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         Segre Emilio Gino:     more detail
  1. Biography - Segre, Emilio (Gino) (1905-1989): An article from: Contemporary Authors by Gale Reference Team, 2003-01-01
  2. The antiproton by Emilio Gino Segre, 1956
  3. Naissance à Tivoli: Giulio Caccini, Emilio Gino Segrè, Lucius Munatius Plancus, Giovanni Maria Nanino, Victor Iv (Antipape, 1159-1164) (French Edition)

61. Pictures Gallery Of The Nobel Prize Winners In Physics
Translate this page The nobel Prize in Physics. 1998. Robert B. Laughlin Horst L. Störmer Daniel C.Tsui 1997. 1960. Donald Arthur Glaser 1959. Owen Chamberlain emilio gino segre 1958.

62. Se - New General Catalog Of Old Books & Authors
The Rough 1942 Giorgios Stylanou SEFERIADES nobel1963 (M SEGRAIS (M 1624 - 1701)Dino segre (M ? - ?)ps tr Warre B WELLS) 1933 emilio (gino) SEGRÈ {US
New General Catalog of Old Books and Authors
Author names starting with Se
Follow these links for explanations of the of this catalog, its condition of use , the dates , the general abbreviations , the language abbreviations , the nationality abbreviations electronic library codes used, and for advice on buying or borrowing selling or valuing old books. If you have any corrections, additions or other suggestions, please send them to SEA-LION (see: Geoffrey Martin BE NNETT) SEA-WRACK (see: Edward Horace CR ST CLAIR) John SEABRIGHT (see: Edwin Charles TU nee GRANT (F: 1805 - 1881) Wonderful Adventures Of Mrs Seacole In Many Lands [1857] SEAFARER (see: Clarence Hedley BA RKER) SEAFARER (see: Capt, Walter MA NNING) Caroline SEAFORD (see: Marjorie Grant CO OK) John Albert SEAFORD (M: ? - ?) FO PO nee nee COCHRANE (F: 1867 Apr 5 - 1922 Jan 27) (ps: Nellie BLY) Ten Days In A Mad House [1887] J Nelly Bly's Book [1890] Ezra Champion SEAMAN (M: 1805 - 1880) A BR AMSON) SEAMARK (see: Austin J SM ALL) Edward SEARCH (see: Abraham TU R SA VAGE) Luscombe SEARELLE (see: I IS PH A TH ... A Discourses... (w Calvin E STOWE) [?] John SECCOMB (M: 1708 - 1792) Sir, Harry (Donald) SECOMBE (M: 1921 Sep 8 - 2001 Apr 11) Solomon SECONDSIGHT (see: James

