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         Ostwald Wilhelm:     more books (100)
  1. Grundlinien Der Anorganischen Chemie (German Edition) by Wilhelm Ostwald, 2010-06
  2. Natural philosophy;: tr. by Thomas Seltzer, with the author's special revision for the American ed. by Wilhelm Ostwald, 2009-05-01
  3. Conversations On Chemistry: First Steps in Chemistry, Volume 2 by Wilhelm Ostwald, Elizabeth Catherine Ramsay, 2010-02-10
  4. Malerbriefe: Beiträge zur Theorie und Praxis der Malerei by Wilhelm Ostwald, 2010-08-03
  5. Annalen Der Naturphilosophie, Volume 3 (German Edition) by Wilhelm Ostwald, 2010-03-05
  6. Prinzipien Der Chemie (German Edition) by Wilhelm Ostwald, 2010-01-12
  7. Lehrbuch der allgemeinen chemie (German Edition) by Wilhelm Ostwald, 2010-06-19
  8. Erfinder Und Entdecker (1908) (German Edition) by Wilhelm Ostwald, 2010-09-10
  9. Betrachtungen Uber Die Bewegende Kraft Des Feuers: Und Die Zur Entwickelung Dieser Kraft Geeigneten Maschinen (1892) (German Edition) by Sadi Carnot, 2010-05-22
  10. Gesammelte Abhandlungen Von Robert Bunsen: Im Auftrage Der Deutschen Bunsen-Gesellschaft Für Angewandte Physikalische Chemie Hrsg (German Edition) by Wilhelm Ostwald, Robert Bunsen, et all 2010-03-15
  11. The historical development of general chemistry [ 1906? ] by Wilhelm Ostwald, 2009-08-10
  12. Lehrbuch Der Allgemeinen Chemie, Volume 2 (German Edition) by Wilhelm Ostwald, 2010-06-08
  13. Photochemische Untersuchungen, Part 1 (German Edition) by Wilhelm Ostwald, Henry Enfield Roscoe, et all 2010-03-04
  14. Tudomány és mvészet (Hungarian Edition) by Wilhelm Ostwald, 2010-05-18

41. Prix Nobel De Chimie - Wikipedia
Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. Voir aussi Prix nobel. 1907 EduardBuchner; 1908 Ernest Rutherford; 1909 wilhelm ostwald; 1910 Otto Wallach;
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Prix Nobel de chimie
(Redirigé depuis Prix Nobel de Chimie Voir aussi Prix Nobel

42. | Contenidos Y Consultas Educativas
Translate this page Premio nobel de 1909. Braun, Karl F. Alemania, Física. Universidad de Estrasbourgo.Alsace, entonces Alemania. ostwald, wilhelm. Alemania, Química.

43. | Contenidos Y Consultas Educativas
Translate this page Nacionales Efemérides Venezolanos Ilustres. Premios nobel de 1909.Braun, Karl F. et de conciliation internationale). ostwald, wilhelm.

44. Premi Nobel Per La Chimica
nobel Alfred; Norrish Ronald George Wreyford; Northrop John Howard;Ohm Georg Simon; Onsager Lars; Oppenheimer Julius Robert; ostwald wilhelm; Paschen
Biografie di Chimici
  • Alder Kurt Anfinsen Christian B Arrhenius Svante August Aston Francis William ... Home Page
    Istituto tecnico statale commerciale e per geometri di Chiavari (Genova - Italia)
  • 45. OSTWALD WILHELM (1853-1932)
    Translate this page wilhelm ostwald fut un physico-chimiste allemand, né à Riga (Lettonie) et mortà Grossbothen Il reçut le prix nobel de chimie en 1909 pour ses travaux sur
    OSTWALD WILHELM (1853-1932)

