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         Perse Saint-john:     more books (100)
  1. Saint-John Perse et ses mythologies (French Edition) by Gilberte Aigrisse, 1992
  2. Saint-John Perse: a bibliography for students of his poetry (Research Bibliographies and Checklists) by Roger Little, 1971-01-01
  3. Saint-John Perse (Les Dossiers Belfond) (French Edition) by Mireille Sacotte, 1991
  4. Eloges. La gloire des rois de Saint John Perse by Sacotte, 1999-02-02
  5. Saint-John Perse: Critical Study by Arthur Knodel, 1966-04
  6. Forged Genealogies: Saint-John Perse's Conversations with Culture by Carol Rigolot, 2002-01-21
  7. Orphan Narratives: The Postplantation Literature of Faulkner, Glissant, Morrison, and Saint-John Perse (New World Studies) by Valérie Loichot, 2007-05-03
  8. Seamarks (Harper torchbooks : the Bollingen library ; TB 2002) (English and French Edition) by Saint-John Perse, 1961
  9. Saint-John Perse; Premio Nobel Per La Letteratura 1960; Elogi e Prose Scelte by Saint-John, Cristobal De Acevedo, Ed. Perse, 1968
  10. Les Oiseaux Et L'Oeuvre De Saint-John Perse by Saint-John Perse, 1977
  11. The Poet and the Diplomat: The Correspondence of Dag Hammarskjold and Alexis Leger (Peace and Conflict Resolution) by Saint-John Perse, Dag Hammarskjold, et all 2001-09
  12. Exil (Athlone French Poets) by Saint-John Perse, Roger Little, 1995-12
  13. Oeuvres completes (Bibliotheque de la Pleiade) (French Edition) by Saint-John Perse, 1982
  14. Eloges by Saint-John Perse, 1967-01-01

81. Saint John Perse Foundation : Aix En Provence
SAINT JOHN perse FOUNDATION AIX EN PROVENCE Permanent exhibition of the poet'smanuscripts and important documentation about the nobel Prizewinner for
Permanent exhibition of the poet's manuscripts and important documentation about the Nobel Prizewinner for Literature. Cite du Livre
8-10, Rue des Allumettes
13090 Aix en Provence CEDEX 2
tel : 04 42 91 98 85
fax : 04 42 27 11 86
W eb site : Updated February 2003 Granet museum Arbaud museum Vieil Aix museum Tapisseries museum ... Entremont oppidum

82. Fondation St John Perse : Aix En Provence
Translate this page du poète et importante documentation sur celui qui fut Prix nobel de Littérature. 9198 85 fax 04 42 27 11 86 Site web Fondation Saint John perse Mise à
8-10, Rue des Allumettes
13090 Aix en Provence CEDEX 2
fax : 04 42 27 11 86
Site web : Fondation Saint John Perse Museum d'Histoire Naturelle Fondation Vasarely Fondation St John Perse ... Oppidum d'Entremont

83. Pájaros Y Otrso Poemas - Saint - John Perse.
Translate this page Saint - John perse nació en la isla de Guadalupe en 1887 y murió en 1975después de haber obtenido en 1960 el premio nobel de Literatura.
ISBN: 84 - 7522 - 064 - 9.
siguiente >

84. Saint-John Perse
Translate this page saint-john perse (1887-1975), poete et diplomate francais, lauréat du prix Nobelde littérature, qui célébra la splendeur du monde dans un langage

