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         Sachs Nelly:     more books (100)
  1. Das Buch der Nelly Sachs (Suhrkamp Taschenbuch) (German Edition) by Nelly Sachs, 1977
  2. Im Zeichen der Shoah: Aspekte der Dichtungs- und Sprachkrise bei Rose Auslander und Nelly Sachs (Stauffenburg Colloquium) (German Edition) by Annette Jael Lehmann, 1999
  3. Nelly Sachs: Mit Selbstzeugnissen und Bilddokumenten (Rowohlts Monographien) (German Edition) by Gabriele Fritsch-Vivie, 1993
  4. Alles ist unvergessen. Paul Celan und Nelly Sachs by Peter Selg, 2008
  5. Sprache der Hinterlassenschaft: Judisch-christliche Uberlieferung in der Lyrik von Nelly Sachs und Paul Celan (European university studies. Series I, German language and literature) (German Edition) by Beate Sowa-Bettecken, 1992
  6. Utopie Et Dialogue Dans LA Poesie De Nelly Sachs (Contacts) by Laurent Cassagnau, 1993-06
  7. Nelly Sachs: Briefwechsel und Dokumente (Gesammelte Werke / Karl Schwedhelm) (German Edition) by Karl Schwedhelm, 1998
  8. Nelly Sachs: An letzter Atemspitze des Lebens (Lebensspuren) (German Edition) by Birgit H Lermen, 1998
  9. Religion und Religiositat in der Lyrik von Nelly Sachs (European university studies. Series 1, German language and literature) (German Edition) by Ulrich Klingmann, 1980
  10. Nelly Sachs (Autorenbucher) (German Edition) by Ehrhard Bahr, 1980
  11. Zweifache Vertreibung: Erinnerungen an Walter A. Berendsohn, Nestor der Exil-Forschung, Forderer von Nelly Sachs (Beitrage zur Forderung des christlich-judischen Dialogs) (German Edition)
  12. Nelly Sachs 1891-1970: Utstallning i Kungl. Biblioteket, 2 december 1991-2 februari 1992 (Kungl. Bibliotekets utstallningskatalog) (Swedish Edition) by Ruth Dinesen, 1991
  13. Nelly Sachs und die Verwandlungen der Welt (Europaische Hochschulschriften : Reihe 1, Deutsche Literatur und Germanistik) (German Edition) by Luzia Hardegger, 1975
  14. Ethics and Remembrance in the Poetry of Nelly Sachs and Rose Ausländer (Studies in German Literature Linguistics and Culture) by Kathrin M. Bower, 2000-08-15

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nelly sachs, a nobel Prize Laureate in Literature, at the nobel PrizeInternet Archive. From Literature 1966 Ask!, Nelly

22. Sachs, Nelly
sachs, nelly. 18911970, German poet and translator who lived after 1940 in Sweden. 1951).sachs shared the 1966 nobel Prize in Literature with SY Agnon.
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    Sachs, Nelly 1891-1970, German poet and translator who lived after 1940 in Sweden. Sachs describes her own experiences and the sufferings of the European Jews in the collections In den Wohnungen des Todes [in the apartments of death] (1947), Das Leiden Israels [Israel's suffering] (1969), and Die Suchende (1966; tr. The Seeker and Other Poems, 1970). The selection of her poems in English, O the Chimneys (1967), incorporates the verse mystery play Eli (written 1943-44; publ. 1951). Sachs shared the 1966 Nobel Prize in Literature with S. Y. Agnon.
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  • 23. Jewish Nobel Prize Laureates - Literature
    her magnificent epic writing has in the words of Alfred nobel - been of 1966, sachs,nelly for her outstanding lyrical and dramatic writing, which interprets
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    Year Nobel Laureate Country of birth Kertesz, Imre
    "for writing that upholds the fragile experience of the individual against the barbaric arbitrariness of history" Hungary Gordimer, Nadine
    "who through her magnificent epic writing has - in the words of Alfred Nobel - been of very great benefit to humanity" South Africa Brodsky, Joseph
    "for an all-embracing authorship, imbued with clarity of thought and poetic intensity" Russia Canetti, Elias
    "for writings marked by a broad outlook, a wealth of ideas and artistic power" Bulgaria Singer, Isaac Bashevis
    "for his impassioned narrative art which, with roots in a Polish-Jewish cultural tradition, brings universal human conditions to life" Poland Bellow, Saul
    "for the human understanding and subtle analysis of contemporary culture that are combined in his work" Canada Agnon, Shmuel Yosef