    46. Prix Nobel De Chimie
    Translate this page Prix nobel, Friedrich wilhelm ostwald (1853-1932) a été récompensé pour sestravaux en catalyse et ses investigations sur les principes fondamentaux qui
    de Chimie Prix Nobel
    J.H. Van't Hoff (NL) E. Fischer (D) S. Arrhenius (S) W. Ramsay (GB) A. Von Baeyer (D) H. Moissan (F) E. Buchner (D) E. Rutherford (GB) W. Ostwald (D) O. Wallach (D) M.Curie (F) V. Grignard (F) et P. Sabatier (F) A.Werner (CH) Th. Richards (USA) R. Willstatter (D) F. Haber (D) W. Nernst (D) F. Soddy (GB) F. W. Aston (GB) F. Pregl (A) R. Zsigmondy (D) T Svedberg (S) H. Wieland (D) A. Windaus (D) A. Harden (GB) et H. Von Euler-Chelpin (D) H. Fischer (D) C.Bosch (D) et F. Bergius (D) J. Langmuir (USA) H.C. Urey (USA) J. F. Joliot-Curie (F) et I. Joliot-Curie (F) P Debye (NL) W.N. Haworth (GB) et P. Karrer (CH) A.F.J. Butenandt (D) et L. Ruzicka (CH) G. de Hevesy (S) O. Hahn (D) A.J. Virtanen (SF) J.B. Sumner (USA), J.H. Northrop (USA) et W.M. Stanley (USA) R. Robinson (GB) A.W.K. Tiselius (S) W.E Giauque (USA) O. Diels (D) et K. Alder (D) G.T.Seaborg (USA) et E.M. Mac Millan (USA) A.J.P. Martin (GB) et L.M. Synge (GB) H. Staudinger (D) L. Pauling (USA) V. du Vigneaud (USA) A. Todd (GB)

    47. Wilhelm Ostwald
    Translate this page Histoire de la chimie, wilhelm ostwald. 1853-1932. Physico-chimiste allemand (Riga-Lettonie-, 2 sept. 1853 - Grossbothen 4 avril 1932) Prix nobel de chimie 1909.
    Histoire de la chimie Wilhelm Ostwald Physico-chimiste allemand (Riga -Lettonie-, 2 sept. 1853 - Grossbothen 4 avril 1932)
    Prix Nobel de chimie 1909
    Pionnier de la chimie-physique, fondateur avec van't Hoff de la revue Zeitschrift für physikalische Chemie . Ses travaux protent sur la chimie des solutions aussi bien sur la thermodynamique de l'équilibre. Il sera un modèle pour des physico-chimistes comme Nernst ou Arrhénius Il met au point avec son gendre Brauer le procédé Ostwald-Brauer de synthèse de l'acide nitrique à partir d'ammoniac. Très longtemps anti-atomiste, il se convertit timidement à l'atomisme à la suite des expériences de Perrin sur la détermination du nombre d'Avogadro. , tous droits réservés pour tous pays.

    48. Wilhelm Ostwald
    Translate this page Histoire de la chimie. wilhelm ostwald. 1853-1932. Physico-chimiste allemand (Riga-Lettonie-, 2 sept. 1853 - Grossbothen 4 avril 1932) Prix nobel de chimie 1909.
    Histoire de la chimie Wilhelm Ostwald Physico-chimiste allemand (Riga -Lettonie-, 2 sept. 1853 - Grossbothen 4 avril 1932)
    Prix Nobel de chimie 1909
    Pionnier de la chimie-physique, fondateur avec van't Hoff de la revue Zeitschrift für physikalische Chemie . Ses travaux portent sur la chimie des solutions aussi bien sur la thermodynamique de l'équilibre. Il sera un modèle pour des physico-chimistes comme Nernst ou Arrhenius Il met au point avec son gendre Brauer le procédé Ostwald-Brauer de synthèse de l'acide nitrique à partir d'ammoniac. Très longtemps anti-atomiste, il se convertit timidement à l'atomisme à la suite des expériences de Perrin sur la détermination du nombre d'Avogadro.

