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61. PREMIOS NOBEL Translate this page PREMIOS nobel DE LITERATURA Y PAZ. AÑO. LITERATURA. PAZ. 1901. Sully Prudhomme. 1927.Henri Bergson. Ferdinand Buisson- ludwig quidde. 1928. Sigrid Undset. http://espanol.geocities.com/andy_n_ve/nobel.html | |
62. Ëàóðåàòû Íîáåëåâñêèõ ïðåìèé ìèðà Alphabetical listing of nobel Peace prize laureates. Name. Year Awarded. PugwashConferences On Science And World Affairs, 1995. quidde, ludwig, 1927. http://orel.rsl.ru/archiv/nob_w.htm | |
63. Premio Nobel De La Paz - Wikipedia Translate this page (Redirigido desde Premio nobel/Paz). Kellogg 1928 Destinado al Fondo Especial deesta sección del premio 1927 Ferdinand Buisson, ludwig quidde 1926 Aristide http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Premio_Nobel/Paz |
64. Premio Nobel De La Paz - Wikipedia Translate this page Premio nobel de la Paz. Frank Billings Kellogg 1928 Destinado al Fondo Especial deesta sección del premio 1927 Ferdinand Buisson, ludwig quidde 1926 Aristide http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Premio_Nobel_de_la_Paz | |
65. Candidatura De D. Baltasar Garzón Al Premio Nobel De La Paz Translate this page / Baltasar Garzón Real // Por qué la candidatura // Comité de Honor // ComitéPro-nobel // Apoyo Institucional. 1927, Ferdinand Buisson, ludwig quidde. http://www.nobelgarzon.org/premiados3.htm | |
66. The Alfred B. Nobel Prize Winners: Peace Advertisement. nobel Prize Winners for Peace. 1926, Aristide Briand Gustav Stresemann,France Germany. 1927, Ferdinand E. Buisson ludwig quidde, France Germany. 1928, http://history1900s.about.com/library/misc/blnobelpeace.htm | |
67. Encyclopædia Conglomeration: Nobel Peace Prize Recipients bank of Sweden endowed The Bank of Sweden Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory ofAlfred nobel, to be 1927, Ferdinand Buisson / ludwig quidde, France / Germany, http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Acropolis/3125/ec/nobel_peace_prize.html | |
68. Dr.Tarek Said's Homepage-Nobel Prize Winners POLIDORE MARIE BERNHARD MAETERLINCK 1910 PAUL JOHANN ludwig HEYSE 1909 nobel Prizein Peace 1927 FERDINAND BUISSON ludwig quidde 1926 ARISTIDE BRIAND GUSTAV http://www.geocities.com/tsaid3/nobel.html | |
69. Deutscher Widerstand (1906 - 1945); ludwig quidde - Friedens nobel Preis 1927; Jehovas http://www.bessereweltlinks.de/book34b.htm | |
70. Friedenspreise ! nobel Prize Acceptance Speech by ML King 1964; Linus Carl Pauling 1962; CommitteeOf The Red Cross (ICRC) 1944; Carl von Ossietzky 1935; ludwig quidde 1927; http://www.bessereweltlinks.de/book07.htm | |
71. Die Paulinerkirche Göttingen Among the exhibition's nobel laureates who have contributed to Goettingen's fameas an whose names are not so current today, such as ludwig quidde (peace, 1927 http://www.paulinerkirche-goettingen.de/e_exhib.htm | |
72. CNN.com 1928 The prize money was allocated to the Special Fund of this prize section. 1927Ferdinand Buisson, ludwig quidde. 1926 Aristide Briand, Gustav Stresemann. http://www.cnn.com/SPECIALS/2001/nobel.100/peace.html | |
73. Personen, Persoenlichkeiten, Graeber, Gräber, Grabstaetten, Grabstätte Translate this page Nipkow, Paul. Nitribitt, Rosemarie. nobel, Alfred. Nolte, Emil. Puschkin, AleksandrSergejewitsch. Qualtinger, Helmut. quidde, ludwig. Raab, Kurt. Raabe, Wilhelm. http://www.knerger.de/Die_Personen_II/hauptteil_die_personen_ii.html | |
74. The Nobel Prize 1929 ? ?(Frank Billings Kellogg). 1928 ? . 1927 (Ferdinand Buisson), ?(ludwig quidde). http://home.megapass.co.kr/~jayleen/peace/pea-lindex.htm | |
75. Alfred Nobel Und Der Friedensnobelpreis Http//homepage.hamburg. Translate this page Diese Entscheidung hat nicht Alfred nobel getroffen, der bereits 1896 gestorben war,sondern satzungsgemäß das Norwegische Storting 1927 ludwig quidde, er war http://homepage.hamburg.de/menschenrechtsbund/nobel.html | |
76. José Ramos Horta: Prémios Nobel Translate this page Prémios nobel da Paz. 1901 Jean Henri Dunant (Suíça) / Frédéric Passy(França). 1927 ludwig quidde (Alemanha) / Ferdinand Buisson (França). http://www.citi.pt/cultura/politica/ramos_horta/lista.html | |
77. Géniesenherbe.org - Prix Nobel De La Paix Translate this page Le prix nobel de la paix est attribué par le Comité nobel Norvégien, situé àOslo, en Norvège. 1927, Ferdinand Buisson (France) et ludwig quidde (Allemagne http://www.geniesenherbe.org/theorie/prix/nobpaix.html | |
78. Prêmio Nobel Translate this page PRÊMIOS nobel DA PAZ. 1927 Ferdinand Buisson (França), por seu trabalho como presidenteda Liga dos Direitos Humanos, e ludwig quidde (Alemanha), por escrever http://orbita.starmedia.com/~mil_anos_de_guerras/paz.html | |
79. Behind The Name: Nobel Prize Winners By Category Behind the Name the etymology and history of first names. nobel Prize Winnersby Category. Ferdinand Buisson, 1927, Peace, ludwig quidde, 1927, Peace, http://www.behindthename.com/namesakes/nobelchro.html | |
80. La Une De La FAO 127 Année 249: Monsieur Kofi Annan, Prix Nobel De La Paix 2001 Translate this page Angell (1872-1967), fonctionnaire de la SDN et ancien étudiant de l'Universitéde Genève, reçoit le nobel de la paix, alors que ludwig quidde (1858-1941 http://www.geneve.ch/fao/2001/20011102.asp | |
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