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61. Archive: SETI Arthur Schawlow, Nobel Laureate And Co-inventor Of The Laser, salisbury@stanford.edu 4/29/99 arthur schawlow, nobel laureate and coinventorof the laser, dies By David F. Salisbury arthur L. schawlow, aka The http://seti.sentry.net/archive/public/1999/5-99/00000027.htm | |
62. Nobel Laureates Call For Action On Global Warming At The Kyoto Climate Summit nobel LAUREATES. * Philip W. Anderson, USA. Physiology/Medicine 1982 * FrederickSanger, UK. Chemistry 1958, 1980 * arthur L. schawlow, USA. http://dieoff.org/page123.htm | |
63. The Hindu : Nobel Laureates In Physics: Down Memory Lane Science Tech Previous Next nobel Laureates in physics Down memory lane. 1981NICOLAAS BLOEMBERGEN and arthur L. schawlow for their contribution to the http://www.hinduonnet.com/thehindu/2001/10/11/stories/08110005.htm | |
64. 2002 IPF Speakers prizes and awards, including the arthur L. schawlow Prize 1974 by TW Hänsch and ALschawlow has opened achievements recognized by the Physics nobel Prizes of http://www.aip.org/aip/corporate/2002/haensch.htm | |
65. 20th Century Year By Year 1981 nobel Prizes. jointly to BLOEMBERGEN, NICOLAAS, USA, Harvard University, Cambridge,MA, b. 1920 (in the Netherlands); and schawlow, arthur L., USA, Stanford http://www.multied.com/20th/1981.html |
66. 1998 OSA Annual Meeting OSA Special Memorial Session in Honor of arthur L. schawlow (1921 arthur schawlowcontributed enormously to laser science in 1981 he received the nobel Prize for http://www.osa.org/meetings/archives/1999/Annual/gen/HLights.htm | |
67. The Nobel Prize A.) Fowler 1982 ? (Kenneth G. Wilson) 1981 ?(Nicolaas Bloembergen), (arthur L. schawlow), ? http://home.megapass.co.kr/~jayleen/physics/psy-index.htm | |
68. Nederlandse Nobelprijswinnaars Link to further information at the nobel foundation. Top. Physics 1981. schawlow,arthur L., USA, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, * 1921 http://www.uu.nl/nieuws/nobelprijswinnaars/nobelprijswinnaars_nederland.html | |
69. Encyclopædia Britannica schawlow, arthur L. American physicist and corecipient, with Nicolaas Bloembergenof the United Manne Börje Siegbahn of Sweden, of the 1981 nobel Prize for http://search.britannica.com/search?query=laser spectroscopy |
70. Nobel Prize In Physics Winners 1999- nobel Prize in Physics Winners 19991901. 1981, The prize was awarded by onehalf jointly to NICOLAAS BLOEMBERGEN and arthur L. schawlow for their http://www.fizik.itu.edu.tr/eng/phy_nobel.html | |
71. Nobel Prizes In Physics http//www.chem.yorku.ca/NAMED/. nobel PRIZE PHYSICS. YEAR. NAME OF SCIENTISTS. DutchAmerican.spectroscopy. 1981. arthur L. schawlow. American. spectroscopy. http://www.chem.yorku.ca/NAMED/NOBEL/PHYS/ | |
72. Slipcue.com Obituary Listings arthur L. schawlow, cowinner of the 1981 nobel Prize in Physics for his rolein the development of lasers, died on Wednesday at a hospital in Palo Alto http://www.slipcue.com/obits/01/obits15.html | |
73. Nobel Physics Prize - Press Release 1981 the 1981 nobel Prize in Physics by one half jointly to Professor Nicolaas Bloembergen,Harvard University, USA, and Professor arthur L. schawlow, Stanford http://physics.uplb.edu.ph/laureates/1981/press.html |
74. Nobel Prize For Physics nobel Prize for Physics. For years not listed, no award was made. 1901. 1981. NicolaasBloembergen, arthur L. schawlow (both US), and Kai M. Siegbahn (Sweden http://homepages.shu.ac.uk/~acsdry/quizes/physics.htm | |
75. Cric.ca - Le Portail Du Canada - Guide éclair Translate this page of Technology quand il a reçu le nobel. l'université Stanford en Californie à l'annoncedu 1981 Physique arthur schawlow, Ph.D. - université de Toronto, co http://www.cric.ca/fr_html/guide/nobel/nobel.html | |
76. ÅôÞóéïò Ïäçãüò Ðåñéïäéêþí ôçò ÖõóéêÞò S?d?a( nobel Foundation) st? site http//www.nobel.se/. spectroscopy 1962Nicolaas Bloembergen Laser spectroscopy arthur L. schawlow 1982 1972 http://www.physics4u.gr/indexnobel.html | |
77. IS FACILITATED COMMUNICATION REAL? arthur L. schawlow is the JacksonWood Professor of Physics emeritus at StanfordUniversity. He received a nobel Prize in Physics in 1981 and the President's http://soeweb.syr.edu/thefci/2-1sch.htm | |
78. Fq - Prémios Nobel Da Física L. Perl, Frederick Reines; 1982 KennethG. Wilson; 1981 Nicolaas Bloembergen, arthur Leonard schawlow, Kai M http://atelier.uarte.mct.pt/fq/quem/nobelfis.htm | |
79. The Nobel Prize In Physics 1981 nobel Prize in Physics. Nicolaas Bloembergen (United States) and arthur L. schawlow(United States Stanford) for their contribution to the development of http://www.fi.uib.no/~ladi/Nobel95.html | |
80. Microgravity News of Standards and Technology, was presented with the 1998 arthur L. schawlow Prizein Phillips received the 1997 nobel Prize in Physics and is a principal http://mgnews.msfc.nasa.gov/winter98/newnotes.html | |
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