    49. JCE 2002 (79) 146 [Feb] A Century Of Chemical Dynamics Traced Through The Nobel
    This, the third of a series of thirteen articles on nobel Laureates in chemical dynamics,features the work of wilhelm ostwald, who won the nobel Prize in 1909
    A Century of Chemical Dynamics Traced through the Nobel Prizes. 1909: Wilhelm Ostwald
    Josh Van Houten
    Department of Chemistry, Saint Michael's College, Colchester, VT 05439 This, the third of a series of thirteen articles on Nobel Laureates in chemical dynamics, features the work of Wilhelm Ostwald, who won the Nobel Prize in 1909 for his work on catalysis, equilibria, and reaction rates. The first two articles in this series discussed two of Ostwald's studentsJacobus van't Hoff (Nobel 1901) and Svante Arrhenius (Nobel 1903). Ostwald's own studies of catalysis were guided by the work of those two former students. Ostwald's name remains associated with the catalytic process used to manufacture nitric acid from ammonia.
    Citation : Van Houten, Josh. J. Chem. Educ. Keywords : History / Philosophy; Public Understanding; Physical Chemistry
    February 2002
    Vol. 79 No. 2
    p. 146

    Current Issue
    Past Issues Supplements Features ... Site Info
    Last Updated: January 3, 2002
    Created: January 2, 2002
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    50. HYLE 7-1 (2001): Conference Report: Wilhelm Ostwald At The Crossroads Of Chemist
    wilhelm ostwald at the Crossroads of Chemistry, Philosophy, and Media Culture, Universityof Leipzig, 24 November When ostwald received the nobel Prize of
    HYLEInternational Journal for Philosophy of Chemistry, Vol. 7, No. 1 (2001) , pp.
    2001 by HYLE and Joachim Schummer
    HYLE Conference Reports
    Wilhelm Ostwald at the Crossroads of Chemistry, Philosophy, and Media Culture , University of Leipzig, 2-4 November 2000
    by Joachim Schummer
    When Ostwald received the Nobel Prize of chemistry for his work on catalysis in 1909, he had already retired 3 years ago, at the age of 53, from his chair of physical chemistry at the University of Leipzig. How did this most influential co-founder of the new physical chemistry spend his remaining 26 years at his private estate near Leipzig, after having educated some 100 later professors of physical chemistry worldwide; and why did he finished his successful university career at all? Did all these activities spring up from his chemistry? Not directly. It rather emerged from philosophical reflections on chemistry. Ostwald himself was quick in elaborating his views towards an abundant and complex philosophy of nature that incorporated even sociology, psychology, ethics, and aesthetics. Though he received harsh criticism from many of his scientific colleagues, his philosophy was throughout scientistic, an all-embracing scientific world view, largely based on three principles: an experimentalist epistemology; the metaphysical priority of energy over matter; and the strongest belief in societal progress by means of science, technology, and social organization. Since for Ostwald progress meant working against the consequences of the 2

    51. Ostwald Wilhelm
    Translate this page ostwald (wilhelm) Chimiste ammoniac. (Prix nobel de chimie, 1909.). GroupeEVARISTE Webmaster
    Qui est EVARISTE ? Les brochures Analyses Messagerie ... Polémiques Ostwald (Wilhelm)
    Chimiste allemand (Riga, 1853 - Grossbothen, près de Leipzig, 1932), l'un des fondateurs de la chimie physique. Il découvrit, en 1902, une réaction industrielle permettant la synthèse de l'acide nitrique à partir de l'ammoniac. (Prix Nobel de chimie, 1909.)
    Groupe EVARISTE Webmaster : Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers Ministère de l'Education Nationale de la Recherche et de la Technologie