63. Untitled
The following is a complete listing of nobel Prize awards Cerenkov effect Il'ja MickajlovicFrank Igor' Evgen'evic Tamm 1959 emilio gino segre The Antiproton
******************************************************************************** Item 5. The Nobel Prize for Physics (1901-1993) updated 12-OCT-1994 by SIC original by Scott I. Chase The following is a complete listing of Nobel Prize awards, from the first award in 1901. Prizes were not awarded in every year. The description following the names is an abbreviation of the official citation. 1901 Wilhelm Konrad Roentgen X-rays 1902 Hendrik Antoon Lorentz Magnetism in radiation phenomena Pieter Zeeman 1903 Antoine Henri Bequerel Spontaneous radioactivity Pierre Curie Marie Sklodowska-Curie 1904 Lord Rayleigh Density of gases and (a.k.a. John William Strutt) discovery of argon 1905 Pilipp Eduard Anton von Lenard Cathode rays 1906 Joseph John Thomson Conduction of electricity by gases 1907 Albert Abraham Michelson Precision meteorological investigations 1908 Gabriel Lippman Reproducing colors photographically based on the phenomenon of interference 1909 Guglielmo Marconi Wireless telegraphy Carl Ferdinand Braun 1910 Johannes Diderik van der Waals Equation of state of fluids 1911 Wilhelm Wien Laws of radiation of heat 1912 Nils Gustaf Dalen Automatic gas flow regulators 1913 Heike Kamerlingh Onnes Matter at low temperature 1914 Max von Laue Crystal diffraction of X-rays 1915 William Henry Bragg X-ray analysis of crystal structure William Lawrence Bragg 1917 Charles Glover Barkla Characteristic X-ray spectra of elements 1918 Max Planck Energy quanta 1919 Johannes Stark Splitting of spectral lines in E fields 1920 Charles-Edouard Guillaume Anomalies in nickel steel alloys 1921 Albert Einstein Photoelectric Effect 1922 Niels Bohr Structure of atoms 1923 Robert Andrew Millikan Elementary charge of electricity 1924 Karl Manne Georg Siegbahn X-ray spectroscopy 1925 James Franck Impact of an electron upon an atom Gustav Hertz 1926 Jean Baptiste Perrin Sedimentation equilibrium 1927 Arthur Holly Compton Compton effect Charles Thomson Rees Wilson Invention of the Cloud chamber 1928 Owen Willans Richardson Thermionic phenomena, Richardson's Law 1929 Prince Louis-Victor de Broglie Wave nature of electrons 1930 Sir Chandrasekhara Venkata Raman Scattering of light, Raman effect 1932 Werner Heisenberg Quantum Mechanics 1933 Erwin Schrodinger Atomic theory Paul Adrien Maurice Dirac 1935 James Chadwick The neutron 1936 Victor Franz Hess Cosmic rays Carl D. Anderson The positron 1937 Clinton Joseph Davisson Crystal diffraction of electrons George Paget Thomson 1938 Enrico Fermi New radioactive elements 1939 Ernest Orlando Lawrence Invention of the Cyclotron 1943 Otto Stern Proton magnetic moment 1944 Isador Isaac Rabi Magnetic resonance in atomic nuclei 1945 Wolfgang Pauli The Exclusion principle 1946 Percy Williams Bridgman Production of extremely high pressures 1947 Sir Edward Victor Appleton Physics of the upper atmosphere 1948 Patrick Maynard Stuart Blackett Cosmic ray showers in cloud chambers 1949 Hideki Yukawa Prediction of Mesons 1950 Cecil Frank Powell Photographic emulsion for meson studies 1951 Sir John Douglas Cockroft Artificial acceleration of atomic Ernest Thomas Sinton Walton particles and transmutation of nuclei 1952 Felix Bloch Nuclear magnetic precision methods Edward Mills Purcell 1953 Frits Zernike Phase-contrast microscope 1954 Max Born Fundamental research in QM Walther Bothe Coincidence counters 1955 Willis Eugene Lamb Hydrogen fine structure Polykarp Kusch Electron magnetic moment 1956 William Shockley Transistors John Bardeen Walter Houser Brattain 1957 Chen Ning Yang Parity violation Tsung Dao Lee 1958 Pavel Aleksejevic Cerenkov Interpretation of the Cerenkov effect Il'ja Mickajlovic Frank Igor' Evgen'evic Tamm 1959 Emilio Gino Segre The Antiproton Owen Chamberlain 1960 Donald Arthur Glaser The Bubble Chamber 1961 Robert Hofstadter Electron scattering on nucleons Rudolf Ludwig Mossbauer Resonant absorption of photons 1962 Lev Davidovic Landau Theory of liquid helium 1963 Eugene P. Wigner Fundamental symmetry principles Maria Goeppert Mayer Nuclear shell structure J. Hans D. Jensen 1964 Charles H. Townes Maser-Laser principle Nikolai G. Basov Alexander M. Prochorov 1965 Sin-Itiro Tomonaga Quantum electrodynamics Julian Schwinger Richard P. Feynman 1966 Alfred Kastler Study of Hertzian resonance in atoms 1967 Hans Albrecht Bethe Energy production in stars 1968 Luis W. Alvarez Discovery of many particle resonances 1969 Murray Gell-Mann Quark model for particle classification 1970 Hannes Alfven Magneto-hydrodynamics in plasma physics Louis Neel Antiferromagnetism and ferromagnetism 1971 Dennis Gabor Principles of holography 1972 John Bardeen Theory of superconductivity Leon N. Cooper J. Robert Schrieffer 1973 Leo Esaki Tunneling in superconductors Ivar Giaever Brian D. Josephson Super-current through tunnel barriers 1974 Antony Hewish Discovery of pulsars Sir Martin Ryle Pioneering radioastronomy work 1975 Aage Bohr Structure of the atomic nucleus Ben Mottelson James Rainwater 1976 Burton Richter Discovery of the J/Psi particle Samual Chao Chung Ting 1977 Philip Warren Anderson Electronic structure of magnetic and Nevill Francis Mott disordered solids John Hasbrouck Van Vleck 1978 Pyotr Kapitsa Liquefaction of helium Arno A. Penzias Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation Robert W. Wilson 1979 Sheldon Glashow Electroweak Theory, especially Steven Weinberg weak neutral currents Abdus Salam 1980 James Cronin Discovery of CP violation in the Val Fitch asymmetric decay of neutral K-mesons 1981 Kai M. Seigbahn High resolution electron spectroscopy Nicolaas Bloembergen Laser spectroscopy Arthur L. Schawlow 1982 Kenneth G. Wilson Critical phenomena in phase transitions 1983 Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar Evolution of stars William A. Fowler 1984 Carlo Rubbia Discovery of W,Z Simon van der Meer Stochastic cooling for colliders 1985 Klaus von Klitzing Discovery of quantum Hall effect 1986 Gerd Binning Scanning Tunneling Microscopy Heinrich Rohrer Ernst August Friedrich Ruska Electron microscopy 1987 Georg Bednorz High-temperature superconductivity Alex K. Muller 1988 Leon Max Lederman Discovery of the muon neutrino leading Melvin Schwartz to classification of particles in Jack Steinberger families 1989 Hans Georg Dehmelt Penning Trap for charged particles Wolfgang Paul Paul Trap for charged particles Norman F. Ramsey Control of atomic transitions by the separated oscillatory fields method 1990 Jerome Isaac Friedman Deep inelastic scattering experiments Henry Way Kendall leading to the discovery of quarks Richard Edward Taylor 1991 Pierre-Gilles de Gennes Order-disorder transitions in liquid crystals and polymers 1992 Georges Charpak Multiwire Proportional Chamber 1993 Russell A. Hulse Discovery of the first binary pulsar Joseph H. Taylor and subsequent tests of GR 1994 Bertram N. Brockhouse Neutron scattering experiments Clifford G. Shull

