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61. Nobel Prize - UC Berkeley Nobel Prize Winners Current Faculty nobel Laureates 2001 George A. Akerlof (Economics). 1980- Czeslaw Milosz (Literature). 1964 - charles H. townes (Physics). http://www.berkeley.edu/news/features/2000/nobel/uc_nobels.html | |
62. Caltech Nobel And Crafoord Laureates nobel Laureates29 winners (17 alumni), 30 prizes Name. Field. Year. Status. Peace.1962. Faculty. charles H. townes, PhD '39. Physics. 1964. Richard Feynman. http://www.caltech.edu/nobel-crafoord/ | |
63. The Nobel Prize For Physics (1901-1996) The following is a complete listing of nobel Prize awards, from the first Mayer Nuclearshell structure J. Hans D. Jensen 1964 charles H. townes MaserLaser http://physics.hallym.ac.kr/education/faq/nobel.html | |
64. AFOSR Nobel Winners Air Force Office of Scientific Research nobel Prize Winners Sponsored by AFOSR.Name principles . 1963, 1958. charles H. townes Massachusetts http://www.afosr.af.mil/afrnobel.htm | |
65. NPQ The more than 100 nobel prizewinning signatories to the attached (Physics, 1993)Susumu Tonegawa (Physiology/Medicine, 1987) charles H. townes (Physics, 1964 http://www.npq.org/archive/2002_spring/against_unil.html | |
66. John Polanyi Official Website Nobel Statement, Signatories, Statement By Nobel L the occasion of the onehundredth anniversary of the nobel Prize. (Physics, 1993);Susumu Tonegawa (Physiology/Medicine, 1987); charles H. townes (Physics, 1964 http://www.utoronto.ca/jpolanyi/nobelstatement/signatures.html | |
67. Www.npac.syr.edu/textbook/kidsweb/physics/nobel.txt by Scott I. Chase The following is a complete listing of nobel Prize awards MayerNuclear shell structure J. Hans D. Jensen 1964 charles H. townes MaserLaser http://www.npac.syr.edu/textbook/kidsweb/physics/nobel.txt | |
68. Days Of Cal | Cal Nobel Prize Winners Cal has had more nobel Laureates than any other American university except Harvardand the University of Chicago. 1964, charles H. townes (Physics) University http://sunsite.berkeley.edu/calhistory/nobel.html | |
69. Caltech Nobel And Crafoord Laureates nobel Laureates NAME / DEGREE, FIELD, YEAR. Rudolf Mössbauer, physics, 1961.charles H. townes Ph.D. '39, physics, 1964. Richard Feynman, physics, 1965. http://prfmp.caltech.edu/catalog/02_03/geninfo/nobel2.html |
70. Columbia University Press Releases -- Nobel Winners alumni. Columbia has eight nobel laureates on its faculty at present. 46).1964, charles H. townes, former faculty member (194861). 1965, http://www.columbia.edu/cu/pr/special/nowin.html | |
71. More Info - Maser/Laser (April 08, 2000) 7 1960 The first working laser was built by Theodore H. Maiman of Hughes Corporation8 October 29, 1964 nobel prize awarded to charles townes, Nikolai G http://www.earthsky.com/2000/esmi000408.html | |
72. The Nobel Prize For Physics (1901-1997) is to watch the nobel Foundation web site at http//www.nobel.se/. Mayer Nuclear shellstructure J. Hans D. Jensen 1964 1958 charles H. townes MaserLaser http://www.weburbia.demon.co.uk/physics/nobel.html | |
73. The Alfred B. Nobel Prize Winners: Physics Advertisement. nobel Prize Winners for Physics. 1964, Nikolai G. Basov AleksanderM. Prochorov charles H. townes, Soviet Union Soviet Union United States. http://history1900s.about.com/library/misc/blnobelphysics.htm | |
74. Hall Of Scientists & Inventors charles Goodyear. William Gorgas. Cecil H Green. Lafcadio Hearn. Alfred nobel. Alfrednobel. Robert Oppenheimer. Clyde Tombaugh. charles townes. Vladimir Kzworykin. http://www.virtualology.com/virtualsciencecenter.com/hallofscientists/ | |
75. Speakers Bureau: Humility Theology Information Center Dr. charles H. townes Dr. townes received the nobel Prize for his contributionsto physics. He is presently a Professor in the Graduate http://www.templeton.org/speakers/bios.asp?id=4 |
76. Christopher Columbus Fellowship Foundation charles H. townes, Ph.D., Professor in the Graduate School, University of Californiaat Berkeley, Berkeley, CA, was Dr. townes received the nobel Prize in http://www.columbusfdn.org/past/1999.asp | |
77. Physics - Fizika 1964 The prize was divided, one half being awarded to townes, charles H., (photo)USA, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) , Cambridge, MA, b. 1915;. http://www.radnoti.hu/common/nobel/fizika.htm | |
78. NPQ in consultation with an extensive group of nobel prize winners (Physics, 1993)Susumu Tonegawa (Physiology/Medicine, 1987) charles H. townes (Physics, 1964 http://www.digitalnpq.org/global_services/nobel laureates/12.07.01.html | |
79. UU World Mar/Apr 2002: The Dispossessed, By 100 Nobel Laureates the celebration of the 100th anniversary of the first nobel prizes. Physics, 1993Susumu Tonegawa Physiology/Medicine, 1997 charles H. townes Physics, 1964 http://www.uua.org/world/2002/02/prophecy.html | |
80. Nobel Prize Winners Support Basic Science Americans have been awarded more than onehalf of all nobel Prizes in Ph.D., HenryW. Kendall, Ph.D., D.Sc., Paul A. Samuelson, Ph.D., charles H. townes, Ph.D http://www.sdsc.edu/SDSCwire/v2.13/nobelists.html | |
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