    nobel KIMYA ÖDÜLLERI. 1901. VAN’T HOFF, JACOBUS. HENRICUS. 1909. ostwald, wilhelm.Almanya, Leipzig Üniversitesi, d. 1853 (Riga, o dönemde Rusya’da), ö.
    NOBEL KÝMYA ÖDÜLLERÝ VAN’T HOFF, JACOBUS HENRICUS Hollanda, Berlin Üniversitesi, Almanya, d. 1852, ö. 1911: “Kimyasal dinamiðin ve çözeltilerde ozmotik basýnçlarýn yasalarýný bularak saðladýðý üstün hizmetleri için” FISCHER, HERMANN EMIL Almanya, Berlin Üniversitesi, d. 1852, ö. 1919: “Þeker ve purin senteziyle ilgili çalýþmalarýyla verdiði üstün hizmetler için” ARRHENIUS, SVANTE AUGUST Ýsveç, Stokholm Üniversitesi, d. 1859, ö. 1927: “Çözünmenin elektrolitik kuramýný ortaya koyarak kimyanýn geliþmesine saðladýðý üstün hizmetler için” RAMSAY, Sir WILLIAM Ýngiltere, Londra Üniversitesi, d. 1852, ö. 1916: “Havadaki soy elementlerin keþfi ve bunlarýn periyodik tablodaki yerlerini saptayýþýyla verdiði üstün hizmetler için” VON BAEYER, JOHANN FRIEDRICH WILHELM ADOLF Almanya, Münih Üniversitesi, d. 1835, ö. 1917: “Organik boyalar ve hidroaromatik bileþikler konusundaki çalýþmalarýyla organik kimya ve kimya endüstrisinin geliþmesine saðladýðý üstün hizmetler için” MOISSAN, HENRI Fransa, Sorbonne Üniversitesi, Paris, d. 1852, ö. 1907: “Flor elementine iliþkin araþtýrmalarý, bu elementi ayrýþtýrýþý ve adýný taþýyan fýrýn ile ilgili çalýþmalarý için”

    53. Nobel Prize In Chemistry Since 1901
    Translate this page nobel Prize in Chemistry since 1901 Year, Winners. 1904, Ramsay, Sir William. 1905,Baeyer, Johann Friedrich wilhelm Von. 1909, ostwald, wilhelm. 1910, Wallach, Otto.
    Nobel Prize in Chemistry since 1901 Year Winners Hoff, Jacobus Henricus Van't Fischer, Hermann Emil Arrhenius, Svante August Ramsay, Sir William Baeyer, Johann Friedrich Wilhelm Von Moissan, Henri Buchner, Eduard Rutherford, Lord Ernest Ostwald, Wilhelm Wallach, Otto Curie, Marie Grignard, Victor; Sabatier, Paul Werner, Alfred Richards, Theodore William Willstatter, Richard Martin Haber, Fritz Nernst, Walther Hermann Soddy, Frederick Aston, Francis William Pregl, Fritz Zsigmondy, Richard Adolf Svedberg, The Wieland, Heinrich Otto Windaus, Adolf Otto Reinhold Euler-chelpin, Hans Karl August Von; Harden, Sir Arthur Fischer, Hans Bergius, Friedrich; Bosch, Carl Langmuir, Irving Urey, Harold Clayton Joliot, Frederic; Joliot-Curie, Irene Debye, Petrus Josephus Wilhelmus Haworth, Sir Walter Norman; Karrer, Paul Kuhn, Richard Butenandt, Adolf Friedrich Johann; Ruzicka, Leopold De Hevesy, George Hahn, Otto Virtanen, Artturi Ilmari Northrop, John Howard; Stanley, Wendell Meredith; Sumner, James Batcheller Robinson, Sir Robert Tiselius, Arne Wilhelm Kaurin Giauque, William Francis