64. Biografia
Translate this page Marcello D’Olivo, Ermes Midena, gino Valle, Gianni fisici italiani Enrico Fermi,emilio segre e Guglielmo Marconi vincitori del premio nobel, realizzate nel
Note biografiche Nasce il 4 giugno 1926 a Tarcento (Udine) da una famiglia contadina. Nel 1940 frequenta a Tarcento la bottega di Cesare Turrin, uno dei primi fotografi in Friuli, che si dedica alla pittura, alla decorazione, all’alchimia. Il figlio di Cesare, Tiziano Turrin, pittore di talento, lo inizia al disegno e alla pittura. Nel 1941-42 esce da Tarcento per andare a fare esperienza a Colugna (Udine) nel laboratorio dell’ebanista e restauratore Salvatore Rizzi, che gli insegna ad intagliare cornici in stile toscano e rococò, a fare decorazioni in stucco e copie dal vero da calchi in gesso e riproduzioni. Nel 1943 frequenta a Udine lo studio dello scultore Antonio Franzolini, da cui apprende a formare gessi. Esegue le prime terrecotte e i primi disegni in modo autonomo. Nell’aprile 1944 viene internato in un campo di prigionia in Austria, dove compie i suoi 18 anni. Dopo il suo ritorno dall’Austria nel 1945 segue con impegno e passione la nascita e lo sviluppo del movimento neorealista friulano, mentre partecipa a Udine all’attività dei circoli artistici e alle prime mostre collettive. Nel 1946 si iscrive a Venezia al Liceo Artistico, che frequenta per un certo periodo ma poi interrompe.

65. 1954
1959 ? ( Owen Chamberlain ) ? ( emilio gino segre ), 1920 ? 1905-. 1960 ? ( Donald Arthur Glaser ), 1926- ?.

