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1. Medicine 1998 Award Photo Other Resources. ferid murad Autobiography CurriculumVitae nobel Diploma Prize Award Photo Other Resources. 1997, 1999. http://www.nobel.se/medicine/laureates/1998/ | |
2. Ferid Murad - Autobiography ferid murad Autobiography. 1913, asked his name, after which the officer declaredhim to be John murad and stamped His recent comment was, one nobel to zero http://www.nobel.se/medicine/laureates/1998/murad-autobio.html | |
3. Ferid Murad Winner Of The 1998 Nobel Prize In Medicine ferid murad, a nobel Prize Laureate in Physiology and Medicine, at the nobelPrize Internet Archive. ferid murad. 1998 nobel Laureate in Medicine http://almaz.com/nobel/medicine/1998c.html | |
4. Index Of Nobel Laureates In Medicine ALPHABETICAL LISTING OF nobel PRIZE LAUREATES IN PHYSIOLOGY AND MEDICINE.Name, Year Awarded. Muller, Paul Hermann, 1948. murad, ferid, 1998. http://almaz.com/nobel/medicine/alpha.html | |
5. Dr. Ferid Murad Biography 3.0 or later browser. Biosketch. 1998 nobel Prize in Physiology orMedicine Winner, Dr. ferid murad. Chairman of the Department of http://www.uth.tmc.edu/uth_orgs/pub_affairs/news/releases/bio.html |
6. Quotes From Nobel Laureate Dr. Ferid Murad ferid murad, MD, Ph.D., comments on winning theNobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine. http://www.uth.tmc.edu/uth_orgs/pub_affairs/news/releases/quotes.html |
7. Ferid Murad: Albanian-American Nobel Prize Winner ferid murad AlbanianAmerican nobel Prize Winner, Prof. ferid murad,born in the US, son of an Albanian moslem immigrant father http://www.frosina.org/infobits/feridmurad.shtml | |
8. Dr. Ferid Murad Wins Nobel Dr. ferid murad Wins nobel Prize for Medicine. ferid murad, MD, Ph.D.Professor and Chairman Dept. of Integrative Biology, Pharmacology http://www.library.tmc.edu/archive/nobel.html | |
9. Nobel Laureate Dr. Ferid Murad Joins The Honorary Board Of NAAC statement announcing Dr. ferid murad as a new member of its Honorary Board 1998Nobel Prize in Medicine or Physiology Laureate Dr. ferid murad has joined the http://www.naac.org/pr/2001/11-29-01.html | |
10. Nobel Laureate Ferid Murad Delivers Lecture At IGM ferid murad. nobel laureate ferid murad delivers lecture at IGM. byMatt Blakeslee. When molecular biologist ferid murad and colleagues http://www.usc.edu/hsc/info/pr/1vol7/734/murad.html | |
11. MEDIA ADVISORY: NOBEL LAUREATE DR. FERID MURAD TO LECTURE AT UI FEB. 7 7. nobel laureate ferid murad, MD, Ph.D., chairman of integrative biology and pharmacologyat the University of Texas Medical School at Houston, will give a http://www.uiowa.edu/~ournews/2002/february/0207muradadvisory.html | |
12. [Art-Cafe] Ferid Murad -Nobel Prize Winner ArtCafe ferid murad -nobel Prize Winner. EviKokalari at aol nobel.ferid murad Albanian-American nobel Prize Winner Prof. ferid murad http://www.alb-net.com/pipermail/art-cafe/Week-of-Mon-20021118/000019.html | |
13. [Alb-Club] Nobel Laureate Dr. Ferid Murad Joins NAAC Honorary Board AlbClub nobel Laureate Dr. ferid murad Joins NAAC Honorary Board. National AlbanianAmerican Council - NAAC naac at naac.org Thu, 29 Nov 2001 180438 -0500 http://www.alb-net.com/pipermail/alb-club/Week-of-Mon-20011126/011399.html | |
14. Ferid Murad, M.D., Ph.D. - 1998 Nobel Laureate For more information or to report broken links contact CRB Web Team . Datemodified 7/19/02. Copyright © 19982002. All rights reserved. http://ibp.med.uth.tmc.edu/faculty/fmurad/muradnobelpage.htm | |
15. UT - Houston Medical School Dr. ferid murad, 62, chairman of the Department of Integrative Biology at the Universityof Texas Medical School at Houston, said the secretary of the nobel http://ibp.med.uth.tmc.edu/nobleprize1.htm | |
16. Dr. Ferid Murad - Who Is Who ferid murad nobel Prize Winner Prof. ferid murad, born in the US, sonof an Albanian moslem immigrant father and an American Baptist http://www.albanian.ca/murad.htm | |
17. Ferid Murad - Robert Furchgott - Louis Ignarro Institute has today decided to award the nobel Prize in Physiology for Medicinejointly to Robert F. Furchgott, Louis J. Ignarro and ferid murad for their http://www.dietsexercise.com/nobel-prize-arginine-Text.htm | |
18. Public Lecture By Professor Ferid Murad, CUHK, PRES S RELEASE. Chinese Version 15 March 2000 Public Lecture byProfessor ferid murad, 1998 nobel Laureate in Physiology and Medicine. http://www.cuhk.edu.hk/ipro/pressrelease/000315e.htm | |
19. ·s»Dµo§G nobel Laureate in Physiology or Medicine in 1998, Professor ferid murad is currentlyProfessor and Chairman of the Department of Integrative Biology and http://www.cuhk.edu.hk/ipro/pressrelease/Ferid Murad-e.htm | |
20. INSIDE Chico State nobel Prize Winner ferid murad Speaks. nobel Prize winner in medicine,Dr. ferid murad, with his brother Dr. Turhon murad, Anthropology. http://www.csuchico.edu/pub/inside/archive/99_12_02/3.murad.html | |
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