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Sholokhov Michail Aleksandrovich: more detail |
41. NOBEL Translate this page nobel LETTERATURA. Beckett 1968 Yasunari Kawabata 1967 Miguel Angel Asturias 1966Shmuel Yosef Agnon, Nelly Sachs 1965 michail aleksandrovich sholokhov 1964 Jean http://www.violettanet.it/links/NOBEL.htm | |
42. Agora Translate this page Ganadores del Premio nobel Nombre. Año. Agnon, Shmuel Yosef. 1966. 1984. Shaw, GeorgeBernard. 1925. sholokhov, michail aleksandrovich. 1965. Sienkiewicz, Henryk. 1905. http://elfaro.net/anteriores/2001/102901/secciones/agora/premiosnobe1.asp | |
43. Felix.unife.it/Root/d-Literature/t-Nobel-prizes-literature (Declined the prize.) THE nobel PRIZE IN LITERATURE 1965 sholokhov, michail aleksandrovich,USSR, * 1905, + 1984 för den konstnärliga kraft och ärlighet http://felix.unife.it/Root/d-Literature/t-Nobel-prizes-literature |
44. Literature - Russian Gogol, N. Goncharov, Ivan aleksandrovich (18121891) Works Boris (The winner of1958 nobel Laureate in Page by Katherina Eiermann; sholokhov, michail A.(1905 http://slavic.ohio-state.edu/people/yoo/links/russia/lit.htm |
45. Pluto Litteratur: Nobelprisvinnere 1965 michail aleksandrovich sholokhov, Russia; 1966 Shmuel Yosef Agnon, Israel,Nelly Sachs, Germany og For mere informasjon se, http//www.nobel.se/cgibin http://www.pluto.no/litteratur/nobel.html |
46. The Name Game 1 michail aleksandrovich sholokhov. Tough as teak sholokhov who followed his 200/1second in The just six days later owes his name to the nobel prizewinning http://www.gambet.com/ngame1.htm | |
47. \\ :: Labyrint.net :: // nobel Prize in Literature (udìlovaná od roku 1901) Prix Goncourt (od r. 1903) PrixFémina (od r. 1904) Pulitzer Prize 1965 michail aleksandrovich sholokhov. http://labyrint.net/nobelova_cena.php | |
48. Treasures Of The Internet: World Literature Verse and English Poetry sections, as well as the nobel Prize in George Bernard Shaw18561950 Great Britain; 1965 michail aleksandrovich sholokhov 1904-1984 http://treasuresoftheinternet.org/world_lit/s/s_world_lit.shtml | |
49. Nobelova Cena nobel Prize Winners LITERATURE. Literature 1901 (Declined the prize.).Literature 1965. sholokhov, michail aleksandrovich, USSR, * 1905, + 1984 http://pteryx.natur.cuni.cz/~fikacek/Vavrova/nobel.htm | |
50. Michail Aleksandrovich Sholokhov : Nobel Prize Winner In Literature -a Star In T michail aleksandrovich sholokhov nobel Prize Winner in Literaturea star in the creative literary firmament! A great vista to http://www.inlogosveritas.com/greatbooks/nobelists/Michail_Aleksandrovich_Sholok |
51. Artigo Translate this page da lista de escritores premiados com o nobel da Literatura. Kenzaburo Oe, Knut PedersenHamsun, Luigi Pirandello, michail aleksandrovich sholokhov, Miguel Angel http://www.a-pagina-da-educacao.pt/arquivo/Artigo.asp?ID=507 |
52. Artigo Translate this page lista (in)completa dos prémios nobel da literatura. Kenzaburo Oe, Knut PedersenHamsun, Luigi Pirandello, michail aleksandrovich sholokhov, Miguel Angel http://www.a-pagina-da-educacao.pt/arquivo/Artigo.asp?ID=127 |
53. Nobelpreisträger Translate this page Nähere Informationen finden sich auf der Website http//www.nobel.se. Giorgos Seferis1964 Jean-Paul Sartre 1965 michail aleksandrovich sholokhov 1966 Shmuel http://www.schlaufuchs.at/list/l_nobelp.htm | |
54. Result Of Desired Function Literature 1965, sholokhov, michail aleksandrovich, for the artistic power andintegrity with which epic writing has - in the words of Alfred nobel - been of http://www.tmmu.com.cn/jcb/mianyi/sub/shengwu/nobel/www.nobel.se/cgi-bin/laureat |
55. Ozgur Politika Son 50 yilda nobel Edebiyat Ödülü alan yazarlar 2000 Gao Xingjian 1999 1966 ShmuelYosef Agnon, Nelly Sachs 1965 michail aleksandrovich sholokhov 1964 Jean http://www.ozgurpolitika.org/2002/10/11/allkul.html | |
56. Cronologia Dos Vencedores Do Prémio Nobel De Literatura Jean-Paul Sartre (França); 1965 michail aleksandrovich sholokhov( URSS); http://www.instituto-camoes.pt/escritores/saramago/cronovencedores.htm | |
57. Cronologia Dos Vencedores Translate this page Cronologia dos vencedores do Prémio nobel de Literatura Seferis (Grécia) 1964 Jean-PaulSartre (França) 1965 michail aleksandrovich sholokhov( URSS) 1966 http://www.instituto-camoes.pt/escritores/saramago/cronolgvencedrs.htm | |
58. NOBEL EDEBÝYAT ÖDÜLLERÝ nobel EDEBÝYAT ÖDÜLÜ KAZANANLAR ÝSÝM LÝSTESÝ. SEFERIADIS, GIORGOS), ^- 1964SARTRE, JEAN-PAUL -^- 1965 sholokhov, michail aleksandrovich, -^- 1966 AGNON http://www.saglik.gov.tr/~cihangir/gazete/1999/bilgiler/nobel2.htm |
59. Nobel Ödüllü Yazarlar nobel TARIHINE GEÇEN EDEBIYATÇILAR 2001 VS Naipaul 2000 Gao Xingjian 1966 ShmuelYosef Agnon, Nelly Sachs 1965 michail aleksandrovich sholokhov 1964 Jean http://www.ntv.com.tr/news/181144.asp | |
60. IN THIS DIRECTORY, The LITERARY GIANTS; You Can Find A Lot More Detail ABOUT The Prize Winner Luigi Pirandello nobel Prize Winner Maurice Maeterlinck nobel PrizeWinner michail aleksandrovich sholokhov nobel Prize Winner Miguel Angel http://www.omega23.com/world_literature_laureates/ | |
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