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41. Museum Of Tolerance Multimedia Learning Center German Physicist nobel Prize winner nobel Prize winner in Physics State organizationsupporting scientific research) under the Nazis, johannes stark was born http://motlc.wiesenthal.com/text/x31/xr3110.html | |
42. Nobel Prizes In Physics [UWA Physics] The following is a complete listing of nobel Prize awards in Physics, from spectraof elements 1918 Max Planck Energy quanta 1919 johannes stark Splitting of http://www.physics.uwa.edu.au/Misc/nobel.html | |
43. © 1998-2002 Sommerfeld-Projekt. Ausgelesen Am 29. Dezember 2002 Translate this page an johannes stark, 1. Dezember 1920 Archiv Berlin, SBPK (Nachlaß stark) FürBand 2 der Sommerfeldedition vorgesehen. AS kritisiert starks nobel-Vortrag http://www.lrz-muenchen.de/~Sommerfeld/KurzFass/00349.html | |
44. Premio Nobel De Física - Wikipedia Translate this page Albert Einstein 1920 Charles-Edouard Guillaume 1919 johannes stark 1918 Max GustafDalén 1911 Wilhelm Wien 1910 johannes Diderik van See also Premio nobel, http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Premio_Nobel/Física | |
45. Nobel For Physics: All Laureates Einstein 1920 Charles Edouard Guillaume 1919 johannes stark 1918 Max Dalén 1911Wilhelm Wien 1910 johannes Diderik van The nobel Prize A History of Genius http://www.popular-science.net/nobel/phy-list.html | |
47. Nobel Prizes (table). The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. 2001 The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. 2001. nobel Prizes (table). 1918, FritzHaber, Max Planck, 1919, Woodrow Wilson, johannes stark, Jules Bordet, CFG Spitteler. http://www.bartleby.com/65/no/NoblPrzTABLE.html | |
48. Nobel Prize For Physics nobel Prize for Physics. of the elements 1918 Max Planck (Germany), discoveries inconnection with quantum theory 1919 johannes stark (Germany), discovery of http://www.factmonster.com/ipa/A0105785.html | |
49. Premi Nobel Fisica Translate this page 1922, NIELS BOHR. 1921, ALBERT EINSTEIN. 1920, CHARLES EDOUARD GUILLAUME. 1919,johannes stark. 1918, MAX KARL ERNST LUDWIG PLANCK. 1917, CHARLES GLOVER BARKLA. http://www.econofisica.com/premi nobel fisica.htm | |
50. Digitale Bibliothek - JLU Giessen St. Andrews Scotland WWW. stark, johannes (18741957) nobel FoundationWWW. Steinberger, Jack (1921- ) nobel Foundation WWW. Stern http://dbs.ub.uni-giessen.de/links/dbs_fachinfo.php?typ=E&fach=5 |
51. VBS - MyEurope - Nobel Prizes Wolfgang PAULI (1945) (USA). Denmark. Niels Henrik David BOHR (1922). Aage NielsBOHR (1975; son of Niels BOHR, nobel Prize in Physics 1922). johannes stark (1919). http://www.univie.ac.at/Romanistik/Sprachwst/site/spratscher/vbs_myEurope_spring | |
52. Prêmio Nobel De Física Lista dos ganhadores do Prêmio nobel de Física. 1922 Niels Henrik David Bohr 1921Albert Einstein 1920 Charles Edouard Guillaume 1919 johannes stark 1918 Max http://www.ahistoriadafisica.hpg.ig.com.br/nobel.htm | |
53. Géniesenherbe.org - Prix Nobel De Physique Translate this page Le prix nobel de physique est attribué par l'Académie royale des sciences deSuède, à Stockholm. Année, Récipiendaire. 1919, johannes stark (Allemagne). http://www.geniesenherbe.org/theorie/prix/nobphys.html | |
54. NOBEL PRIZE WINNERS nobel PRIZE WINNERS IN PHYSICS 1919 johannes stark (18741957) German Discoverythat spectral lines are distorted in an electrical field; stark effect. http://members.tripod.com/unifier2/nobelprizesframes.html |
55. Nobel Prize For Physics nobel Prize for Physics. 1919. johannes stark (Germany), discovery of Doppler effectin Canal rays and decomposition of spectrum lines by electric fields. 1920. http://homepages.shu.ac.uk/~acsdry/quizes/physics.htm | |
56. Nobel Prizes In Physics http//www.chem.yorku.ca/NAMED/. nobel PRIZE PHYSICS. YEAR. NAME OF SCIENTISTS. NATIONALITY. quantumtheory, radiation. 1919. johannes stark. German. spectroscopy. 1920. http://www.chem.yorku.ca/NAMED/NOBEL/PHYS/ | |
57. Colegio Don Bosco Altamira Translate this page cuent@ Revisa tu cuent@ Cómo actualizar el contenido Acceso al sistemaPublicar archivos. Premios nobel de 1919. stark, johannes. http://www.aldeae.net/donbosco/aldea/Nobel1e.asp?Which=1919 |
58. Colegio Belagua Translate this page cuent@ Revisa tu cuent@ Cómo actualizar el contenido Publicar archivosAcceso al sistema. Premios nobel de 1919. stark, johannes. http://www.aldeae.net/belagua/aldea/Nobel1e.asp?Which=1919 |
59. The Alfred B. Nobel Prize Winners: Physics Advertisement. nobel Prize Winners for Physics. 1918, Max KEL Planck,Germany. 1919, johannes stark, Germany. 1920, Charles E. Guillaume, France. http://history1900s.about.com/library/misc/blnobelphysics.htm | |
60. The Nobel Prize In Physics 1919 nobel Prize in Physics. johannes stark (Germany) for his discovery of theDoppler effect in canal rays and the splitting of spectral lines in electrical http://www.fi.uib.no/~ladi/Nobel95.html | |
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