    24. Argus Aktuella Länkar []
    RA Salvatore (eng) Saadawi, Nawal (eng/egy) Sabatini, Rafael (eng) Saberhagen, Fred(eng) sachs, nelly (nobel 1966) (eng) SaintExupéry, Antoine de 2 3 (fr/eng

    25. Suche - Language: Englisch - Arts - Literature - Authors - S - Sachs,
    Translate this page This categorie in other languages German. Websites 1. Autobiography of nelly sachs- nobel Prize in Literature 1966, includes a link to her acceptance speech.
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    Autobiography of Nelly Sachs
    - Nobel Prize in Literature 1966, includes a link to her acceptance speech. Women and the Holocaust: Nelly Sachs - Biography of the first Jewish woman to win a Nobel prize. Her best known poetry deals with the Holocaust.
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    received (19011997) the nobel Prize for Literature Selma Lagerlöf, Sigrid Undset,Grazia Deledda, Pearl S.Buck, Gabriela Mistral, nelly sachs, Toni Morrison

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    28. Nelly Sachs Biography
    nelly sachs biography, recipient of the 1966 nobel Prize for Literature,who was born in Berlin, Germany into a middleclass Jewish family.
    Nelly Sachs biography
    Nelly Sachs, recipient of the 1966 Nobel Prize for Literature, was born in Berlin, Germany into a middle-class Jewish family. Her father, William Sachs, was a wealthy manufacturer, and her mother was Margareta Sachs. She was educated at the Berliner Hohere Tochterschule. Sachs began writing poetry at the age of 17. Her first volume of poetry, 1985, In Den Wohnungen Des Todes (In The Houses Of Death), was published when she was 56. The book Flucht Und Verwandlung, published in 1959, established her reputation as a writer. bodyOffer(20525) CHRONOLOGY Legenden Und Erzahlungen Her Father Died. She Moved To Sweden. In Den Wohnungen Des Todes (In The Houses Of Death) Sternverdunklung Her Mother Died. Eli: Ein Mysterienspiel Wom Leiden Israels (Eli: A Mystery Play Of The Sufferings Of Isael Israelin Karsimys) Und Niemand Weiss Weiter She was awarded The Prize Of The Swedish Poets Association. Flucht Und Verwandlung Fahrt Ins Staublose Zeichen Im Sand Gluhende Ratsel Spate Gedichte; She was awarded The Friedenspreis Des Buchhandeis.; she received The Peace Prize Of The German Book Trade. Die Suchende; she was awarded The Nobel Prize For Literature.

    29. 3. NELLY SACHS (1891-1970)
    Translate this page Información adicional en The nobel Prizes Winners List nelly sachs 1966. Iral Capítulo 4 4. Claire Goll. Regresar al Capítulo 2 2. Gertrud Kolmar.
    Nelly Sachs
    Die Gipfel der Berge
    werden sich küssen
    wenn die Menschen ihre Sterbehütten
    und mit den Regenbögen
    sich bekränzen
    dem siebenfarbigen Labsal
    der verblutenden Erde -
    Las cumbres de los montes
    se besarán
    cuando los hombres abandonen sus cabañas de muerte y -con los arco iris- coronen al consuelo de siete colores de la tierra que sangra - Ehe es wächst, lasse ich euch es erlauschen Jesaia Lange haben wir das Lauschen verlernt! Hatte Er uns gepflanzt einst zu lauschen Wie Dünengras gepflanzt, am ewigen Meer, Wollten wir wachsen auf feisten Triften, Wie Salat im Hausgarten stehn. Wenn wir auch Geschäfte haben, Die weit fort führen Von Seinem Licht, Wenn wir auch das Wasser aus Röhren trinken, Und es erst sterbend naht Unserem ewig dürstenden Mund - Wenn wir auch auf einer Straße schreiten, Darunter die Erde zum Schweigen gebracht wurde Von einem Pflaster, Verkaufen dürfen wir nicht unser Ohr, O, nicht unser Ohr dürfen wir verkaufen. Auch auf dem Markte, Im Errechnen des Staubes, Tat manch einer schnell einen Sprung Auf der Sehnsucht Seil

