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Robles Alfonso Garcia: more books (19) | ||
21. Nobel Prize In Peace Since 1901 nobel Prize in Peace since 1901 Year, Winners. 1901, Dunant, Jean Henri; Passy,Frederic. 1982, Myrdal, Alva; robles, alfonso garcia. 1983, Walesa, Lech. http://www.planet101.com/nobel_peace_hist.htm | |
22. ALFRED NOBEL AND THE NOBEL PRIZES The award ceremony always takes place on December 10, the anniversary of nobel'sdeath, and ceremonies are held on that date in robles, alfonso garcia 1982. http://www.mssc.edu/international/mccaleb/chapter3.htm | |
23. Nobel Laureates - Peace 1982 Alva Myrdal Honored with alfonso garcia robles for their work with theUnited Nations on disarmament. Back to index Women nobel Laureates. http://womenshistory.about.com/cs/nobelpeace/ | |
24. Ëàóðåàòû Íîáåëåâñêèõ ïðåìèé ìèðà Alphabetical listing of nobel Peace prize laureates. Name. Year Awarded. Renault,Louis, 1907. robles, alfonso garcia, 1982. Roosevelt, Theodore, 1906. Root, Elihu,1912. http://orel.rsl.ru/archiv/nob_w.htm | |
25. Amigos Inolvidables Mexico - La Academia De Reuniones - Reencuentra Amigos De Me Translate this page R ZAPATA YR MENDEZ) * alfonso garcia robles SECUNDARIA (GUSTAVO Y EJE 1 PONIENTE)* alfonso REYES PRIMARIA 60 NUM 3633) * ALFREDO nobel SECUNDARIA (GUSTAVO http://www.amigosinolvidables.com/sch.php?s_subareaid=269 |
26. Amigos Inolvidables Mexico - La Academia De Reuniones - Reencuentra Amigos De Me Translate this page SECTOR, AV.CAMINO REAL S/N) * ALFREDO BERNARDO nobel PRIMARIA (GUADALUPE FRACC VISTASOL, SAN FRANCISCO S/N) * C alfonso garcia robles SECUNDARIA (GUADALUPE http://www.amigosinolvidables.com/sch.php?s_subareaid=918 |
27. Search Results For Alfonso Arau - Encyclopædia Britannica - The Online Encyclop The Web's Best Sites, Peace 1982 The nobel Foundation Profile of Alva Myrdaland alfonso garcia robles, winners of the nobel Peace Prize in 1982. http://search.britannica.com/search?query=alfonso arau&fuzzy=N&ct=igv&start=6&sh |
28. Search Results For Alfonso Arau - Encyclopædia Britannica - The Online Encyclop log. alfonso garcia robles nobel Foundation Biography of this Mexicandiplomat awarded the nobel Prize for Peace, in 1982. National http://search.britannica.com/search?query=Alfonso Arau |
29. Nobel Díjas Nok - Nok A Történelemben - Kultúrtörténet - nobelBékedíj - kilenc no kapta (hárman megosztva) a nyolcvan kituntetett közül 1982- Alva Myrdal (Svédország), megosztva alfonso garcia robles-vel. http://www.tfk.elte.hu/hirnok/kulturtortenet/notort/nobel-h.html | |
30. The 3rd Anniversary Activities 1984 Costa Rica). alfonso garcia robles (nobel Peace Prize Winner). RodolfoPiza Escalante (Former Costa Rican Ambassador to the UN). James http://www.gcs-ngo.org/gcsenglish/file/peace-1984.htm | |
31. Catholic Prayer Page - Famous Catholics Page III writer, winner of the nobel Prize for Literature in 1982) alfonso garcia robles(Mexican diplomat, winner of the nobel Prize for Peace in 1982) Guenter GRASS http://www.geocities.com/catholic_prayer/famous3.html | |
32. Nobel Peace Prize The first nobel Peace Prize was awarded in 1901, five years after the death of Alfrednobel, to Jean Henri 1982, Alva Myrtal alfonso garcia robles, Sweden Mexico. http://www.geocities.com/Axiom43/nobelpeace.html | |
33. The Alfred B. Nobel Prize Winners: Peace Advertisement. nobel Prize Winners for Peace. 1981, Office of UN High Commissionfor Refugees, 1982, Alva Myrdal alfonso garcia robles, Sweden Mexico. http://history1900s.about.com/library/misc/blnobelpeace.htm | |
34. WorldBook General Reference Encyclopedia > Social Science > Sociology > Sociolog She was the corecipient with alfonso garcia robles of Mexico of the Nob Found by andAlva Reimer (190286), Swedish social scientists and nobel laureates who http://www.surfablebooks.com/worldbookgeneral/Social Science/Sociology/Sociologi | |
35. HERO - Higher Education & Research Opportunities In The UK: Nobel Intentions idea of the range of concerns favoured by the nobel Committee over the such as theILO); (4)Disarmament (Alva Myrdal and alfonso garcia robles, Joseph Rotblat http://www.hero.ac.uk/inside_he/archive/nobel_intentions1292.cfm?&archive=yes |
36. Sra. Guzmán Hispanos Famosos Translate this page Ciencia. Ramón y Cajal, Santiago (Premio nobel). Músicos. garcia MARQUEZ, Gabriel,Colombia, Literature, 1982. garcia robles, alfonso, México, Peace, 1982. http://weblogs.stalux.org/guzman/stories/storyReader$172 |
37. Fulbright Grant Awarded To Brooklyn College Graduate whose vision led to the founding of the Fulbright program in 1946, and former MexicanAmbassador alfonso garcia robles, winner of the nobel Prize for Peace. http://www.brooklyn.cuny.edu/bc/spotlite/archive/grant.htm | |
38. Warrington Electronic Bulletin (WEB) garciarobles scholars in honor of the program's founder, US Senator J. WilliamFulbright, and Mexican diplomat and nobel Prize winner alfonso garcia-robles. http://www.cba.ufl.edu/ezine/ | |
39. International Biography Year nobel PRIZE WINNERS 1980 - Adolfo Perez Esquivel 1981 - Office of the UN HighCommissioner for Refugees 1982 - alfonso garcia robles , Alva Myrdal 1983 http://www.palestinehistory.com/intbio14.htm | |
40. International Organization And Names PRIZE WINNERS Year nobel PRIZE Refugees 1982 alfonso garcia robles , Alva http://www.palestinehistory.com/text/others.htm | |
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