66. Emilio Segrè - Biography
emilio Segrè was born in Tivoli, Rome, on February 1st, 1905, as the son of GiuseppeSegrè, industrialist, and Amelia From nobel Lectures, Physics 19421962.
University of Rome
as a student of engineering in 1922. In 1927 he changed over to physics and took his doctor's degree in 1928 under Professor Enrico Fermi , the first one tmder the latter's sponsorship.
He served in the Italian Army in 1928 and 1929, and entered the University of Rome as assistant to Professor Corbino in 1929. In 1930 he had a Rockefeller Foundation Fellowship and worked with Professor Otto Stern at Hamburg, Germany, and Professor Pieter Zeeman at Amsterdam, Holland. In 1932 he returned to Italy and was appointed Assistant Professor at the University of Rome, working continuously with Professor Fermi and others. In 1936 he was appointed Director of the Physics Laboratory at the University of Palermo, where he remained until I938.
, California, first as a research associate in the Radiation Laboratory and later as a lecturer in the Physics Department. From 1943 to 1946 he was a group leader in the Los Alamos Laboratory of the Manhattan Project. In 1946 he returned to the University of California at Berkeley as a Professor of Physics, and still occupies that position.
His other investigations in nuclear physics cover many subjects, e.g., isomerism, spontaneous fission, and lately high-energy physics. Here he, his associates and students have made contributions to the study of the interaction between nucleons and on the related polarization phenomena. In 1955 together with Chamberlain, Wiegand, and Ypsilantis he discovered the antiproton. The study of antinucleons is now his major subject of research.

67. Nat'l Academies Press, Biographical Memoirs V.81 (2002), Emilio Gino Segrè
gino segre, emilio segre visual, segre visual archives, berkeley nuclear physics,emilio segre, physics department neutron bombardment, segre visual, charge
Biographical Memoirs V.81
National Academy of Sciences ( NAS
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68. Section - 1
emilio gino Segrè nobel Laureate Professor of Particle Physics UNIVERSITY OFCALIFORNIA Berkeley ©1980-2000. Frank Lloyd Wright Architect ©1957-2000. History/GPB Archive/Section - 1/section_-_1.htm

69. University Of Chicago News: Nobel Laureates
, Owen Chamberlain Ph.D., 1949 nobel Prize in Physics 1959 withEmilio gino segre. For their discovery of the antiproton. , James
University of Chicago News Resources
University of Chicago Alumni Nobel Laureates Luis W. Alvarez
S.B., 1932; S.M., 1934; Ph.D., 1936; D.Sc. (honorary), 1967 Nobel Prize in Physics 1968 For his decisive contributions to elementary particle physics, in particular the discovery of a large number of resonance states, made possible through his development of the technique of using hydrogen bubble chamber and data analysis Gary S. Becker
University Professor in the Departments of Economics and Sociology ; 1970-present; Editor, Journal of Political Economy; A.M., 1953; Ph.D., 1955 The Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences 1992
Saul Bellow

Attended the College , Autumn 1933-Winter 1935; graduate student in Social Sciences
Raymond W. and Martha Hilpert Gruner Distinguished Service Professor in the Committee on Social Thought and in the Department of English The Nobel Prize in Literature 1976
Herbert C. Brown

S.B., 1936; Ph.D., 1938; D. Sc. (honorary), 1968
Assistant in the Department of Chemistry
Eli Lilly Doctoral Fellow, 1938-39; Instructor in the Department of Chemistry The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1979 with Georg Wittig James M. Buchanan Jr.

70. Nobel Prize In Physics - Wikipedia
explanations are found at the nobel foundation's website http// 1959Emilio gino segre Owen Chamberlain for their discovery of the antiproton .

71. Baby Names
famous people with this name actor emilio Estevez; nobel Prize physicist emilioGino segre; artist emilio Sobrero; country singer emilio; Oscar Hijuelos's,1745,13390,00.html
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People picture Emilio as a movie star who can play the friendly, clean-cut, fun-loving romantic or the bad boy, like Emilio Estevez. He's thought to be of Latin American, perhaps Mexican, descent.
famous people with this name: actor Emilio Estevez; Nobel Prize physicist Emilio Gino Segre; artist Emilio Sobrero; country singer Emilio; Oscar Hijuelos's novel The Fourteen Sisters of Emilio Montez O'Brien
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72. Biographies Of The Nuclear Age
Segré, (3) emilio Segrè – Biography from The nobel Foundation, (4) emilio GinoSegrè (19051989) from American Institute of Physics, (5) segre.eciv.cwru
Biographies of the Nuclear Age
This webpage is a companion to a project on the Nuclear Age from eduScapes . Housed below is an indexed list of biography links for a select group of people that have made significant contributions or roles in the fields of nuclear energy, nuclear physics, nuclear medicine, nuclear armament and disarmament. Don't miss the other sites, Nuclear Age or , where you can find lots more related information, resources, activities, lesson plans, and more. Biography of the Developers of the First Atomic Bomb Here you find brief biographies of Neils Bohr, Joseph Carter, Enrico Fermi, Richard Feyman, Robert Oppenheimer and biographies of Lise Meitner, Albert Einstein, Otto Hahn and Leo Szilard. Similar Multiple-biography Website: 2) Radioactivity: Famous People from Broadoak Community School