    30. Nove Scrittori Tedeschi - Nove Premi Nobel Per La Letteratura
    Translate this page Da quel momento, i suoi lavori trassero ispirazione dalla tragica vicenda ebraicaNel 1966 nelly sachs condivise il premio nobel per la letteratura con lo
    Nove scrittori tedeschi...
    ... nove premi Nobel per la letteratura Paese Gente Lingua Letteratura ... Home I servizi: Assistenza linguistica Mailing-list: "Deutsch Club" Tesi di laurea e compendi per scuola e università Chat ... Libro degli ospiti x Vedi anche: Che cos'è il Projekt Gutenberg? x Indice: Tutte le pagine sulla letteratura e cultura tedesca x Il premio Nobel viene conferito dal 1901 ogni anno in sei campi: fisica, chimica, medicina, letteratura, pace, economia. Tutto risale al fisico Alfred Nobel (1833-1896 - foto a sinistra) che nel suo testamento aveva voluto e reso possibile la Nobel Foundation (fondata nel 1900) che da allora conferisce annualmente questi prestigiosi premi. Per sapere di più sul Alfred Nobel, la Nobel Foundation e su tutto quello che riguarda il premio e le persone premiate potete consultare le pagine del Nobel e-Museum . Di ogni personaggio a cui è stato conferito il premio c'è una biografia, il suo discorso ufficiale e, per gli ultimi anni, spesso anche dei video, interviste e altre risorse sulla sua opera. Il sito è in lingua inglese. Nobel e-Museum Il premio Nobel sulla letteratura Ecco i nove scrittori tedeschi che finora hanno ricevuto questa premiazione (tutte le foto in questa pagina sono prese dal sito del Nobel e-Museum): 1999 - Günter Grass (nato 1927) Uno degli l'autori più conosciuti, ma anche più scomodi della Germania del dopoguerra. Dalla pubblicazione del suo primo grande successo "Il tamburo di latta" nel 1959 ogni opera di Grass suscita in Germania polemiche a non finire. Accompagna la Germania fino ad oggi con i suoi drammi e romanzi spesso ironici e dissacranti. Costringe sempre a riflettere e a ripensare i consueti modi di vivere. Nel 1999, Grass ottenne il Premio Nobel per la letteratura, un meritato riconoscimento che molti aspettavano da anni!

    31. Tiscali - Search
    Home Arts Literature Authors S sachs,_nelly Selected sites from the categorysachs, nelly 1. Autobiography of nelly sachs nobel Prize in Literature,_Nelly
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    Selected sites from the category Sachs, Nelly
    Autobiography of Nelly Sachs

    Nobel Prize in Literature 1966, includes a link to her acceptance speech.
    Nelly Sachs

    Small selection of poems in English translation by the 1966 Nobel laureate with analyses.
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    32. Nelly Sachs : Éclipse D’étoile
    Translate this page à la résurrection individuelle et collective germent encore subtilement, secrètement– tel est l’héritage que nelly sachs, Prix nobel de Littérature
    Dans les demeures de la mort
    160 pages
    ISBN : 2-86432-280-3
    Dans les demeures de la mort
    XX e
    Extrait du recueil
    Un dernier souffle de vie ?
    Tes pieds !
    Mais la peau du veau
    Qui un jour connut la caresse
    De tes pieds
    Extraits de presse
    Le Monde, 30 juillet 1999
    16 juillet 1999
    par Didier Garcia
    Nous portons plainte contre toi ». POURQUOI Si seulement je savais, n° 270, mai 1999 par Alain Suied, Dans les demeures de la mort Tribune juive , 29 avril 1999, par Laurent Cohen, , Gallimard, 1969), suivies par la publication, en 1989, du sublime pourquoi XX e