85. Literacka Nagroda Nobla
saintjohn perse (1960). Nie bedac zaabsorbowany polityka saint-john perse móglw Waszyngtonie calkowicie poswiecic sie twórczosci literackiej.
LITERACKA NAGRODA NOBLA - STRONA G£ÓWNA E-MAIL Laureaci Literackiej Nagrody Nobla Alfred Nobel ... Zakupy
Biografia Strona g³ówna
31 maja 1887, Saint-Lóger-les-Feuilles (wyspa u wybrze¿y Gwadelupy)
20 wrze¶nia 1975, Waszyngton
"Obrazy dla Robinsona Kruzoe" (1909) - poematy "Anabaza" (1924) - poemat "Wygnanie" (1942) - zbiór poezji "Deszcze" (1943) - zbiór poezji "¦niegi" (1944) - zbiór poezji "Wiatry" (1946) - zbiór poezji "Gorycze" (1957) - zbiór poezji "Kronika" (1960) - zbiór poezji "Ptaki" ( 1962) - zbiór poezji Z UZASADNIENIA NAGRODY: Otrzyma³ j± za "wznios³o¶æ i obrazowo¶æ", które "odzwierciedlaj± uwarunkowania naszych czasów". FAKTY Z ¯YCIORYSU: Saint-John Perse to pseudonim literacki Alexisa Saint-Légera, urodzonego na wyspie Saint-Léger-les-Feuilles, nale¿±cej niegdy¶ do jego rodu. Poeta do dwunastego roku ¿ycia uczy³ siê w szkole w Gwadelupie, dopóki w 1899 r. jego rodzice (ojciec - adwokat by³ potomkiem wychod¼ców z Burgundii; matka pochodzi³a z rodziny plantatorów osiad³ej na Antylach) nie przenie¶li siê do Francji. Tam Alexis ukoñczy³ uniwersytet w Bordeaux, by nastêpnie po¶wiêciæ siê s³u¿bie dyplomatycznej. Publikowa³ pod pseudonimem Saint-John Perse, obawiaj±c siê, ¿e pisanie pod w³asnym nazwiskiem mo¿e mu zaszkodziæ w jego karierze pañstwowej. Debiutowa³ w 1909 r. na ³amach "Nouvelle Revue Française" (dok±d wprowadzili go jego przyjaciele: Jammes, Riviere i Larbaud) poematami "Obrazy dla Robinsona Kruzoe". Te czê¶ciowo autobiograficzne utwory, przesycone obrazami podzwrotnikowych pejza¿y, w¶ród których twórca spêdzi³ dzieciñstwo, pisane by³y proz± poetyck±. W nastêpnym roku zda³ egzaminy we francuskim MSZ i nied³ugo potem wys³any zosta³ na swoj± pierwsz± dyplomatyczn± placówkê - do ambasady w Chinach, gdzie przez nastêpne piêæ lat nie tylko pracowa³, ale i spêdza³ wakacje, p³ywaj±c po Morzu Po³udniowochiñskim lub podró¿uj±c konno po pustyni Gobi. Podczas jednej z takich wypraw w opustosza³ej ¶wi±tyni taoistycznej pod Pekinem powsta³a idea napisania poematu epickiego, który opublikowa³ dopiero w 1924 r. we Francji. Ten bardzo zagadkowy utwór - nosz±cy tytu³ "Anabaza" - i opowiadaj±cy o samotno¶ci wodza koczowniczego plemienia wywo³a³ zachwyt

86. Perse, Saint - John
man; and his abstract epic, Chronique ( Chronicle), 1960. From NobelLectures, Literature 19011967. saint-john perse died in 1975.
Perse, Saint - John Saint-John Perse, born in 1887, pseudonym for Alexis Saint-Léger Léger, came from an old Bourguignon family which settled in the French Antilles in the seventeenth century and returned to France at the end of the nineteenth century. Perse studied law at Bordeaux and, after private studies in political science, went into the diplomatic service in 1914. There he had a brilliant career. He served first in the Peking embassy, and later in the Foreign Office where he held top positions under Aristide Briand and became its administrative head.
He left France for the United States in 1940 and was deprived of his citizenship and possessions by the Vichy regime. From 1941 to 1945, he was literary adviser to the Library of Congress. After the war he did not resume his diplomatic career and, in 1950, retired officially with the title of Ambassadeur de France. He has made the United States his permanent residence.
From Nobel Lectures, Literature 1901-1967.

