tsinghua University held a ceremony Monday to celebrateNobel Prize winner chen ning yang's 80th birthday. yang, born on http://www.china-embassy.ch/eng/31334.html | |
49. Biografias De Personalidades De La Historia En El Asere.com Translate this page yang chen ning (1922- ), físico teórico y premio nobel estadounidense nacido enChina, conocido por sus estudios sobre la naturaleza y el comportamiento de http://www.elasere.com/Interes/Biografias.asp?ID=1867&VarError1=Y |
50. Nobel Prize Winner Yang's Birthday Celebrated In Beijing(19-06-2002) 062002). Tsinghua University held a ceremony Monday to celebrateNobel Prize winner chen ning yang's 80th birthday. yang, born http://www.chinaembassy.org.il/eng/31334.html | |
51. Yang, Chen Ning De Cours nobel, Physique 1942-1962 http://www.cartage.org.lb/fr/themes/Biographies/mainbiographie/y/yang/yang.htm |
52. Untitled yang, chen ning,. byname FRANK yang (b. Sept. This and other studies in particlephysics earned yang and Lee the nobel Prize for Physics for 1957. Life. http://www.phy.bg.ac.yu/web_projects/giants/yang.html |
53. Tsinghua University Alumni Global Portal Site Dr. chen ning yang shared the nobel Prize for Physics with Tsung DaoLee in 1957. yang and Tsung Dao Lee made a fundamental theoretical http://www.tsinghua.com/events/tefna_2001_11_17_02.htm | |
54. The Star Archive - Chen Ning Yang Listing last updated on April 15th, 2002, AD chen ning yang. (nobel physics 1957).c/o State University Of NY. Physics Dept. Stony Brook, NY. 117940001 USA. http://www.stararchive.com/starc2000/sl/31156.html | |
55. TCSUH Tenth Anniversary Symposium & Community Lecture 840 chenning yang. Bose Einstein Condensation . Director, Institute for TheoreticalPhysics, State University of New York at Stony Brook; 1957 nobel laureate http://www.uh.edu/tcsuh/frontiers/ | |
56. News Release chenning yang, Albert Einstein Professor of Physics and Director, Institute forTheoretical Physics, State University of New York at Stony Brook (1957 nobel http://www.uh.edu/admin/media/nr/archives98/0598/tcsuh.html | |
57. AILF Salutes Chinese Americans Lee (nobel Laureate); Yuan Tshe Lee (nobel Laureate); Samuel CC Ting(nobel Laureate); chen ning yang (nobel Laureate); Dr. Wang An http://www.ailf.org/heritage/chinese.htm |
58. NOBEL LAUREATE TO DISCUSS SYMMETRY AND NATURE chen ning yang, who won the nobel Prize for physics in 1957, will present a generalinterest lecture, Symmetry and Physics, at 4 pm Friday in Room 202 of the http://www.tamu.edu/univrel/aggiedaily/news/stories/archive/092396-3.html | |
59. APS Prizes And Awards - 1999 Lars Onsager Prize Recipient 1999 Lars Onsager Prize to chen ning yang State University of New York Dr. yang isa member of the US National He received the nobel Prize in 1957, the Rumford http://www.aps.org/praw/onsager/99winner.html | |
60. Physics Yang, Chen Ning Yang, Chen Ning (September 22, 1922 - ; chen ning yang is a Chineseborn American theoretical physicist who was a corecipientof the nobel Prize for Physics in 1957 along with Tsung-Dao Lee for their http://www.upei.ca/~xliu/multi-culture/yang.htm | |
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