    33. Nelly Sachs
    Translate this page Suchende). Le 10 décembre, nelly sachs se voit décerner, conjointementavec Joseph Agnon, le Prix nobel de littérature. 1967
    traduit par Lionel Richard, Gallimard, 1969.
    Éli suivi de Lettres et traduit par Martine Broda, Hans Hartje et Claude Mouchard, Belin, 1989.
    Correspondance Nelly Sachs/Paul Celan,
    Notice biographique et bibliographique
    1921 : Parution de
    Die vossische Zeitung.
    Berliner Tagesblatt et
    Épitaphes inscrites dans les airs (Grabschriften in die Luft geschrieben) et qui seront repris dans le recueil Dans les demeures de la mort . Composition des
    1946 : Rencontre avec le compositeur Moses Pergament, qui mettra en musique Eli. Écriture du cycle qui figurera dans le recueil Dans les demeures de la mort
    1947 : Écriture du cycle Le coquillage murmure (Die Muschel saust)
    Dans les demeures de la mort (In den Wohnungen des Todes).
    De vague et de granit (Von Welle und Granit), Lettres de la nuit (Briefe aus der Nacht) Sinn und Form Eli 1953 : Écriture du cycle et Vie sous la menace (Leben unter Bedrohung). Ariel (il restera le seul texte en prose de Nelly Sachs). Nelly Sachs entame une correspondance amicale avec le jeune auteur allemand Peter Hamm. Parution en Allemagne du recueil Eli

    34. - Nobel Prize For Literature
    nobel Prize for Literature. Winners Year, Winner, Nationality. 1966, Agnon,Shmuel Yosef (1888 1970), Israel. 1966, sachs, nelly (1891 - 1970), Sweden.
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    QUICK LINKS First Time Buyer About Us Schools Businesses ... Author/Publisher Guide Nobel Prize for Literature Winners Year Winner Nationality
    Naipul, V.S Great Britain (born Trinidad) Xingjian, Gao China Grass, Gunter German Saramago, José Portugal Fo, Dario Italy Szymborska, Wislawa Poland Heaney, Seamus Ireland Oe, Kenzaburo Japan Morrison, Toni U.S.A. Walcott, Derek Saint Lucia Gordimer, Nadine South Africa Paz, Octavio Mexico Cela, Camilo José Spain Mahfouz, Naguib Egypt Brodsky, Joseph U.S.A. Soyinka, Wole Nigeria Simon, Claude France Seifert, Jaroslav Czechoslovakia Golding, William Great Britain García Márquez, Gabriel Colombia Canetti, Elias Great Britain Milosz, Czeslaw U.S.A. Elytis, Odysseus Greece Singer, Isaac Bashevis U.S.A. Aleixandre, Vicente

    35. Nobel Prize Winners
    nobel Prize Winners for Literature. Year, Author, Country. 2000, GaoXingjian, China. 1966, Agnon, Shmuel Yosef, Israel. 1966, sachs, nelly,Sweden.


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    Nobel Prize Winners for Literature
    Year Author Country Gao Xingjian China Guenter Grass Germany Jose´ Saramago Portugal Fo, Dario Italy Szymborska, Wislawa Poland Heaney, Seamus Ireland Oe, Kenzaburo Japan Morrison, Toni U.S. Walcott, Derek Antilles/Usa Gordimer, Nadine South Africa Paz, Octavio Mexico Cela, Camilo Jose Spain Mahfouz, Naguib Egypt Brodsky, Joseph U.S. Soyinka, Wole Nigeria Simon, Claude France Seibert, Jaroslav Czechoslovakia Golding, William England Garcia, Marquez Gabriel Colombia Canetti, Elias Bulgaria Milosz, Czeslaw U.S. Elytis, Odysseus Greece Singer, Isaac Bashevis U.S. Aleixandre, Vicente Spain Bellow, Saul U.S. Montale, Eugenio Italy Johnson, Eyvind Sweden Martinson, Henry Sweden White, Patrick Australia Boll, Heinrich

    36. Pagina Nueva 1
    sachs, nelly. d'origen alemany, el nom real de la qual era Leonie sachs (Berlín,1891 L'any 1966 rebé el premi nobel de Literatura, compartit amb l'israelià
    Dones Premi Nobel
    SACHS, Nelly Poeta i dramaturga sueca d'origen alemany, el nom real de la qual era Leonie Sachs (Berlín, 1891 - Estocolm, 1970). De familia jueva, la seva amiga Selma Lagerlöf l'ajudà a escapar de la persecució nazi. Es refugià a Suècia (1940), on va romandre fins a la seva mort. Les seves poesies, de gran riquesa metafòrica, tenen com a font d'inspiració fonamental la tradició literària jueva: En els dominis de la mort Fuga i metamorfosi (1959) i Senyals a la sorra (1962). Fou autora també de l'obra dramàtica Eli, misteri sobre els sofriments d'Israel (1959). L'any 1966 rebé el premi Nobel de Literatura, compartit amb l'israelià S.J. Agnon. Tornar a biografies