73. Nagroda Nobla Z Fizyki - Wikipedia
1960 Donald Arthur Glaser. 1959 emilio gino segre Owen Chamberlain. 1958 PavelAlekseyevich Cherenkov Il´ja Mikhailovich Frank Igor Yergenyevich Tamm.

Chamberlain (d.1920) ve emilio gino Segrè (1905 1955’te Italyan fizikçi emilioSegrè buldu. Mussolini, segre’nin Palermo Üniversitesi’ndeki görevine

75. Salone Del Libro Di Parigi
Translate this page Maria Corti, Dante Isella, Cesare segre Éditions Il de la publication emilio PasquiniÉditions Bruscagli, Giuseppe Nicoletti, gino Téléphonelini Éditions

76. Premio Compartido / 1959
Translate this page Premio Nóbel de la Física 1959. emilio gino Segrè (Compartido conOwen Chamberlain ). por descubrir el antiprotón. EUA, 1905 - 1989
Premio Nóbel de la Física 1959 Emilio Gino Segrè (Compartido con Owen Chamberlain por descubrir el antiprotón. EUA, 1905 - 1989, Universidad de California, Berkeley, CA, EUA

77. The Penn Current / September 19, 2002 / Research: Some Folks Like It Hot, While
segre holds a medieval Tuscan thermometer identified as such by theoretical physicistGino Segrè in of particle physicist and nobel laureate emilio Segrè, he
September 19, 2002 Office of University Communications home page RESEARCH Penn calls up Marine as EVP BY STEVE BRADT Segre holds a medieval Tuscan thermometer. Photo by Candace diCarlo

78. LBNL Currents -- October 6, 1995
emilio segre DISTINGUISHED LECTURESHIP. for the reading by children Francesca, Joel,and gino (now a t know how to communicate with his son. emilio, who worked
LBNL Currents
October 6, 1995
Table of Contents
Study shows Tritium Labeling Facility operating safely
By Lynn Yarris The Laboratory has released to the public the results of a "risk assessment" conducted for its National Tritium Labeling Facility. The assessment shows that people who work at the Lab, as well as those on the UC Berkeley campus or who live in surrounding neighborhoods, incur virtually no increased risk of cancer as a result of the facility's operations. Tritium is a radioactive form of hydrogen that emits beta particles (high-speed electrons) as it decays. If one or more hydrogen atoms in a chemical compound are replaced with atoms of tritium, biomedical researchers can monitor the emission of radiation and follow the compound as it moves through living cells. This is an important technique for studying biological processes or testing the effectiveness of new pharmaceuticals. The Berkeley Lab is the only user-facility in the United States where tritium-labeled compounds for biomedical studies are prepared. The radiation emitted by tritium cannot penetrate clothing or skin, and travels only about five millimeters (two-tenths of an inch) through the air. However, tritium can be taken into the body by breathing tritiated water-vapor in the air, or by eating or drinking tritium-contaminated food or water. In response to community concerns, the Lab conducted a formal analysis of the risks posed by the National Tritium Labeling Facility, the only significant source of tritium at the Laboratory.

79. CGIL Lombardia Comitato No Referendum Sociali
Translate this page Antonio, Tabucchi, Scrittore. emilio, Tadini, Pittore. Pia, Saraceno, EconomistaIres. gino, Strada, Medico Emergency. Cesare, segre, Docente Università di Pavia.

Translate this page Tel. 0649902611 Fax 0649387073 e-mail degli Studi di Padova PadovaGerosa gino Istituto di Dameno, Consulta di Bioetica MI emilio D’Orazio

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