87. Saint John Perse, Capacidad Poética Que Mantuvo Su Lenguaje En Términos De Una
Translate this page La poesía de Saint John perse (1887-1975), Premio nobel de Literatura 1960, esla imagen viviente de la potencia del lenguaje cuando se asume como voluntad
"La poesía de Saint John Perse (1887-1975), Premio Nobel de Literatura 1960, es la imagen viviente de la potencia del lenguaje cuando se asume como voluntad de poder y no de dominio", dijo el poeta uruguayo Eduardo Milán al dictar una conferencia sobre el escritor francés efectuada ayer por la noche en el Centro de Cultura Casa Lamm, organizada por el Centro Nacional de Información y Promoción de la Literatura del INBA, en su ciclo Letras comunicantes. Milán señaló que no es una poesía cuya voluntad reside en la ambición de explicar lo inexplicable, traduciendo lo intraducible o volviéndose accesible a la complicidad del lector pacificando aguas que no son pacíficas. Perse tiene, añadió, la capacidad poética de mantener el lenguaje en los términos de una no revelación y, al mismo tiempo, maneja una capacidad referencial de un espectro inusitado en la poesía contemporánea. Consideró que la crisis de recepción que provoca la poesía de Perse, parece producirse porque vemos que efectivamente ahí hay una imagen de plenitud insólita y, sin embargo, no sabemos ni cómo ni por qué se produce. Ese escamoteo de los nexos discursivos que sostienen el entramado poético desde el punto de vista de su verosimilitud, ha hecho que la crítica tachara de hermética a la poesía del escritor francés.

88. Feature
Tagore discussed about art with another nobel Laureate French poetSaint John perse. Saint John perse met Tagore in London in 1913.
RABINDRANATH - THE ARTIST* -Dr. Dilip Malakar T agore was not only a poet of repute but also a painter of distinction. He held the first public and international exhibition of his paintings in Paris in May 1930, at the "Gallerie Pigalle". The exhibition was later held in different countries in Europe in the same year. But India and his home town Calcutta had the honour of hosting it only in 1931, a year later of Paris exhibition. It is still a matter of controversy as to whether it was Madame Victoria Ocampo of Buenos Aires or Duchess Anna de Noailles who helped Tagore organise the exhibition at the "Gallerie Pigalle". The exhibition remained open to public from the 5 th to the 19 th May, 1930. Duchess Anna de Noailles made the following introductory remarks in the catalogue of the exhibition of Tagore’s paintings – "To me it is like climbing a staircase of dreamland ……". Tagore as a painter was not discovered by the Paris newspapers during his exhibition of paintings. Rabindra Nath Tagore’s appearance as painter in France was not sudden. Long before the Paris exhibition Tagore had long discussions on his art with Romain Rolland in 1926. Nobel laureate Romain Rolland wrote in his book "Inde-journal", 3 July, 1926 – "Other day Tagore was discussing on his application of colour in paintings. He likes very little red colour, the dominance of red colour in Italian village did not attract him. His love goes violet and blue. And he has more liking for green."

89. Saint-John Perse: Awards Won By Saint-John Perse
Awards of saintjohn perse.
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90. Premio Nobel De Literaturo - Vikipedio
Jenaj autoroj ricevis la Premion nobel de Literaturo 1901 Sully PRUDHOMME. 1960SAINTJOHN perse 1961 Ivo ANDRIC. 1962 John STEINBECK 1963 Giorgos SEFERIS.
Vikipedio Ĉefpaĝo Enkonduko Helpo ... Ensalutu La Libera Enciklopedio Aliaj lingvoj: Dansk Deutsch English Nederlands ...
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Premio Nobel de Literaturo
El Vikipedio, la libera enciklopedio. Premio Nobel Literaturpremioj Literaturo La Premion Nobel de Literaturo estas donita laÅ­ propono de la Sveda Akademio
Jenaj aÅ­toroj ricevis la Premion Nobel de Literaturo:

Bj¸rnstjerne BJ˜RNSON

Frederic MISTRAL


Rabindranath TAGORE

: (ne aljuĝita) Romain ROLLAND Verner VON HEIDENSTAM Karl GJELLERUP kaj Henrik PONTOPPIDAN : (ne aljuĝita) Carl SPITTELER Knut HAMSUN Anatole FRANCE Jacinto BENAVENTE ... Luigi PIRANDELLO : (ne aljuĝita) Eugene O'NEILL Roger Martin DU GARD Pearl S. BUCK Frans Eemil SILLANP„„ : (ne aljuĝita) : (ne aljuĝita) : (ne aljuĝita) : (ne aljuĝita) Johannes Vilhelm JENSEN Gabriela MISTRAL Hermann HESSE Andr© GIDE ... Jean-Paul SARTRE (Li rifuzis la akcepton de la premio.) MiÄ¥ail ŜOLOĤOV Samuel Josef AGNON kaj Nelly SACHS Miguel Angel ASTURIAS KAWABATA Yasunari Samuel BECKETT ... Eyvind JOHNSON kaj Harry MARTINSON Eugenio MONTALE Saul BELLOW Vicente ALEIXANDRE ... KERT‰SZ Imre
Ekstera ligo

91. Saint-John Perse -- Encyclopædia Britannica Online Article
He was awarded the nobel Prize in 1960. To cite this page MLA style SaintJohnPerse. Britannica Concise Encyclopedia 2003 Encyclopædia Britannica Premium

92. Ritual
nobel prize for literature, 1960).
Mer, ouverture du monde d’interdits, sur l’autre face de nos songes, ah ! comme l’outrepas du songe, et le songe même qu’on n’osa. "..Ah! Nous avions des mots pour toi et nous n’avions assez de mots,
"Et voici que l’amour nous confond à l’objet même de ces mots,
"Et mots pour nous ils ne sont plus, n’étant plus signes ni parures,
"Mais la chose même qu’ils figurent et la chose même qu’ils paraient;
"Mieux, te récitant toi-même, le récit, voici que nous te devenons toi-même, le récit,
"Et toi-même sommes-nous, qui nous était l’Inconciliable: le texte même et sa substance et son mouvement de mer,
"Et la grande robe prosodique dont nous nous revêtons."
Saint-John Perse, Amers.
Rituel et poésie: Une lecture de Saint-John Perse
This book is based on my dissertation on the French poet and diplomat Saint-John Perse (1887-1976; Nobel prize for literature, 1960). It is strongly indebted to the Geneva school of criticism (Georges Poulet, Jean-Pierre Richard, Albert Béguin, Jean Starobinski and Jean Rousset), which represents to me the golden age of thematic criticism, perhaps even of criticism tout court . (I had the privilege of studying under Starobinski and Rousset in Geneva, and I owe to Rousset my enduring interest in narrative theory.) As far as I am concerned, nobody has rivaled these masters in unlocking the code of the imagination, mapping the territory of a writer’s private worlds, and eliciting a genuine

93. Premio Nobel Per La Letteratura
Premio Nobel per la Letteratura
Tutti i premiati:
  • 1901 R.-F.-A. Sully-Proudhomme (Francia) 1902 Theodor Mommsen (Germania) 1905 Henryk Sienkiewicz (Polonia) 1906 Giosue Carducci (Italia) 1907 Rudyard Kipling (Gran Bretagna) 1908 Rudolf Ch. Eucken (Germania) 1910 Paul J. L. Heyse (Germania) 1911 Maurice Maeterlinck (Belgio) 1912 Gerhart Hauptmann (Germania) 1913 Rabindranath Tagore (India) 1915 Romain Rolland (Francia) 1916 C. G. Verner von Heidenstam (Svezia) 1917 Karl A. Gjellerup e Henrik Pontoppidan (Danimarca) 1919 Carl Spitteler (Svizzera) 1920 Knut Hamsun (Norvegia) 1921 Anatole France (Francia) 1922 Jacinto Benavente y Martinez (Spagna) 1923 William ButlerYeats (Irlanda) 1924 Wladyslaw S. Reymont (Polonia) 1925 George Bernard Shaw (Gran Bretagna) 1926 Grazia Deledda (Italia) 1927 Henri Bergson (Francia) 1928 Sigrid Undset (Norvegia) 1929 Thomas Mann (Germania) 1930 Sinclair Lewis (USA) 1931 Erik A. Karlfeldt (Svezia) 1932 John Galsworthy (Gran Bretagna) 1933 Ivan A. Bunin (apolide)

94. Literaturwelt: International/Franzoesisch
the evocative imagery of his poetry which in a visionary fashion reflects the
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: International : Franzoesisch
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