    54. Wilhelm Ostwald (1853-1932)
    wilhelm ostwald (18531932). Besides his scientific career, ostwald tried to developan universal language In 1909, was awarded the nobel Prize of Chemistry for
    Wilhelm Ostwald (1853-1932) German chemist, was born in Riga, in September 2nd 1853, and died in Grossbothem, Germany, in April 4th 1932. Graduated at the University of Dorpat and in 1875 became Physics assistant, in the University of Riga. In 1877, was appointed director of the Physics and Chemistry Institute in Leipzig. Ostwald, a pioneer in the Physical-Chemistry area, defended the theory of electrolytic dissociation of Arrhenius . The contribution of Ostwald to this theory was based on his studies of affinity constants for acids and bases and of reaction speeds. Founded the Journal of Physical-Chemistry in 1887, invented the Ostwald viscometer and, in 1900, developed the Ostwald-Brauer process for producing nitric acid from ammonia, using platinum as catalyst. The combination of Haber and Ostwald processes led to the possibility of explosive synthesis for the 1914-18 war. Ever since, these processes are used world wide to produce explosives and fertilizers. In Leipzig, Ostwald built a special laboratory sought by students from all over the world to study the new science - Chemiscal-Physics. This laboratory was home of the best teachers and researchers in the following decades. Besides his scientific career, Ostwald tried to develop an universal language, and was also a painter. This activity led him to develop the chemistry of color.

    55. Wilhelm Ostwald (1853-1932)
    Translate this page o Prémio nobel da Química pelo seu trabalho em catálise, equilíbrio químicoe velocidades de reacção. Publicou, sob o nome de ostwald´s Klassiker
    Químico alemão nascido em Riga a 2 de Setembro de 1853 e falecido em Grossbothem, Alemanha, a 4 de Abril de 1932. Formou-se na Universidade de Dorpat e tornou-se assistente de Física, em 1875, na Universidade de Riga. Em 1877 foi nomeado director do Physicochemical Institute em Leipzig. Ostwald, um pioneiro na área de físico-química, tendo defendido vigorosamente a teoria de dissociação electrolítica de S. A. Arrhenius . A contribuição de Ostwald para esta teoria baseou-se no estudo das constantes de afinidade de ácidos e bases, e das velocidades de reacção. Fundou o Journal of Physical Chemistry em 1887, inventou o viscosímetro de Ostwald e, em 1900, desenvolveu o processo Ostwald-Brauer para o fabrico de ácido nítrico a partir da amónia, usando como catalisador a platina . Mais tarde foi possível, pelo processo de Haber -Bosh, tornar a produção de amónia mais económica. Pela combinação dos processos de Haber e Ostwald a Alemanha pôde sintetizar explosivos para a Primeira Guerra Mundial. Desde então estes processos são usados a nível mundial tanto para produzir explosivos como fertilizantes. Em Leipzig foi construído um laboratório especial para Ostwald, ao qual acorriam estudantes de todo o mundo para estudar a nova ciência - Química-física. Por este laboratório passaram os melhores professores e investigadores das décadas seguintes.

    56. Ostwald
    ostwald, (Friedrich) wilhelm (szül. A katalízis, a kémiai egyensúlyok és a reakciósebességekvizsgálatáért 1909ben kémiai nobel-díjat kapott.

    57. ClubCaminantes - Premios Nobel - Quimica, El Club De Los Caminantes
    Translate this page PREMIOS nobel, QUÍMICA. 1901-1925 1926-1950 1951-1975 1976-2000. 1901. Universidadde Victoria. Manchester, Gran Bretaña. 1909. ostwald, wilhelm (Alemania).

    Foros Chat Top 10 ... PREMIOS NOBEL
    Van't Hoff, Jacobus H. (Paises Bajos) En reconocimiento a los extraordinarios servicios ofrecidos por el descubrimiento de las leyes de la dinámica y la presión osmótica en las soluciones. Universidad de Berlin. Alemania
    Fischer, Emil H. (Alemania) En reconocimiento a los extraordinarios servicios derivados por su trabajo en la síntesis de azucar y purina. Universidad de Berlin. Alemania
    Arrhenius, Svante A. (Suecia) En reconocimiento a su extraordinario aporte al avance de la química gracias a la teoría electrólitica de disociación. Universidad de Estocolmo. Suecia
    Ramsay, William En reconocimiento al descubrimiento de los elementos gaseosos inertes en el aire, y su determinación de sus posiciones en la Tabla Periódica. Universidad de Londres. Gran Bretaña