    37. Pagina Nueva 1
    Biografies Dones Premi nobel. sachs, nelly, 1966; SKLODOWSKA, Maria, 1903I 1911, (coneguda com Marie Curie); SUTTNER, Berta Kinsky von, 1905;
    Dones Premi Nobel
    Altres ALEU, Dolors
    CAPMANY, Maria Aurèlia

    DE PIZAN, Christine

    GAROUTE, Alice
    WOOLF, Virginia

    38. Nobel Prize Winners
    The first nobel Prize was awarded in 1901. 2001, Sir VS Naipaul, Great Britain. 2000,Gao Xingjian, France. 1966, Agnon, Shmuel Yoset, Israel. 1966, sachs, nelly, Sweden.
    Nobel Award Winners: Literature Return To Twice Sold Tales Home Page Booker Prize Bram Stoker Award Caldecott Medal ... Pulitzer Prize Winners The awards, most of which are for achievements in literature, language or areas of general culture, cannot be applied for. The Nobel Prize for literature derives from a fund which was created from the fortune left by Alfred Nobel (1833-96) and which is held in trust by the Nobel Foundation . The task of selecting the winner of the Prize was entrusted to the Swedish Academy by Nobel in his will. The first Nobel Prize was awarded in 1901. Sir V.S. Naipaul Great Britain Gao Xingjian France Grass, Günter Germany Saramago, Jose Portugal Fo, Darlo Italy Szymborska, Wislawa Poland Heaney, Seamus Ireland Oe, Kenzaburo Japan Morrison, Toni U.S. Walcott, Derek Antilles/Usa Gordimer, Nadine South Africa Paz, Octavio Mexico Cela, Camilo Jose Spain Mahfouz, Naguib Egypt Brodsky, Joseph US Soyinka, Wole Nigeria Simon, Claude

    39. Nobel Prize Winners
    1967, Asturias, Miguel Angel, Guatemala. 1966, Agnon, Shmuel Yoset, Israel. 1966,sachs, nelly, Sweden. 1965, Sholakhov, Mikhail, USSR. 1964, Sartre, JeanPaul,France.
    Noble Award Winners for Literature Return To Twice Sold Tales Home Page Pulitzer Prize Winners Newberry Award Winners Fo, Darlo Italy Szymborska, Wislawa Poland Heaney, Seamus Ireland Oe, Kenzaburo Japan Morrison, Toni U.S. Walcott, Derek Antilles/Usa Gordimer, Nadine South Africa Paz, Octavio Mexico Cela, Camilo Jose Spain Mahfouz, Naguib Egypt Brodsky, Joseph US Soyinka, Wole Nigeria Simon, Claude France Seifert, Jaroslav Czechoslovakia Golding, William England Garcia, Marquez Gabriel Colombia Canetti, Elias Bulgaria Milosz, Czeslaw U.S. Elytis, Odysseus Greece Singer, Isaac Bashevis U.S. Aleixandre, Vicenta Spain Bellow, Saul U.S. Montale, Eugenio Italy Johnson, Eyvind Sweden Martinson, Henry Sweden White, Patrick Australia Boll, Heinrich Germany Neruda, Pablo Chile Solzhenitsyn, Aleksandr U.S.S.R. Beckett, Samuel France Kowabata, Yasunari Japan Asturias, Miguel Angel Guatemala Agnon, Shmuel Yoset Israel Sachs, Nelly Sweden Sholakhov, Mikhail U.S.S.R Sartre, Jean-Paul France Seteris, Giorgios Greece Steinbeck, John U.S. Andric, Ivo Yugoslavia Perse, St-john France Quasimodo, Salvatore

    40. Selected Poems I, Vol. 1 -- Nelly Sachs Matthew Mead Michael Hamburger Michael R
    by nelly sachs,. Translated paper. ISBN 1931243131. nelly Sach's was the cowinner,with SY Agnon, of the 1965 nobel Prize for Literature. This
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