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Walton Ernest Thomas Sinton: more detail | ||||
21. The Nobel Prize For Physics (1901-1996) The following is a complete listing of nobel Prize awards, from 1951, Sir John DouglasCockroft ernest thomas sinton walton, Artificial acceleration of atomic http://physics.hallym.ac.kr/education/faq/nobel_html.html | |
22. Fq - Prémios Nobel Da Física ernest thomas sinton walton; http://atelier.uarte.mct.pt/fq/quem/nobelfis.htm | |
23. Nobel Prize In Physics Since 1901 walton, ernest thomas sinton. 1952. http://www.planet101.com/nobel_physics_hist.htm | |
24. Premio Nobel De Física - Wikipedia Translate this page Ver enlace http//www.nobel.se/physics/laureates/index.html. Edward Mills Purcell1951 Sir John Douglas Cockcroft, ernest thomas sinton walton 1950 Cecil Frank http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Premio_Nobel/Física | |
25. Nobel Prizes In Physics [UWA Physics] The following is a complete listing of nobel Prize awards in John Douglas CockroftArtificial acceleration of atomic ernest thomas sinton walton particles and http://www.physics.uwa.edu.au/Misc/nobel.html | |
27. Full Wave Cockcroft-Walton Voltage Multiplier (Named after James Douglas Cockcroft and ernest thomas sinton walton, winnersof the 1951 nobel Prize in physics for Transmutation of atomic nuclei by http://members.tm.net/lapointe/Cockcroft_Walton.htm | |
28. Nobel Prize Winners : Physics nobel Prize Winners in Physics. walton, ernest thomas sinton, Ireland,work on transmutation of atomic nuclei by accelerated particles. http://www.emsb.qc.ca/laurenhill/science/nobelph.html | |
29. Nobel For Physics: All Laureates 1951 Sir John Douglas Cockcroft, ernest thomas sinton walton 1950 Cecil of this prizesection 1939 ernest Orlando Lawrence The nobel Prize A History of Genius http://www.popular-science.net/nobel/phy-list.html | |
30. NOBEL FÝZÝK ÖDÜLLERÝ Purcell 1951 Sir John Douglas Cockcroft, ernest thomas sinton walton 1950 Cecil ofthis prize section 1939 ernest Orlando Lawrence nobel FÝZÝK ÖDÜLLERÝ. http://www.geocities.com/fizikmuhendisligi/NobelFizik.html | |
31. Premi Nobel Fisica Translate this page 1952, FELIX BLOCH - EDWARD MILLS PURCELL. 1951, SIR JOHN DOUGLAS COCKCROFT- ernest thomas - sinton walton. 1950, CECIL FRANCK POWELL. 1949, HIDEKI YUKAWA. http://www.econofisica.com/premi nobel fisica.htm | |
32. 20th Century Year By Year 1951 nobel Prize. Great Britain, Atomic Energy Research Establishment, Harwell, Didcot,Berks., b. 1897, d. 1967; and walton, ernest thomas sinton, Ireland, Dublin http://www.multied.com/20th/1951.html | |
33. October 6 - Today In Science History ernest thomas sinton walton was an Irish physicist, who was corecipient, with SirJohn Douglas Cockcroft of England, of the 1951 nobel Prize for Physics for http://www.todayinsci.com/10/10_06.htm | |
34. June 25 - Today In Science History 6 Oct 1903) ernest thomas sinton walton was an Irish physicist, who was corecipient,with Sir John Douglas Cockcroft of England, of the 1951 nobel Prize for http://www.todayinsci.com/6/6_25.htm | |
35. Prêmio Nobel De Física Lista dos ganhadores do Prêmio nobel de Física. 1952 Felix Bloch, Edward Mills Purcell1951 Sir John Douglas Cockcroft, ernest thomas sinton walton 1950 Cecil http://www.ahistoriadafisica.hpg.ig.com.br/nobel.htm | |
36. Nobelova Cena Za Fyziku 1950 Cecil Frank Powel, 1951 Sir John Douglas Cockcroft, ernest thomas sinton walton,1952 Felix Bloch, Edward Mills Purcell, 1953 Frederik Zernike, 1954 Max http://www.converter.cz/nobel.htm | |
37. Digitale Bibliothek - JLU Giessen Foundation WWW. walton, ernest thomas sinton (19031995) nobel FoundationWWW. Weinberg, Steven (1933- ) nobel Foundation WWW. Wieman http://dbs.ub.uni-giessen.de/links/dbs_fachinfo.php?typ=E&fach=5 |
38. Physics Guide A GUIDE TO PHYSICS. Physics nobels. nobel Prize Winners in Physics, 19012000. 1951,Sir John Douglas Cockcroft. ernest thomas sinton walton. 1897-1967. 1903-1995. http://www.aguidetophysics.com/Physics Nobels.htm | |
39. CNN.com 1952 Felix Bloch, Edward Mills Purcell. 1951 Sir John Douglas Cockcroft,ernest thomas sinton walton. 1950 Cecil Frank Powell. 1949 Hideki Yukawa. http://www.cnn.com/SPECIALS/2001/nobel.100/physics.html | |
40. ÅôÞóéïò Ïäçãüò Ðåñéïäéêþí ôçò ÖõóéêÞò S?d?a( nobel Foundation) st? site http//www.nobel.se Douglas CockroftArtificial acceleration of atomic ernest thomas sinton walton particles and http://www.physics4u.gr/indexnobel.html | |
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