    58. Ficha 2
    Translate this page Completar el trabajo con los nuevos premios nobel que se otorguen. ALEMANIA. LITERATURA. Buchner,Eduard (1907). ostwald, wilhelm (1909). Wallach, Otto (1910).
    Ficha 2 (a) Listado de PREMIOS NOBEL europeos* Completar el trabajo con los nuevos premios Nobel que se otorguen. ALEMANIA LITERATURA Mommsen, Theodor (1902) Eucken, Rudolf C. (1908) Heyse, Paul (1910) Hauptmann, Gerhart (1912) Mann, Thomas (1929) Sachs, Nelly (1966) Böll, Heinrich (1972) QUIMICA Fischer Emil H. (1902) Baeyer, Adolf von (1905) Buchner, Eduard (1907) Ostwald, Wilhelm (1909) Wallach, Otto (1910) Willstätter, Richard (1915) Haber, Fritz (1918) Nernst, Walther H. (1920) Zsigmondy, Richard (1925) Wieland, Heinrich O. (1927) Windaus, Adolf (1928) Fischer, Hans (1930) Bosch, Carl (1931) Bergius, Friedrich K.R. (1931) Kuhn, Richard (1938) Butenandt, Adolf (1939) Hahn, Otto (1944) Diels, Otto Paul H. (1950) Alder, Kurt (1950) Staudinger, Hermann (1953) Ziegler, Karl (1963) Eigen, Manfred (1967) Fischer Ernst O. (1973) Wittig, Georg (1979) Deisenhofer, Johann (1988) Huber, Robert (1988) Michel, Hartmut (1988) FÍSICA Röntgen, Wilhelm C. (1901) Lenard, Philipp (1905) Braun, Karl F. (1909) Wien, Wilhelm (1911) Laue, Max von (1914) Planck, Max Karl E.L. (1918)

    59. OSTWALD  Friedrich Wilhelm - ENGLISH
    wilhelm ostwald, the German chemist and philosopher became interested He developedthe ostwald process for the synthesis was awarded the 1909 nobel Prize for
    Last updated: 05.08.2001 06:19:23
    Wilhelm Ostwald, the German chemist and philosopher became interested in chemistry at an early age; as an eleven year old he made his own fireworks. He developed the Ostwald process for the synthesis of nitric acid using a platinum-rhodium catalyst. He proposed that catalysts speed up chemical reactions by lowering the energy of activation. He is one of the founders physical chemistry, the theoretical branch of chemistry which deals with the properties and reactions of ions, atoms and molecules. Curiously enough, although he was one of the most eminent chemists of his time, he did not accept the developement of athomic theory until 1906. He was awarded the 1909 Nobel Prize for Chemistry for his work on catalysis and on the conditions of chemical equilibrium and the velocities of chemical reactions.
    Optimální rozlišení - 1024x768, minimálnì 800x600. © Michal Bachman, 200 Veškeré ohlasy prosím sem

    60. So Biografias: Nobel Quimica
    Translate this page Lista dos Ganhadores dos Prêmio nobel de Química. 1909 wilhelm ostwald Por suaspesquisas pioneiras sobre catálise, velocidades de reações e equilíbrios
    Lista dos Ganhadores dos



    Por seus feitos como o isolamento do forno de Moisson.

    ERNEST RUTHERFORD WILHELM OSTWALD ... OTTO WALLACH Pela descoberta de elementos como o e o Dois ganhadores: VICTOR GRIGNARD PAUL SABATIER GRIGNARD : Pela descoberta dos reagentes de Grignard SABATIER ALFRED WERNER THEODORE WILLIAM RICHARDS Pelas suas pesquisas pioneiras sobre os pigmentos vegetais, especialmente a clorofila (Sem ganhadores) FRITZ HABER (Sem ganhadores) WALTHER HERMANN NERNST FREDERICK SODDY FRANCIS WILLIAM ASTON FRITZ PREGL (Sem ganhadores) RICHARD ADOLF ZSIGMONDY Fonte principal: Museu Nobel

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